Speaking of bubbles, how do i short this one?

speaking of bubbles, how do i short this one?


kill africa

Short the housing market


Go long on Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman
also stockpile guns, ammo, fuel and food

It's a sigmoid actually, population growth is dropping.

Edgy OP, edgy


Control the water supply.

Or stop being a brainlet and do some reading. Then you'll learn that the global rate of population growth is steadily decreasing with projections capping the worlds population somewhere between 9 and 12 billion. Likely closer to 11 billion by 2100

Population growth is sigmoid tard.

D do you know about that bubble morty? Itsbuiltinto every system morty, there's no escaping it m-morty. Y-y justgotto accept it, accept it asfact morty

invest in companies that make weapons
invest in companies that make unhealthy food

>muh sigmoid

You are mistaken.
It is merely stabilizing into a stationary phase before the great dying.
Just like a bacterial growth curve.

You mean sudoku? I love that game!

I could shave with all this edge

this one should worry a kit if faggots, as there are less do they get richer?

This one is very worrying

Seen any dinosaurs lately?

What killed the dinosaurs? Seen any unusual weather recently? Any body cycling 100 miles in an hour? running a mile in 30 seconds?

>Start human futures exchange
>short population size x666 leverage
>stop sending gibs to Africa
>stop sending gibs to India
>ban all volunteer groups from sending aid

>implying India wants or takes gibs

Sending aid to Africa has never worked, The money goes straight to an offshore account and the presidents flunky get a new New York or London brownstone

Malthusian trap when?

pls sir
>ban all volunteer groups from sending aid

Blame Geldof... he caused the problem a million ethiopians were dying of hunger he saved them, there are now 9 million Ethiopians dying of hunger and 1 million ethiopians in Europe and US

that might be true if we werent about to leave this bitch for mars

Nigs will outpace whites and Asians over the next century and then we will be the planet of the apes.

Go long on KFC and white pussy stocks.

>receive babies

buy kim jong un coin

Maybe I didn't make this clear
>let them starve
>watch return to normal population size fit for an overpopulated beast of the field

Enjoy being ruled by niggers everyone. Democracy was a mistake.


>be burger
>school shooting

Well this is depressing as shit.

We need more ebola

build the wall plz sir trump, thank you good sir

What pisses me off the most is that all the boomers will never have to deal with this shit.

Serious question here. How far can this go until we destroy the whole planet?
I see human kind as some sort of virus to this planet in that there will be a time when either we or the planet has to die.


>dead cat bounce
They thought they'd go to the moon lmao
Strong bear market

I remember reading that there's a threshold of % black people in any city. After it's reached, the city inevitably turns to shit and becomes a crime-infested, degraded hellhole. I wonder if it's gonna be the same with world population.

You'll need some insider advice from the Chinks telling you when they decide to implement their African sterilisation program.