Get comfy
It's really absolutely happening
nice op, dumbest shit I've seen all day
>AND South Korea
very true if bigly
>there are burgers here who unironically voted for a meme
hope you had your laugh because rest of the world will be laughing at you for awhile
omg is this real?
Implying I’m not planing to move to the U.S.
Very Yhuuuuge if true
keked very good
It's fake
>AND south korea
>AND South Korea
Fucking hell is there anyway to reason with ameritards?
unironically this
trump is a brainlet with the emotional intelligence of a teenager but is still better than a lying cunt career politician
But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
fake but this is real
she can still win r-right?!?!?
>AND South Korea.
Libtards like yourself unironically think that the OP's fake tweet is real. Stay uneducated
Also, this
Nice ty justin
>AND South Korea
We don't care with you think.