How much money should you have saved up by age 30?

How much money should you have saved up by age 30?

just stay out of debt

100k minimum

at least 100k.

at least enough for a house deposit, regardless of where you live

At least 10$

32 here and not a penny to my name.
Oh and I live in a 'rich' country too.

depends your country


25 here, I own a 230k house with a 100k remaining mortgage

1 in 6 millenials have 100k or more in a retirement fund. More than half of americans have less than $1k in a savings account. Unless you're saving for something specific then I'd say you should at least have a 6 month emergency fund in the bank. For retirement, that's completely different.

>asking others how much money he needs

fuck off faggot

enough to be able to afford canned tuna

im 24, live in mexico and have 28 dollars

that makes me feel a little better

should have a million for every year you've lived if youre not a complete brainlet

I couldn't afford to save up money until I was 29 and got my current job. Since then I pumped €10k/year into my ETFs. Got no more than €7k cash as my reserve, though.

Score: -30k dollars

You're getting there though!!!

hunnit k

33 here: 20k Fiat, 100k Crypto

just try to stay out of debt. money comes and money goes so fast...

Wife, kids?

I'm 26 and still 30k in the hole with no real job prospects just a shit degree in science. sooo yeah i'm getting my work visa for korea in 2 days.

I’m a 24 year old pajeet with ~20k saved up. Will I make it?

I am 38, 100k saved up, and around 20k in crypto


24 here, have about 60k in fiat to cover living expenses. Rest (~100 BTC worth) all in crypto.

100k in crypto 50k in fiat age 25.
My goal is to have about 400k by 30. I live in Switzerland so i would be still broke with 400k.

you should be retired by now you lazy fucking faggot what the fuck have you been doing with your life? i retired when i was 16 its not fuckin hard bitch nigger

Do you live alone already? If not, those 20k will be gone as soon as you move out.

35 Ausfag here. ~30k savings. 500k house with 150k left on mortgage.

Had about 33K (GBP) when I was 30. All went to a house deposit though. Previously had 20k inheritance when I was 18 which I completely spanked on cars, girls and beer. No regrets.

>i retired when i was 16 its not fuckin hard bitch nigger
Kek, congrats on the autism disability bux

This is the biggest thing. Only loan you need is a mortgage. Fuck everything else.

>Mfw when my ID is COP and I am actually a cop.

What about a truck payment?

>I own a 230k house
>100k remaining mortgage

You don't own anything bucko

I became a millionaire at 30 due to crypto

Its something like 1k a year after 18 so 12k at minimum.

I'm at 45k at 27, no debt


I'm turning 25 in two days and have 72 bucks to my name. Should I KMS? I'm thinking about joining the marines.


Fuck you pig.

That's not very nice.

I'm actually 3k in debt.

Yes kys. 25 prime age. Be rich in 2 days and you're good. Good luck


Doesnt matter, retired

if your in your early 20's, you need 1m, to adjust for inflation,

But at least no debt, and enough to get 2 house deposits is sufficient for a sweet middle age and early retirement.

I think I'll just join the military and learn a decent trade.

Rental property owned outright in Texas. Makes me $8400/year after all said and done. 225k house. No morgage.

NEET BUX from the government. Joined army at 18, I'm 38 and retired. $3000/mo

NEET BUX from "PTSD" and other gubberment gibs $1500/mo

Crypto stack. 4btc no shitcoins.
401k? Lol. None.

55k in gold,silver.
25k guns, ammo, supplies.

Live with my parents taking care of the farm and property. They are both sick.

Cash on hand, 75k (4 combat tours, tax free). That's what's left from travelling the world and fucking a few hundred very young girls, hookers, whatever was buying me booze.

Twice a year I redo will and play one round of Russian roulette with a S&W 500. That's my only gambling anymore.

See my post below. I recommend it. Make me lots of money. I could contract for a few hundred K per year. The most valuable skill to learn is keeping certain people alive, while killing others. Don't let the recruiter like to you about trade school. Lol.

you really only need to save up enough money to keep yourself and any family you have alive for as long as you think it would take to get a new job if you were to be layed off or fired or whatever. Otherwise you are just losing money to inflation and jews so use any extra and just invest it to try and make more money.

some might call that shit but i think you're living the life

1 million dolllars. If you don't have 1 million at the age of 30 you might as well kill your self.

Just to let you know my man, my dad did similar shit, o-side and retired at 45. He hasn't lifted a fucking finger in 25 years. Had a house paid off, and gets to live the same lifestyle as lawyers / doctors in my flyover state without ever having to work.

Put the fucking gun down MSGT, quit meming (even though you have excellent taste in firearms) and buy some cheapass farm up near the Oklahoma line and grow crops for fun, bang young women at the casino bars over the line, and live free.

-t 25 year old officer candidate hoping to be you in 20 years.

29 here and have about 25k saved up living on my own. Not bad.


Hey Pablo, old friend

3/10 larp try harder next time. I know you are capable of better work

who /generationalwealth/ here?

Then it's time to kill yourself early buddy.

no wife no kids :D

shit... at 31 and i only saved up 69k. Feels bad not knowing i'll work till i die at this rate. It's just not enough to retire these days with the horrible rent priced.

My only hope is one of my investment moons.

I am 19 and i already have $15k. Fuck off fag.

So daddy and mommy gave you lunch money and you invested it on internet meme money? cute, now it's time to kys.

Dude i've already made 3k on BTC.

made my first mil at 27 and now have a networth of 20m (just turned 30). but honestly dude dont sweat it. the worlds a fucking joke. ww3 about to start where money wont mean shit. in another time you would own a house + wife + kids on fuck all physical expenditure.

I'm 30 for a few days now and my savings stand around 105k euro. I'm probably the most well off out of all of my friends(I'm from eastern europe, here for this money I could by a decent house near capital city).

But I still feel like a failure. I don't have a family, I don't have any children, I didn't make a proper career even, I'm good at what I do but not amazing, nor do I really enjoy what I do. It all feels pointless.

I live with my parents since I work in the same city. Only expenditure is alcohol, cigarettes etc.

19MM in 3 years... Yeah

>now have a networth of 20m

Sure you do pal, sure you do.

you did everything right

I had £20k mostly cos I hit 29 while in Afghanistan so was getting paid shitloads and had no way of spending it while over there.

All gone now cos I pissed it away on rent and living expenses after deciding to go back to college like an utter retard.

>I'm 30
>I don't have a family, I don't have any children
no big deal, start looking for a wife now, make sure she's a couple years younger than you.

100k is a decent number

>25 y/o
> 50 k euro net worth
> trying to learn french to move to awsome switzerland and make bank (live like a hobo with my gf on 2 above median salaries)

i am 32
no wife no kids
got to 100k in crypto because i got in early
about 20k in an investment fund

am i gonna make it?

62 yo, broke and live with my 95 year old mother. i have 127$ in crypto.. will i make it anons? i have ED

I'm 25 and had about 18k saved up before investing 10k into crypto but I'm a basement dweller who still with my parents.

Damn. Why didn't college work out for you? What were you trying to major in?

i thought Veeky Forums was better than this

its called dumping 300k into eth at $8 per

>no big deal, start looking for a wife now, make sure she's a couple years younger than you.
That's kinda tought for someone that never had a girldfriend...

Also, I feel like I could do much better, like I'm holding myself back, not challenging myself enough. I know I could start my own business, I'm got at leading people and great at teaching them, but so far I've never had an idea for a business I really believed in. I doubt I can give it my all if I don't really believe it's a good idea.

I don't want to start blogging, but I'm taking a break from work to travel and think a bit about what I want to do. Because being a wage-cuck is starting to really get on my nerves.

what made you believe in eth at the time?

>I'm got at leading
I meant "good", I guess I'm not "got" at spelling.

>no proof

Sure pal

anti "going all into bitcoin" FUD, you are halting the rise of bitcoin, please leave user.

Why would anyone voluntarily go to an Asian country with the exception of Thailand maybe cause you can fuck lady boys.

it solved the smart contract problem
just like link will solve the oracle problem if they are first

i dont care if you dont believe me

What does it feel like to steal money from the country you vowed to protect and serve at all costs? You are no better then a low class minority living in section 8 housing and sucking from the American Teet. The best part of the whole post is how you laught at a 401k. Which you probaly meant to type TSP since that is what you could have invested in as a military member.

If you would have had any discipline at all you could be generateing about 50 percent additional income using the 4 percent safe withdrawal rate, but like every other pussy that gets out and claims a bunch of fake ass disablitys you probably have no fucking brains at all.

Have fun going to bed at night knowing you are peice of shit scum bag, have fun living with your patrents, have fun holding 75k in cash and getting raped by infaltion

So you are telling me you just earned your first million and then immediately decide to spend 30% of it to buy at that time an extremely risky and unstable crypto. Fucking bullshit, you would not have meade a million in the first place if you were that stupid

Will be 30 next October.
Currently about 2k in my bank, with my 1k rent+bills coming up.

South Korea is nice, I've been in Seoul

Korean bitches love white dudes

>Korean girls

You blew it.

$0 fiat
$100k+ crypto

2,000 in case of emergencies. Everything else should be invested for future returns.

you make no sense

because i made 1m by 27 i suddenly stopped making money?
i made another 1m by 28 (these are from a business which ive since sold)

so that 30% is now 15% and i dont know maybe im a faggot who likes taking risks?

eth was a no brainer

fuck off. if you dont think link is great technology if they can pull it off then youre a fucking moron who needs to accept your pauper lot.

Just stop, u blew it.

I've been to many big cities, Seoul has beautiful women everywhere

LA, SF, Houston don't compare

if you think link is a good coin you made your millions off degenerate gambling on ethereum if they even exist


all plastic surgery hoes
go to saints petersburg or monaco when the poker tournaments are running

yes, they're plastic surgery hoes, but I've never seen so many beautiful women just everywhere on the street

and at this point, I don't really care, worst case scenario my kids will have to get plastic surgery too, kek