Volume dropping. Dipshits still pumping into a bull trap. The absolute state of crypto.
Volume dropping. Dipshits still pumping into a bull trap. The absolute state of crypto
How the fuck can the volume go down, it's not like the biggest exchange is under maintenance.
>t. waiting for the market to start falling again
It will go down, one way or another
I refuse to buy. I want my double bottom at 6k and I want it now.
me too but i don't think we're going to be seeing that again
That's my strategy. Either get the double bottom or fomo like a bitch at 11k. Everything between 7k-10k is i dont fucking know zone
im pulling the trigger at $7-7.3k if it gets there
Where were you on the day with the largest 24h volume since 2015 where we catapulted from 5.8k to 8k?
6k cucks
Gdax is under maintenance?
yeah I sold at 6k. well like 6300. But i still got a good deal, bitcoin definitely is not worth that much and price will reflect it sooner or later
Yeah you got a good deal when you could've sold at 19k instead of 6k, keep telling yourself that.
Just admit that you fucked up.
Fucking retard. You messed up, admit it. You are no genius. HODL fags get made fun of a lot but at least they don’t sell low buy high.
t.been holding since $700
> breath in
this is proof we just entered a bull market
people are starting to FUD
>I got a good deal
>I tried to sell at the absolute bottom, but missed by like $500
you'd be VERY lucky to sell ANY lower than this
Weak handed cuck
Look how he is trying to cope with being this retarded to sell on the day where rsi dipped below 30% for the first time since September.
Highest volume since 2015.
shoo whitey
It's not going to 19k, that was a pump n dump. Guess you don't realize that yet
I actually bought dip at 6000, but sold at 6300 cause Tone Vays said it might fall to 1300
Basically, XVG is as likely to go back to 2000 sats as bitcoin is to 20k
they were both pump n dumps, just btc is the biggest scale pump n dump in crypto.
Also, Btc hasn't always been a pump n dumped, but rich players conspired to pump n dump it this year
so much this
"rich players" Aaaaaaaaahahahhahaha because obivously all the top 100 bitcoin wallets are dumping. If you cannot comprehend the fact that Bitcoin is the only coin or token that can justify it's value and market cap now or at 1 trillion, you are an absolute brainlet.
State of Veeky Forums right now. Call center street shitting pajeets trying to give advice that's not even tinfoil. If you're gonna spew your bullshit here, atleast make it interesting.
If we are to follow the current trend of the bubble burst, we can expect a dip to 3k-ish in about 10 days.
If that will be the bottom or not is the question.
You're gonna be the guy that I sell to at 100k, stay bad and broke.
More fud pls pajeet no coiner
I fucking hope so, I'm waiting for my paycheck which will arrive roughly around that time.
What trend? Bitcoin hasn't ever had that kind of percent retracement, that'd be lower than the 600 day MA...
I’m pretty sure the market is back for the year dumb ass. What are you even talking about? This wasn’t “the big one” normie money has not even entered the market yet on large scale. Wait until BTC ETF’s start to come out, exchanges with USD deposits/pairings are fully opened, crypto is shilled on television, that will be the big time my boy. Keep waiting for sub $3000 BTC, it will be a long time
First circle was at 13k. Next was 10k. Last was 6k.
We are still at least a month from reaching the baseline.
Will we reach old ath ever again
How low would alts go if this happens? Wouldn't they all touch 0?
Doesn't mean anything. Look at the volume the days after the last time Bitcoin had its highest recorded volume in a single day, and where Bitcoin's price went after that.
Not necessarily. Many of them are dependent on Bitcoin. The two biggest flaws of Bitcoin are the transaction times and the size of the blockchain, alts serve as a way to get around those.
And even if 50% fails, new ones will spring up to take their place. It's too easy to lure newbies into altcoin pump and dump schemes for them to die out.
And what 'baseline' are you looking at? I'm seeing the 300-day SMA that we bounced hard off as long term support. You really think it's gonna hit 700 day SMA? I highly doubt it, virtually everything would be worthless at that point. The market doesn't have to hit zero to cycle you know
Who knows. I do expect future bubbles, but how big and how far in the future they are is a good question.
For those who bought in at over 10k, if you're feeling brave, sell now and buy back at the next dip, then put your coins in cold storage and forget about them until the next bubble. Personally, I'm gonna buy back in the despair phase, then cold storage for years. I'm too tired of this game to daytrade any longer.
>sincerely guy who sold and didn’t buy the dip so he’s coping and convincing others we are in for another crash after a 70% correction already
sorry bitch ain’t buying it. It’s yoir fault for sleeping on $5900 when bitcoin went below $6k. You’ll be buying back in above $10k since you are overly cautious right now
I expect a heavy dip next, then minor ones until it flatlines. The next week or two will be the despair phase.
There's no point in speculating exact numbers with BTC, the market is too volatile for that.
I only recently found out that I hadn't lost my bitcoin, as I thought I had. Sold right away. Now I'm waiting.
I'm waiting for the dirt cheap alts
>He can't even see the evidence when its over half his screen.
Volume is king friend.
If only it was that easy.
Crypto is too new, with too many inexperienced traders, to be running off the old models. That's why every "real" investor shits on them, while following the trends cautiously..
It's a new paradigm in many ways, but most noticeably in the metadata on how an uncontrolled market that anyone can access works.
Certainly volatile, but moving average generally describes the market's value of a product given overall positive linear growth. So if it goes to $3k that means the market doesn't even value it an average of 2 years back and long term support is basically gone. At that point it might as well fall to zero.
What in the actual fuck are you guys talking about? Are we living on the same planet? We literally corrected 70% percent over the course of 5 weeks. ALTS were smashed into the ground during the last 5 weeks. Were you all sleeping or in a coma? You missed your chance soyboys. I think a pivotal moment was when the SEC said positive things about crypto currencies instead of FUDing it into the ground, the market got confidence and it rebounded. I think we would’ve seen a further correction into the $3k territory if they said they were working to ban crypto but that wasn’t the case. That should have been your biggest indicator to buy back in.
>Highest volume since 2015.
you know that means more people sold too?
yes this time there were more buyers, but still it shows market sentiment - a lot of people were ready for bitcoin to go lower
365-day MA is 5k, I'm very confident that is long term support
Here's how to watch out. Europeans woke up and didnt fomo in. Americans start waking up in 2 hours, If they don't fomo in, then they'll probably dump on the market.
Listen if this goes back to 7600, it means we're going back to 6k sooner or later. Guaranteed. Day traders/swing traders will sell off and wait for the dip and that will cause weak hands to panic sell around 7100. If we see 6600 by saturday, then meme that this is going to 4.8k monday should be taken serious
spoken like a guy who sold at 6K
Binance does not have a large BTC volume. Their volume is more with ALTs.
btc has historically almost always dumped on high volume days and pumped on low volume ones
Now please just kys. Cancerous nocoiner pajeet.
>listen guys I fucked up and sold on the way down and slept on the dip and I am desperate to buy back in lower. Please sell your coins so I can buy I am begging you
Lol nice try faggot.
I'm day trading, I lose and gain depending what weak hands or holdlers do. I'm not bothered about the price of BTC. There's always profit to make if you can time the market. But If you're asking ,my opinion if you believe the market is on the way, you're more likely right than wrong. BTC has no price or value, and we have been having traps since we started dropping from 20k. Most people keep getting burned believing that each time they dip they're right? So that can cause to go back to 6k especially if it's not going to 9k today.
Do your own research though. I'm just leaving an opinion. I time the market and buy. I'm a trader I don't what the price is
OK, So I'm sure if he told you last month BTC would hit $5900 this month, you'd have believed him.
I guarantee none of these salty bitches (why are they so defensive if they really believe they're right??) predicted a dip to 5900, and would have hurled the same insults at you on every bull trap if you called the next bottom in those cases.
Yet they're 100% sure this time they have it right!
Probably would have, because I thought $20k was ridiculous and I got into bitcoin at $700 and have held for 5 years already, why would I sell now?
Spoken like a true no coiner or someone who missed the dip. Either way I don’t give a shit about your situation and I’m not selling. It’s just fun to shitpost on you fags who think you know what will happen.
Ok how come professional traders, finance and wall street experts, and even bitcoin analysts like Tone Vays all think a dip below 3k is possible but you do not. are you smarter than everyone who says it is possible?
Got my finger ready to press the short button!
The bulltrap may go as high as 8.8k though so I'm not willing to pull the trigger yet.
I think market sentiment has changed after the SEC hearing. If it would have went the other way around then I would believe a larger correction than 70% percent. And you should take every analysts opinion with a grain of salt. Experts cannot predict BTC, nobody can.
I'm pretty much 100% certain that we'll see 100k at SOME stage in the future. The big question right now is whether the fallout from this crash will result in the a brief cold snap like the April 2013 - December 2013 interlude or crypto winter like the Dec 2013 - April 2017 interlude. I'm leaning towards the former because it was the huge number of new traders that entered the market in April 2013 that eventually pushed the price up that Dec (with the help of bots). Also, a high number of recent ICOs projects will be reaching the end of development in the coming months and people will be FOMOing into them like crazy.
Zoom out. The spokespersons of the traditional global financial system have been historically and consistently wrong about Bitcoin. They have misinterpreted its use, dismissed its adoption, "predicted" its death, hyped its rise, and even bought the top. Now they calling for its collapse. And you really think they're right this time?
Yeah, I hear you, but I often see in crytpo community the logical fallacy of "this is the way it was so therefore this is the way it will be"
I hear you, but I think if market sentiment changed for sure we'd be seeing more bullishness.Instead the same pattern of bull trap pump n dump seems to be repeating to me.
I'm not taking anyone's opinion without a grain of salt, but I just don't get the attitude of "DIP IS DEFINITELY OVER GUYS!" when it's been 2 days, we're still at a massively deflated price, and the weekly chart is still bearish
Apparently, it seems to be very similar market to penny stocks right now.
Especially with the low marketcaps, high volatility, and scams involved.
I know a lot of penny stock traders have had success in crypto just using their old tricks.