How do we combat the greatest enemy the world has ever known, (((them)))?

>only reading headlines

Looks like someone made the mistake of shorting Bitcoin LOL. #1 rule in any volatile assets. NEVER FUCKING SHORT IT. LOLOLOL

I think I have seen this thread at least 7 times today

unless youre a whale or a miner

>Currencies that do not survive the next few years "will most likely trade to zero"
>Currencies that do not survive the next few years will most likely not survive
>Currencies die when they are killed

A lot of people sold at 6k

>thinking you can combat your masters


wow goy you are trying to escape transnational banking and make some money on the side.
NOO NOO NOO you cant have that .

Bitcoin is no longer considered as a currency. Bitcoin to the opposite of 0 confirmed. Invest wisely my friends.

Nice try /pol/, you (((forgot))) to screencap part of the title, where it says "most", aka shitcoins like Chainlink

(((they))) know guys, don't let them control the narrative here like (((they))) do with cable news

Are they actually transforming "most cryptos value will be 0" to "Cryptos unlikely to survive"?

Trust the media goys

If you read the article you'd know they said most cryptos will end up at 0 but a select few will be the amazons and googles of the crypto world which is true.

Lol not even bitconnect trades at 0
Suck my sacks, goldman

No study
No paper
Just a single old man without any technical knowledge
Lets agree with him!

Why would anyone use a gas powered engine to move a carriage? My horse works perfectly fine.

>bitcoin will drop to nothing
What is mining? - the post

Everybody should calm down. It's only the utter shitcoins that are going to disappear. Nothing to see here.

It's just like the Internet. Disruptive new technologies create a buffer zone where people can do things outside the eye of the State (in this case the Deep State). It took over a decade for any serious regulation to come to the Internet. It was a literal Wild West back in the day. I mean think about it: in the mid 90s public AOL chat rooms were used by paedophile rings to trade child porn with literally no repercussions. It took a private individual to get the FBI on the case and finally pressure AOL into closing those chat rooms.
Only a decade ago people on Veeky Forums were conducting illegal activity on a daily basis, from doxing, harassing, illegal content, copyrighted material, DDos attacks, etc. Most of those things will not only get you banned but also prosecuted now. It wasn't the case 10-12 years ago. The 90s and early 00s represent an aberration, a brief window in which you were free to do whatever you wanted online because the authorities hadn't yet caught up to the novelty.

The same thing is happening with crypto right now. Authorities have been scrambling now for some time to regulate this shit, and they will. Not only that, but they will take advantage of the blockchain to exact even more control and surveillance on what you are doing. As we speak there are people designing software that can automatically trace every single of your transactions and where your BTC goes. Cryptos like Monero specifically designed to be anonymous will simply be banned "because muh used by criminals".
Bottom line: enjoy while it lasts.