anyone else feel a nagging stress/pressure to make it big by the time you hit 30?
I'm 24 and have a decent job, but at the end of the day I'm just a corporate wage cuck. my greatest fear is still being a corporate wage cuck well into my 30s.
anyone else feel a nagging stress/pressure to make it big by the time you hit 30?
I'm 24 and have a decent job, but at the end of the day I'm just a corporate wage cuck. my greatest fear is still being a corporate wage cuck well into my 30s.
I turned 30 three months ago and I need to make it within 1-2 years. Wagecucking is shit
>implying anyone cares what you achieve by x age
>implying anything even matters
it's 100% psychological. Basically society pushes us to price in our expected enjoyable years between 20-40-ish. So there's this nagging pressure to make it by your 30s, so you can at least enjoy the next decade or two.
But the thing no one seems to take into account is that there are broad medical advancements on the horizon that will vastly extend healthspans. How much less pressure would you feel if you were 14 instead of 24? That's probably a more accurate psychological gauge to work with.
i feel nothing anymore this shit has consumed the person i was. i either make it in crypto or i kill myself i dont care if there's another way i'm way too spoiled and lazy
35 y-o here
Do not compare yourself to others. Every human life is a unique story.
It's not the age that matters. It's whether you make it or not.
Just look around you. So many people don't. Hell it will be good enough even if you make it 5 years before you die.
OP, I feel that completely. I have succeeded at some typical metrics of success at 24 but am already left in the dust by the Zuckerbergs of the world who by my age had done so much more.
If I am a wagecuck by 30, I'll take a long hard look at myself, quit my job and try to build something for myself. We have to take our futures.
It's overwhelmingly likely you'll be a wagecuck your whole life if you're currently one. Consider less worry and more action. Most people are bound to be passive observers of their own life, if you want to rise above the trend you can't do the same shit as everyone else.
I started my first wagecuck well into my 30s. Put everything in LINK then got laid off. Who gives a fuck, I'm playing oblivion and chillin'
Life's good user, don't get stressed about, get excited instead
The one advancement you need after your 40s is hgh and it's been around for ever.
Well... that and a blood goy
I'm a wagecuck and took out a 5 year loan to buy the recent dip. It's already paid for half of itself in 3 days. Everybody looked at me like I was mad.
I'm 30 and I didn't make it, and I really don't care. My life isn't bad, and I'm happy with the way things are for the moment. I could have made better decisions but oh well. I'm not a materialistic person and I already have everything I need. I also am positive if I had made it in my 20s I would have fucked it all up somehow anyway. I'm smarter now and have a pretty good shot at making it by the time I'm 35 or 40 but if not whatever. I don't have anything to prove to anyone.
>Put everything in LINK then got laid off.
Literally me wtf
Absolutely OP. Every day is a race against time and every bad decision could potentially cost me years.
Always wanted to be a music producer, but my poverty-stricken Eastern Euro parents made me study hard instead. My schoolteacher actually fought my parents on this as she claimed I'm the biggest talent she's seen, but she moved to Austria to join the philharmonic orchestra, so nothing came out of that.
I've had a good 2017, a few more of these and I might have $2-$3M in US bonds at which point I hope to focus on my childhood dreams. I'm 26 now, pushing it really hard as I want retirement money, a house, a car, and kids by the time I'm 30. Obviously willing to delay it a bit, but the short timeline will force me to push hard.
that shit only matters if they have a way to prevent aging or restore youth.
idgaf about living at age 60 QOL for another 40 years
this is a good point, but reality is real. men gain power in their 30's and lose it in their 40's. just like how women gain power from 14-30. you can't change biology. you have to take that into account.
the good news is that if you're famous at something, you can probably fuck 20-somethings well into your 50's.
3 Options
Wagecuck - If you don't have any skills or unique value add
Wagecuck in Fortune 500 - Congrats you passed College
Entrepreneur - Figure out value add in a niche market
>Bonus: Be black and make it as a rapper or athelete
Unless you can find out how to become an Entrepreneur, stay on the corporate wagecuck track and try working up to partner.
that's what they're working on. Healthspan not longevity; reversing aging not prolonging life in a degenerating state. It's a long-shot, but even Vitalik donated to them:
yes. i know i won't be young forever, and having money when you're older isn't half as good as having money when you're young.
great point. 90% of guys aren't even competing. or they did when they were 20, found some 7/10 chick, and sold out for her, thus stopped growing in status, wealth, body, etc.
if you "make it" at all you're in the minority. 90% of guys will sell out for a blue collar job that will never land them more than 65k or ever make them famous.
remember, in today's world, Stacy only want to fuck the highest status guy. if you aren't the college QB you can still get famous in infinite other ways. the key is to compete- just like men are biologically supposed to.
I wouldn't count him as achieving anything special. myspace and geocities were around long before him and he stole the idea for faceberg.
>but she moved to Austria to join the philharmonic orchestra
holy shit. I've been to Vienna. anything that happens there is gold. most beautiful city in Europe, minus the arab rapists.
You are low self-esteem
90% of men aren't competing because they have no drive or because they realized they have no special value add
for most people corporate wagecucking is as good as they can do
different women have different standards. only ur 8/10+ will care about success because she can afford to trade her looks for status.
I'm 29 turning 30 this year.
The stress is real.
how am I low self-esteem for describing reality? you can settle for 6.5 if you want but I'd rather become a highly valuable member of society and have my pick of the litter.
Munich = whiter Vienna, try it while it's still worth visiting.
You aren't describing reality.
You are describing a wrapped version of reality causes by being on the bottom and looking up.
As a man, you never have your "pick of the litter" because women ultimately choose.
tell it to Magic Johnson.
>But the thing no one seems to take into account is that there are broad medical advancements on the horizon that will vastly extend healthspans
> new worldwide numbers indicate lifespan is going down again in western countries
>Our terrible lifestyles are undoing all the advancements to extend healthspans.
better take care of yourself user cause medical advancements won't save you if you destroy your body by wagecucking for 20 years
if you think women don't choose the top 1% of men think again. it's becoming more clear you have no idea what you're talking about.
30 is artificial, you're the same at 32 as you were at 30 if you look after yourself. On balance of probability you won't make it so just enjoy the experience of trying
listen delusionalcuck
just because you become top 1% of society (in terms of net worth I assume) doesn't mean every women will drop her pants for you
There was a UK website called faceparty that was around in 2000 that was prototypical facebook, it looked similar, used blue and white and even the name was very close. So much good luck is involved
facebook was able to scale by targeting college students.
look everyone: the man who finds excuses not to compete.
you will have unattractive, unintelligent children just like yourself.
you're such a dumbass you don't think the college QB or Johnny Depp can get on tinder and get 9.9 out of 10 women willing to come over and fuck immediately. because they can, and do, and have a different girl every night of the week, and you will be sitting right there, barely able to get a 6 to match with you, because you found an excuse that "anyone who outcompetes me is just insecure"
>I really don't care.
>I don't have anything to prove to anyone.
Why make this post then?
alight man
keep up that delusional, low-self esteem incel mentality
see how that works out for you
>Kobe Bryant can't just pick any girl he wants
yes he can. minus ugly feminists who pretend to reject him first because they know they'd never be chosen by him.
women have a harem mentality and you'd better get used it. they ALL wanna be alpha dog's spunk bitch.
continue making excuses for yourself and being lazy. it makes life easier for competitive men who have testosterone.
I'm 25 and I need to provide for my family as I don't trust their health to hold. I'm working 84 hours a week and I'm getting burnt out. I'm putting a ton into crypto because I genuinely need to make bank before I'm 30.
N-no pressure.
I'm infinitely happier being out there trying to carve out my own piece of the world than rotting away on the internet.
But yes, I would rather kill myself than wagecuck for life.
Are you me. Not that stressed though