ITT we laugh at 6k cucks, people who ACTUALLY sold or shorted at 6k, and their pathetic FUD attempts which are approaching inarticulate howling with despair.
ITT we laugh at 6k cucks, people who ACTUALLY sold or shorted at 6k, and their pathetic FUD attempts which are approaching inarticulate howling with despair.
Reverse psychology FUD, stop trying to undermine bitcoin.
This fagget
I think it will drop at least once more before finally recovering
I mean... he's right. hodl is for cucks.
This shot caller, hope you signed up to his premium discord
>95% down from ATH
Nah, I think 4k is still possible, anything below is bs
Shorted at 7.6k. Feeling comfy.
you mean you're going to FOMO at 10K?
I wish Veeky Forums had ids so everytime one of these fucks get blown out they can't return, til only the best are left standing holding the most corn.
Hmm, I'd wait a little while longer on that laughter. My meme lines are not looking like very happy boys right now.
It can't push above 8400, dump is 99% guaranteed
>the 6K cuck who began fud by saying 'according to my whale group..'
No, I don't sell low and buy high. Did that often, turns out you lose money that way so I stopped doing it.
>muh astrology for men
Its such weak fud. They all cry cry cry, but i enjoy the thought that some might even become homeless, such desperation. Never change Veeky Forums
>It went down for a few weeks so its going to keep going down forever
> So you are telling me, if it rained yesterday, it will rain today too?
So this is the power of meme lines.
Faggots if doesnt go up, then it guaranteed to continue it's movement downwards. Theres no reason to get comfy. And right now it's struggling to stay above 8k. touched 7.8k a lot of times today. I bought in 6k, so I still have a bit of leg room, if it doesnt jump up. then I'm selling period
I hope that faggot is getting his asshole torn apart.
6.2k is the minimum cost for miners to profit without superchink technology
They would have to intentionally lose money on mining to let it dip below that
I know much of TA is a little more than an educated guess with respect to predictions. However, trends are a real thing in pretty much all markets. If you trade against the trend, you will often be wrong. If you trade with the trend, you will only be wrong once. Safest profit so far is to set sensible stops and look for good short entries.
You'll need to see the price movement actually break out of the downtrend before the psychological S/R levels it creates cease to have influence on the price. Even afterwards I believe the consolidation/stabilisation will be a long drawn affair.
>if it doesn't go up it goes down
Damn TA is some arcane blood magic shit
Nothing is played yet until we surpass 8.6K
>let it
Depends on how hot the falling knife is. If the world wants to exit crypto it will. I don't doubt they will give substantial price support though for a while. But if shit ain't turning around, well, can't play keepy-ups forever...
How do you scale screenshots like that?
we're already above 8400 and the order book is super bullish, so 8500 is nearly guaranteed soon
>the face of salty cucks shorting btc right now
>the face of salty cucks who sold @ 6k
>mfw cancerous baseless fud hits this board
>orderbook analysis
We laugh at HODLers that can't even break 8.5k
why do I have no idea what's going to happen this time
It just broke 8.5k
it's a simple idea: many more coins are expected at higher levels (a lot of walls higher) than at lower levels
if people who were putting up walls were bearish they'd just do market orders all the way down
but instead they want to take profits at a certain level and they're not afraid of waiting to get a better price since they think it WILL hit 8500
there are fewer people putting up coins at lower prices because they're not confident it will reach that low so they are more likely to just use a market order before they have to pay an increasingly higher price
this of course assumes people put those orders for them to actually execute instead of influencing the market, but given the volume we have if you put an order very close ($50 away) from the current price it is likely to be executed
bought at 6k
sold half at 8k
when should i dump the rest lads?
Yeah I already got liquidated from my 6K short like a week ago. SO... now I'm chillin.
It's gonna drop again and test 5.8k support
I sold at 19k and bought rebought at 7k.
I will do it again if it hits 14k.
Oh wow, your meme lines are so super accurate. Mine say its gonna hit 58000 support. Think you missed a 0 there buddy! Now go back to plebbit and hope they believe your meme lines there! Yay!
Low volume, yeah. We didn't just have the single highest volume green daily candle in the history of bitcoin or anything.
It's at 8600 now.
lmao, its 8600 atm turdface
sauce on those sucky-bi??
He's not wrong. Look at the volume on this last wave. Any reasonable selling pressure could quickly drive the price back down to 7800 or so. The one saving grace might be that the most recent candle is actually on strong-ish volume.
do fud idiots really think they can impact something with the volume of bitcoin?
I fuckin hope so my Fiat is on its way
>let me add another 100
>no 8700
>no I meant 9000
>ok if it bounces off 15000 we're definitely going to 6000 again
>did I say 15000? I meant 30000
>coinbase doesnt accept paypal anymore and no enough money on paypal to use etoro
>have no idea how the sepa shit works
>visa doesnt work for some reason
holy shit i just want to buy bitcoin and post pink wojack REEEEEEEEEEE
If it goes above that I'm going long what do you mean?
Are you in burger land?
{{{ they }}} blocked any card transactions relative to crypto