When a 17 year-old has a Lambo before you do
When a 17 year-old has a Lambo before you do
Kys faggot thats a bmw manlet car
>100k bmw
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
>small investment fund of several thousand dollar
>bought in 2015 not even multimillionaire
are you retarded op? i could buy 6 of those bmws and im not even memeing
literally everybody who been in since summer 2017 can. you should kys normie op.
>being triggered by others success.
>wastes his money on frivolous shit
>25 years old wonders why he's working at Target when he used to be the 'wolf of crypto'
thats a bmw you sandnigger
It's probably his mom's car.
Faggot can't even afford new jeans.
it's a bmw you retarded faggot
fuckin fag every MAN knows thats a BMW
OPs future lambo is pic related
The saddest thing is his stupid-looking dirty white shoes and jeans are probably expensive
it isn't, this goy made a few million in bit coins, has been all over the papers for some reason
This he has on limited edition yeezys as well you can tell his brain is rotted by nigger music and will be broke in a few years just like the pavement ape rappers he worships like a good little neutered cuck.
Oh you bet those Yeezys are expensive...
jokes on you i'm saving for more investment.
tfw I read this, and I only have 200€ in.
>be me
>be 19
>make yuge crypto gains
>don't brag to anyone about it besides to my sister and to an anonymous online anime argument simulator & tibetian basket weaving forum
>don't spend my money on shitty overpriced shoes or an exotic car that's going to lose 70% of it's value in 5 years
>still buy the same clothes
>not going to be broke by 2020
Feels good man.
Only thing I found worth investing in so far is an apartment which I can call my own, and better food.
Whatever floats this guys boat I guess, he's obviously looking for acceptance and praise, something he hasn't gotten for most of his life, and this to him is the only way he can get it.
>be me
>also 19
>use crypto to set aside money to pay for college
>use remaining crypto gains to get into ecommerce and SMM, and buy rental property
we're gonna make it, user.
That's great man! Real happy for you.
Thankfully I'm not from the U.S. and I don't have to set aside money for my higher education.
Thanks user, best of luck to you too.
I also got a new car(because cars are my life and I could afford a fairly cheap one), but I simply cannot imagine spending 140k on a 4 cylinder bmw. just seems ridiculous to me. my 20 year-old 911 would gap it any day lol
The lower taxes here more than offset the cost of college and some health insurance. Enjoy going to some eastern european shithole to get an operation when your national "healthcare" puts you on a 5 year waiting list, cuck.
pic of 911 pls
What color is your 911? The design on those things is simply fantastic & timeless.
I am from Eastern Europe, Bulgaria to be more specific, I & no one from my family has ever had issues with hospital wait lists, I got operated less than an hour after I started having stomach pains and found out I had Appendicitis, so I don't know what you're on about.
I don't even pay tax on crypto gains, and my income tax is 10%.
Who's the cuck now?
its the fried egg one, 1998 c4s. manual, 56k original miles
> besides to my sister
Nice one, remember this post once you'll get robbed.
She has more crypto gains than me so I doubt it
Fried egg 911s are great value/$ nowadays. Neat, would probably buy something similar. See you have a Cayenne as well, you made some good gains
can somebody explain to me how its possible to invest 12k in crypto in 2015 and ONLY have 1 million today?
the cayenne is my mum's. She has he own PR agency. Both of my parents are entrepreneurs so following after them was kind of a given.
This is like the 5th time I've seen you post pics of your car on Veeky Forums and maybe Veeky Forums.If I see find it IRL, I'll have one of my boys scratch it up.
Why need money for college when you can put it in crypto and become millionaire?
aaahhhhhhhhhh now i understand
he seems 5 foot 5
money cant buy heightt
And still dresses like a retard?
how did you dress when you were 18? most 18 yr olds dress like retards
t. 19 and dresses like a retard
because just in case any of my businesses fail(and that's highly likely) I need that piece of paper that signifies I can code, even when I've shipped several finished products already
yea man 5'6 inch here, very good looking
still get pussy but I could have been a model
I'm 27 and I did not dress like a faggot who looks like he was just in a car crash or he was assraped, when I was 18. I like his hoodie though but the text needs to go.
>tfw 6'4" but small dick
>When a 17
Daddy's money really greases the skids, eh?
>tfw when 6'4 too big dick but broke as fuck
I had one before the crash.
>when Mars will have a Tesla before you do.
HAHAH so many problems in this world
looks, height , money , health, intellegence
Fake and gay. Belonged to a lawyer, was towed. Chicago.
youre 27 yet you talk like a 18 year old
how do i fix it lads
its like the ONE FUCKING THING i cant fix
Faggot detected. I bet your mom dresses you and still look stupid.