How much did everyone lose in the binance exit scam.
0.08btc here
not sure what im gonna tell my parents when they find out
How much did everyone lose in the binance exit scam.
0.08btc here
not sure what im gonna tell my parents when they find out
Other urls found in this thread:
my 30k stack of req
Don't forget to tell them that you are a faggot too, let It out
It would have probably cost more than that to transfer your coins out anyways
Not much really. Was only trading for fun. I make most my crypto on pyramid schemes, not even joking
I lost all my link, it's was worthless anyway so it's whatever
kys fag
Not sure what you're going to tell your parents about less than a thousand dollars?
Think about the big picture m8.
.2 btc worth of Link. So I'm having a bad day.
20k FUN
i didnt lose anything everything is in my funds..
my 100,000 bag of that shitcoin Tron, ugh
(fucking piece of shit)
Lost all I had there. fml I thought there is hope in life but nothing ever goes well for me.. lost 35$ worth of BTC
$60k, most of my portfolio
{{'Coin' | T}}
{{'Name' | T}}
{{"Total Balance" | T}}
{{"Available Balance" | T}}
{{"In Order" | T}}
{{"BTC Value" | T}}
>Have 3k LINK
>Decide to move 2k to MEW and swingtrade with the remaining 1k
>Binance crashes
Now I have 0 stinkylinkies. Such is life. 50% of my protfolio. Other half is on Kucoin, wonder when they are going to exit scam on my poor ass.
lost about 0.8 BTC
30% of my savings
I want to kill myself
The FUD threads are getting more pathetic by the minute. This board has just become a major shithole.
(I am not a financial advisor)
not a 0.0000000001 BTC soon trading again
.8 btc in Nano.
I also have .8 btc of Nano on Bitgrail.
I fucking hate my life.
If there was a hack, Veeky Forums would be posting their emtpy cold wallets
Veeky Forums isn't posting their empty cold wallets
ergo there is no hack and this is just FUD.
Lose 3000k FUN
just moved to it a few days ago because its getting delisted.
Fuck shittex and chinky
> feels good being a poorfag
Around 400 tether. It would executed a trade into BTC at 7650 iif their shit didn’t break
I lost 45k
Can't believe I trusted them
> People who sold at $6k are getting increasingly desperate
> They'll fomo in soon
With 2k you can go for silk.
There was no hack but you for sure should still kill yourself for being a worthless faggot with nothing better that to attempt to bring the price down a fraction of a fraction of a penny with your influence. If one person panic sold off this, what would be the point? What would you gain? Stay poor, stay retarded, stay brown and stay hanging you fucking disappointment.
6 BTC meme'd
what happened to binance ?!
wtf i still have 120$
104$ worth of ETH and ICX
Had a 40k stack of icx I was keeping on there for the token swap....
idiot. do us a favor and kys you worthless piece of shit.
89k ICX
113k ENG
I was trying to stack up with swing trades but now its done.
I'm gonna leave crypto now, its over.
fuck you all
lost about 5k
i trade only 15% of my stack and spread it over several exchanges, so any isolated exit scam doesn't hurt too much
The dust of all the shitcoins I used to trade. Roughly 20 dollars in 20 coins. Glad that piece of shit is out of the game. Hopefully forever
Here is what I believe to be the finance wallet
Still has a billion dollars of tokens on it
Pretty sure there would be some out going transactions if there were hacked. I believe this to be server issues as they have stated
Wow~ monster eats your FUD
You lost
Still 25 min left until the time they said they'd be back up.
It was not a hack, and if it was, it was unsuccessful.
Check the ceo's twitter he explains what happened, it's believable
25 minutes? What are you about?
>Due to an unforeseen slowdown in the speed of our data sync, we now estimate for all trading activity to resume at 2018/02/09 4AM (UTC). In the 30 minutes prior to the commencement of trading, users will be able to use utilize all other account related functions.
>they push the goal post 10 hours back.
holy shit
>mfw pajeets and bogdans come out from discord to fud the price down so they can make $10 and buy some frozen rat meat for dinner
Realax guys. No hack, no exit scam. We are just rebalancing servers and doing some clean up to avoid future problems with China and SK. Most of you are already back online. Trade are still frozen though. Thank you
Ah, didn't realize it was on the 9th. My bad
0 cuz I stick with good exchanges like Poloniex....I mean binance doesnt have dgb listed what do you expect of a meme exchange -.-
magical anti-FUD poster
same fuck, started with .04 btc and worked my way up to .08
so bummed
2.89 BTC
Had ICX on there it was shitcoin anyway I think they did me a favor
This post happens everytime they do any kind of maintenance.
Having said that...
Lost 100k.
highly underrated
Why on earth would you keep that much money on the fucking exchange?
i lost 0.0075 BTC !!! i want my savings back!!! SCAMMERS
My 4k LINK :'(
I have about 1.05 btc locked up in binance, i probably have less now since monero/neo/ripple shit the bed after binance crapped out
Right? I stayed up all night so i wouldnt get fucked by sell orders
Literally shaking
Only 5 neo
Well im locked in usdt and watching btc Price Climb
Have 3BTC there, slightly nervous.
Read the BTC-E twitter, the exchange is only down for server maintenance
The BTC-E servers will be fixed soon. Stop being ADHD children. Problems like this happen in IT.
Any time an exchange is down for maintenance, oldfags scream exit scam and new fags start panicking.
I was able to log in just now have complete access to funds and did a test withdraw. Works.
You've been saying it for a while
If it ever comes back on i'm pulling all my shit, fuck this shit man i had doubts about a platform run by chinks that had cheaper fees than anyone else anyway
nobody *lost* anything you stupid fuck
around 1,68 Dollar .... I´m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo down ... Transfered it all to gdax yeseterday
>old fag scream exit scam
We've seen dozens of them, don't expect us to stop until we go a few years without any actually occurring.
Around 5 btc of shitchoins
Working fine for me
pretty sure if binance exit scammed the ceo would be hunted down and probably tortured
A billionaire owner of the worlds largest crypto exchange that's now world famous after having articles written about him in Time magazine exit scams.
Somehow I doubt it.
Didn't happen with Cryptsy, I'd be a millionaire right now with all the darkcoin I had if it wasn't for that shit.
nuh just got hacked
I've currently got all this tied up in Binance, but it's only about a quarter of my portfolio's worth (which literally started from a mere $300 two years ago); my cold wallet contains 1 ETH, 16k LINK and a variety of other random tokens (total currently valued at around $8k).
I'm actually rather comfy with this scenario, as I'd been considering moving half my offline LINK back into Binance for some day trading until it moons....
>take this as a sign from kek not to sell link yet
I feel you bro. I lost my 50k req getting phished by a myetherwallet clone
>firefox screenshot's being weird
My gaynance is back.
> I'll shutdown my insanely succesful crypto exchange and run off with the funds, how could anyone ever find me?
This. Anyone who thinks binance would exit scam is actually retarded.
>zero to billionaire
it's a SECRET club for a reason
Apparemtly its something to do with chainlink. They upped the withdrawal fee massively, then suspended trading and now have pulled this while there are 15 million USD worth of link tokens being transferred back and forth?
Anyone know the latest?
where did you hear this info?
nobody even noticed how full of bugs and put together was the whole platform. asked me to verify via sms and could not because the phone prefixes of a bunch of countries were wrong. also requiring me to use the google app with no alternatives was clear indicator of sloppiness laziness and cutting corners.
tldr never trust a chink
dont worry, all your shitcoins including the dinosaur coin will be sub dollar and sub cent soon. Even co-founder of Apple that hodler since 700 SOLD.
But where will they cash out