you got it boss
Keep selling burgers. I'm trapped in Tether due to Binance and need this shit to tank in the unlikely case that I didn't get exit scammed.
they can't... binance is down lel
>mfw i can't trade either
Of course they should sell - the fewer yanks using euro-Japanese technology the sooner we reach the moon
C-could it be that my Geass power is waning?
Like I needed you to tell me that, I'm not stupid I know a revolutionary new technology when I see one.
Got robinhood fired up and ready to buy more ETH
>exit scammed
you memers sure are a pathetic bunch. always with the retard-tier logic.
I for one and not fucking selling, Euro-bros.
You should worry about the damn asians
Dude, kill yourself. Seriously. Just do it. Before you go, know you've won the stupidest comment on Veeky Forums award. Congrats. Now go.
>code geass was 12 years ago
I miss that train wreck of a show
What's retarded about that, you faggot? The "maintenance work" was unannounced and was supposed to be finished by now.
New tweet says it will be finished in another 15 hours. If you don't see the possibility of an exit scam or a hack, you're deluded.
S3 soon. It'll be bad but still.
you should've posted a picture of a Big Mac to get their attention
What? Really?
>“We owe it to this new generation to respect their enthusiasm for virtual currencies, with a thoughtful and balance response, and not a dismissive one,”
>“Sixty-six million tons of American soybeans were just handled through a blockchain transaction by the Dreyfus company to China. So Bitcoin is now being used, it’s being used in our American transportation and logistics system,”
- J. Christopher Giancarlo, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
>“I hope people pursue it vigorously,”
- Jay Clayton, Chairman of the SEC. Nominated by Donald Trump
>"The crypto market could be worth $20 trillion by 2020"
- Senator Mark Warren, the wealthiest US Senator as of 2012 and a pioneer in cellphone technology
>"However, recent developments, such as the listing of Bitcoin futures contracts by US exchanges, could lead European banks too to hold positions in Bitcoin, and therefore we will certainly look at that."
- Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank
It would take a special kind of retard to sell after this.
They are doing it again
Binance scamming now, would be like Microsoft closing down after Microsoft Windows 1.0 was released, The real revolution is about to start.
Well, I hope that Lelouch is still alive cause Suzaku is a raging faggot and I ain't watching if he's the MC.
yeah season 3 comes out this year dude, a lot of old anime we thought was over are returning.
>Americans have to "come out" as atheists to their parents
>Americans must obtain a so-called "fancy booze licence" from their local sheriff to consume any alcohol other than Coors, Budweiser or Miller
>Americans are encouraged to become obese, as the extra fat serves as protection from gunfire
>Americans are implanted with a special microchip at birth which sends a moderate electric shock through their bodies every time they acknowledge that they lost in Vietnam
>Americans refer to the metric system as "The Forbidden Knowledge"
>Americans are shot dead by North Korean border guards in their dozens annually during attempted guerilla attacks waged with the intention of "getting revenge for Pearl Harbour"
>Americans who find themselves in the presence of Israeli Jews must perform a "submission hoedown." This involves a highly choreographed dancing performance demonstrating the American's subordinate position to the Israeli. The hoedown ends with the American loudly proclaiming "YOU DA BOSS, YEE-HAW!!"
>Americans refer to Type 2 Diabetes as "The Burden of Manifest Destiny"
>Americans visiting Auschwitz are frequently reprimanded for attempting to restart the ovens for usage with their reheatable Holocaust-themed packed lunches
>American babies are "vaccinated" with shrapnel in order to ward off mass shootings
>Americans have formally petitioned the Oxford English Dictionary to change their definition of snow to "God's refutation of the falsehood of global warming."
>American children are required to undergo the "McDonald's Initiation Ceremony" on their fifth birthday, where they are taken to their local McDonald's and must ritualistically consume every item on the menu before reciting all the advertising slogans in chronological order
>restart the ovens
not a bad idear
You got it, Doug. I ain't sellin.
Mein niggas
Fuck off I take orders from Suzuku and he told me to buy EOS!!
Lol euro technology, have you guys contributed anything other than religiously selling when you wake up? Go ahead refute that, I literally have screenshots of you europoors wake up times for the market
>Americans are encouraged to become obese, as the extra fat serves as protection from gunfire
i still can't believe they actually went with that retarded plottwist. it's so fucking stupid, that it's actually became genius.
>eurofags the ones that pushed btc from 6k to 7k
>eurofags the ones that pushed btc from 7.5k to 8.5k
You know why your logic doesn't make any fucking sense? Because before being able to sell we would have had to buy.
If Eurofags always sold and burgers always bought the former would be running out of coins and the latter would be running out of money.
You're just a faggot who likes to smell his own farts.
>metric system
Actually, thanks to drugs, we are quite familiar with this "forbidden knowledge"
Nice larping, try harder eurosell
You literally sell like clockwork
Lol and you use 10am est when Americans are at work you dipshit, yes we work unlike you eurocucks
>he thinks that has any power over the Americans
It only works on humans, buddy, they've fallen past that point long ago.
La creatura...
it was only the execution that was retarded. He could've said: "It's only a matter of time until the emperor forces give the order to kill the Japanese." or something vaguely logical. They probably ran out of time/budget to connect the storyboard, and just gave him a terrible joke in place of something more congruent
Refute my chart, you faggot. The pumps literally happened during burger sleeping time.
And I already told you why your selling Eurofags meme doesn't make any fucking sense.
user, all meming aside, I have some news for you. It is well known among traders of every stripe that Europe has almost no effect on any market whatsoever. You guys are basically a nonentity when it comes to the 24 hour price cycle. Sorry to be the one to tell you but you are literally insignificant. Now, why that is, I don't know. It's not like there aren't enough of you jokes running around over there. I can only guess your general population is too stupid to grok the concept of price discovery on an exchange. Maybe you're too busy fluffing Muhammad before he fucks your sister. Hell, I don't know. But, please do not delude yourself into thinking you have any non-negligible effect on the price of crypto. Just don't.
Ya except you’re wrong and it literally pumps when we wake up and you idiots sell around the clock
Then why are you so obsessed with us? Shouldn't you be watching your wife's kids while Tyrone pumps another one into her?
>obsessed with us
>goes into American website
>goes into thread about Americans
>posts about Americans
You eurocucks get better by the day
>obsessed with
You got a mouse in your pocket, faggot?
Read the OP again, stupid. You are the jerkoffs who are obsessed. The fact that Americans don't give a fuck about you is so well known it is literally a mainstream meme.
Oh and maybe you should be worried about Tyrone.
My point is that everyone can cherrypick charts, you faggot. The recent pumps from 6k to 7k and 7.5k to 8.5 happened from 2am to 8am EST. Still waiting for you to refute that.
>doesn't understand shitposting and banter
I think you're lost.
>Oh and maybe you should be worried about Tyrone.
Says the nation that is literally 44% non-white.
Correction: "white"
You’re implying that only one coin is bought and sold during those hours you absolute brainlet. And you can see from my charts it’s more common for you eurocucks to sell when you wake up. It’s poetic because it’s like a nigger complaining about a white guy eating the last fried chicken when they ate all of the rest of them already.
Also, it’s no longer shitposting when europoors round the clock post lol it’s an obsession
>you should worry about non white
Nah it’s okay we are fine over here pic related
What the fuck is with the people with only unrealistic uptrend attitudes? Market goes up and it goes down. It's normal and downtrend will happen since buypower has ran out. Just sell or short it if you want to profit.
looks less bad on the police report that way
"We aren't racist we thought the guy was right"
Fuck cops and fuck states. The state is the reason the stock market is about to crumble.
>Doesn't understand banter
But, user, you are the one who got defensive and started getting irate. You are either an idiot who doesn't understand the meaning of the word banter or you are so autistic you don't have a grasp of your own emotional state.
And thanks for reminding me some cops are stupid. I would pull up the statistics for your shithole but, well, looks like you are so tireless in your efforts to suck Muhammed off at every opportunity, you literally made it illegal to note the race of the people who are raping your own women and children.
>pic related
Nothing can beat JIBUN WO
bitcoins are soy currency now? Oh dear wait for the /pol/fags
Haha you deserve an award or something. That's now too far off from what they actually believed. Watch them tank the market this week, it's glorious.
As a shoutout to the thread here and you especially. It seems like every time I get into one of these europoor vs. burger shitfests, I end up making a bunch of money. Just made like 10k on Cryptopia trading RDD. It kept dumping to like 60 sats whereas on every other exchange it trades on, it's at 75. Bought about 30k worth and just unloaded. Got 40k back. Fucking BEAUTIFUL! More of these kinds of threads please!
I'm not implying anything you brainlet. I'm telling you that cherrypicking charts doesn't prove anything and that this whole meme doesn't make any sense.
>Nah it’s okay we are fine over here pic related
Jesus, you're deluded. You're already there, pal.
I know that's why they do it. Question is if they're also being registered as white when doing the population census.
Hitler is the IRL lelouch.
Without Hitler, United States would stay a pussy power. Soviet Union invades europe, while the remaining eurocucks fight each other. No technological progress since most of it was done in the United States. No Untied Nations. No manhattan project. No China, No human rights. No globalism. We would be setback by a hundred years.
Maybe Hitler foreseen this coming. ALL HEIL HITLER.
Talking to euroshit fags is like trying to establish communication with a goldfish
>h-haha dumb yruopoors you think I'm mad?!?!? i-im not mad you're mad im making tonnes of money h-ahah f-fuck you
El ogro...
I didn't expect my OC to end up in Veeky Forums of all places
Why do your own people, women, and government hate you so much? They literally want to exterminate you.
You post fakes memes and I'll keep posting reality. We'll see who's society crumbles first.
You have no idea how not mad I am right now. You seem pretty mad though. The Americhads are making the Europoors look like dopes again and we're getting rich doing it. :)
What if Hitler was a time traveller and the plan didn't work?
Funny how we were still in the dark ages then the nazis show up with their jets, missiles and rumours of nukes. That's not even mentioning the vrill.
>Why do your own people, women, and government hate you so much? They literally want to exterminate you.
Ah the greatest sign of butthurt. Keep telling me how not mad you are though.
Okay. This is how not mad I am, europoor. 127% not mad.
Wew, have you learned Spanish yet?
Don't need to here in Maine which happens to be larger and have a higher percentage of whites than, e.g., Ireland does.
Have you learned one of the 300 languages spoken by the over 50% foreign born population of London yet, eurocuck?
Goddamn you are absolutely SEETHING
calm down juan, go eat your tacos.
where the fuck is this from?
Uh okay buddy. Who am I to argue with the voices inside your head. Sorry to be mean but at least my women think more highly of me than this though. That shit is just sad man. I really feel for you guys. I don't know if the comics are a coping mechanism or if you really believe your stuff but some real fucked up shit is going down in Europe right now. You really need to be paying attention outside your NEET cave.
The name is Nathan and I fucking love tacos.
>cherrypicking states/cities vs entire countries
Despite Londonistan you can't even beat GB in whiteness.
Unidentified American city circa 2018.
It's a painting by Zdzisław Beksiński.
You realize you were the retard to post a chart in the first place? R-right?
I know you euroshitskins are not too bright but can’t you at least read?
And no we aren’t already there haha you retard, you realize that some of our states are the size of your eurocucks countries right? What’s the percentage of whites in Vermont. Just stop euromutt
european women dont take about race, they just date whichever man is the most alpha and succesful
american women care about race so much that they chase black men all the time for the big black cock
hmm... :) coincidentally i was playing an FPS video fame and the topic of black people came up. at first all the normies were bitching in chat and saying how all black men are evil, but then some nerds spoke up and said they actually wanted to be black and were jealous.
First of all, that map is old. I just checked some numbers and every country I looked at the non-white population was higher than what you have there so as much as it hurts, at least try to be honest.
Secondly, here's the thing. The US has about twice the land area of Europe and I can tell you this. I don't live everywhere in America at the same time. I live in the state I live in. That's why they call it the United State(S) with an S. I live in a state called Maine which last I checked was something like 94.4% white. I wish it was 100 but that's not too bad and it's better than a lot of the countries in Europe and it's bigger than most of the countries in Europe. What goes on in California or wherever the shitskin content is highest I wouldn't know since I've never been there, have no reason to go there and never will. I'll bet you this. Maine will be still be over 90 percent white long after the caliphate has descended upon your homeland. I promise you that.
You are spinning one hell of a cope narrative there. Check it out. You can take what you want to be the facts of any situation and spin a narrative any way you want. The capacity for self-delusion is limitless but do yourself a favor. Step back, stop trying to argue with me and ask yourself why you are trying to rationalize the fact that your women don't want to breed with you anymore. It's as simple as that. Your women don't want you. I have heard Danish men described as "floppy things" by Danish women as an example. That's sad man. Yet here you are arguing with me.
>I literally have screenshots of you europoors wake up times for the market
And what exactly were you basing your claim on? I was merely posting ONE chart to refute your categorical claim which of course is nonsense.
I already explained why the meme of anyone alsways selling/buying is completely retarded but you don't seem to understand that.
>muh white states with 600k people
Stop cherrypicking. You think we don't have 100% white people in rural areas? It's a fact that Europe is a lot whiter than the US. Stop trying to deny it.
You are so mad you can't even quote correctly anymore. I must really be getting under your skin. Like I told your butt buddy, that map you put up is old. Every article I looked at for the demography of Europe shows are lower white population than is in that chart. There are well respected demographers that say some European nations will be majority non-white within a single generation. Meanwhile, we're deporting our shitskins so while it might eventually happen to us too it won't be within 25 years. And I didn't say your rural areas weren't white. Ours are too. So not sure what your point is. The vast majority of the non-whites in this country are concentrated in metropolitan areas. Just like in Europe. Yay.
Again with the cherrypicking. You know we have incredibly white states, too? Yes, whiter than 94.4%. You might see one nigger a year.
Everything you said also implies to us additionally to the fact that our whole countries are still a lot whiter even if you substract 20% of each country on the map I posted.
That response wasn't for you and keep dreaming, mate. You deport like 80k Mexicans a year from inside the US. You're never going to get rid of your shitskins.
And that state is one of fifty, which is bigger than some of your eurocuck areas. You can’t grasp how much of shitskins you are. My area of living is 98% White which I garuntee is much more than yours Muhammad. Plus we have a crazy retard in office who is banning shitskins. Your shithole is a brown spot on the map.
Also you keep shooting yourself in the foot you eurocuck, you literally posted “Keep selling burgers. I'm trapped in Tether due to Binance and need this shit to tank in the unlikely case that I didn't get exit scammed” so your augment of the meme of someone selling is retarded. Unless you are just saying you are actually retarded? Then I agree lol.
Jesus Christ europoors, is this idiot the best you have to offer to actually argue? He’s a stuttering inbred moron.
My first post was a joke, you fucking autist.
fuck off ledouche
>I i I was joking hurrrr I was only pretending to be retarded
Do want me to clap for you or something? I see one non white person a year if that so I don't really care whatever the fuck you are talking about. Seriously, stick Europe up your ass. If I cared that much, I'd move to fucking Alaska where not only are there no shitskins, there isn't anybody period. You don't have an Alaska to go to when shit hits the fan where you live. The fuckers gotta go through Canada and there isn't a Mexico on the Alaskan border. But at any rate, I think I'm pretty safe here in new England. Maine is 90+, and so is Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and probably some more states I don't bother to keep up with.
Well at least we're getting rid of them. Your women are making sure they get as many new African fuck buddies every year as they want and I don't see that stopping anytime soon.
In all seriousness, I feel bad for you guys and I hope deep down you feel bad for us. Despite all the bullshit bluster on both sides of the pond, we all have a fucking big problem and it isn't us the people who are creating it. Hopefully we can stick together someday and solve it before it's too late.
I'm not selling. It's clear to me now I should have tried to sell before, but now I'm convinced we'll see 10K before we see 5K.
If you can't see that my first post was tongue in cheek I can't help you.
Yeah, we do. We have the Baltic states and Iceland, an island that is so white and secluded that it has to worry about genetic diversity.
You brought up that argument and I only told you that it also applies to us.
I really don't want to start reposting stats . It's a fact that the US is a lot less white then Europe and will still be in 20 years.
I don't say that to rub it in your face but to counter the whiter than you ahmed rhetoric.
I'm not happy with how things are here or in the US and I'd be happy for you if you deported all the shitskins.
I wish you the best. Bear in mind that 2050 stat is propaganda by whoever published it. If this country continues its shift to the right, there will be a hell of a lot of deporting done between now and then and it will put a fucking big dent in the hispanic population. Keep your fingers crossed.
Stop to sell burgers. OR I WILL NOT BE FRIENDLY ANYMORE.
Good luck. Can't say the same for us because our population is cucked but many people are waking up.
You’re talking about Europe as a whole, where are YOU from?
Germany and yes, we do have almost exclusively white states.
In pic related every bar represents one German state and the red number is the percentage of people who are migrants or have at least one parent who migrated. That includes other Europeans.
Lol bro you guys are so eurocucked no wonder you are projecting.
“The fact that that are currently only 11.5 million European Germans in the 20- to 30- year-old age group means that by 2020—just four years away—white Germans will be an outright minority in this age category.”
What anime is this
Code Geass
>Working on a rough figure of around a million invaders coming to Germany every year for the next few years
>The fact that the majority of so-called asylum seekers are men, means that in almost all the cases, a successful bid for family reunification will be made
>This will add between three and eight extra persons per successful asylum seeker
When yuo're working with completely false numbers it's easy to fabricate that bullshit. The number of migrants outside the EU peaked in 2015 and was 900k.
It was 300k in 2016 and less in 2017. Plus family reunion is not a thing currently. It will be allowed for 1000 people later this a year.
So whoever wrote that assumed that there will be 1 million new non-white migrants every year and that half of them will bring 3 to 8 additional people into the country which is ridiculous.
It was a shitpost to begin with. Nothing of value was lost.