>stagnant sideways market
>how long, sir?
>5 years
>and the Binance accounts?
>deep freeze, offer alternative exchange
>yes sir, very good sir
Stagnant sideways market
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate this fucking r*ddit meme
It isn’t funny, go away
This. The Bog meme has been beaten to death the last few weeks. It's very obvious when Reddit shows up to a board.
I'll sign stagnant sideways. I'll sign it with my blood.
Bogdanov meme never gets old desu
The way he holds the phone and his fucked up face paired with the text -> jenius
This is a godtier meme.
>the bog as a canary of reddit invasion
Also that fucking nujack
>They're starting to feel pressured, sir
>Excellent. Continue posting as such.
>Yes sir. We're on it.
Makes me giggle when I see Bog every once in a while.
But this shits getting played out yo, real shit.
>a bog calling someone else ''sir''
fuck off paj
sup reddit
thats the person hes talking to on the phone you absolute fucking mong.
Dammit Bog, these are people’s live you’re playing with!
Stagnant market after huge bull means... kind of the obvious.
>short bog inc
>y y y y yes sir
I told you. It's only starting.
Why is reddit so gay?
Not on my watch
you tell me, redditor
That's incorrect meme format. We're only supposed to hear what bogdanof is saying.
i never use reddit, still love the bog meme
>My daughter has money on those exchanges!
>My wifes sons have money on those exchanges
Stop ruining it.
Your autism is acting up, think it's time to kys.
What?! I thought that Bogdanov is exclusively Veeky Forums meme.
Can polturds ever not drag their fetishes into everything?
>I want to browse Veeky Forums
>but I better not see any of those politically incorrect memes!!
WOW thanks friend reddit is truely the most Veeky Forums board.