Mammoth bone value going higher again

Mammoth bone value going higher again
Grug can trade back his obsidian now
But Grug will keep mammoth bones in deerhide bag
Sun Moon journey and lambones soon for Grug if he hold long time

> he bought the mammoth bone.

dump it.

hilarious xD

>me hungry
>me have cave, woman and warm
>strong jaw man come village
>he say many animal out now
>me no weapon to kill animal
>strong jaw man say give woman i give weapon
>me say yes, strong jaw man
>go out hunt animal for 10 yellow demons in sky
>no animal
>so cold
>teeth make click-clack
>fur on skin go up
>pain in yum-yum
>go back cave
>strong jaw man laugh
>he sit on woman and make her give pain noise
>no food, no woman
>have listen strong jaw man and woman make pain noise every day
>draw angered pink demons on cave wall

why doesn't he just kill the stong jaw with the weapon?

>ten yellow demons in the sky

I love this place

fucking kek

the neanderthal virgin vs the homo-erectus Chad


Big nose tribe say me get lots of lambones if Grug trade for their ripple stones
Ripple stones worthless now
Grug also find out big nose tribe control 60% ripple stone supply

>medicine man come to village
>he say he return from spirit communion in lands where sun sets
>he say spirits tell him of exciting shamanistic exchange opportunity
>he say he give me three hides back each moon for every twenty hides i give him now
>give medicine man all village hides
>he depart to other villages to get more hides
>women go cold
>tell village we soon have many and many hides
>me can do no wrong with this scheme, me big-thinker of village now

this medicine man sound similar hmmm, make caveman think

>chocolate skin man come village
>he say he name Bikko Nekk
>he say give all food and cloth, will give back double in many moons
>one or two yellow demons in sky ago, hear scream from mountain
>never see Bikko Nekk man again

me still hold bikko nekk shells he give out, he come back soon and give food and cloth, he just communing with spirits in eastern lands, shells will be rich and give me many shiny stones and new sled

>this thread

Someone post the Carlos edit, I wanna laugh before i go to work.

>kunga trade all rocks for 5 mudknots
>now 1 mudknot not even worth half a rock!!!

me think trade back mudknots for pebbles? what do?

Uma delicia

>brown man come offer new rock deal
>he say we put rock on top of rock to make pyramid and he give hide for each rock on top of our rock
>everyone in the village put rock and get hide
>I put rock
>Nobody put rock on top of my rock
>Everyone got hides and they take their rock home
>northgrugs come and take all rocks left, now no more rock
>I put more rock because now all rocks will be on top of my rock
>still no hides
>northgrugs come back
>my rock gone now

trade for cube of rock that link together, i promise it no stink. 100 mammoth bones end of 12 moons.

Grug not lose 30k obsidian
Grug still have all his stickconnect, so it not hut scam
Grug just need stake stickconnect, price will rise like it say on cave triangles

Rock that link together now got shadowclub, trade mammoth bones for mobones instead

Prejeet do same to me

how much for 1 bit loin

Brown man prejeet goes poo in the trail

>when you invested shells in welsh bluestone and some Brits just found a way to transport it long distances