>Nearly 4 million bitcoins have been lost forever
>20% of total bitcoins
Nearly 4 million bitcoins have been lost forever
Makes it easier for the price to rise.
Thanks just bought 100k
0.5 of those 4 million are because of me, sent to the wrong trezor address last summer
I'd like to imagine it as a form of real life treasure hunt where the loot is hidden in hard drives
And that's why we need more time to accumulate, because not only are bitcoins scarce, they keep getting scarcer.
No seriously, there is no upper floor on the trading value of bitcoin, it's the first actually scarce commodities in all of History.
Same for all others coins that are not infinitely printable ( not ETH for example ).
LTC, all the bitcoin forks, the coin i'll make in six years, all of them will just get more and more expensive as time goes on.
Yep. I have over 100 - on an old HD from mining WAY back. Forgot about it, threw it out. When price increased I fucking lost it. Then calmed down, got in from scratch.
Fucking December though, I was raging at the ATH.
thats a good thing pajeet
I feel like this is the worst possible Veeky Forums feel. People here talk about bad trades or the recent crash, but throwing out a hundred bitcoins or losing your key to an old wallet is infinitely worse. I'm sorry for your loss user.
Not even 10 years old and 20% of total supply lost forever already.
My shit is also scarce, there's a limited amount i can shit during my hole life and one big fat turd gets lost forever everyday.
What makes it valuable is not ONLY scarcity, scarcity helps but it is also detrimental for its purpose on the long run.
People treated BTC like shit before.
Me and my friends sent like 100s of BTC to eachother for the lulz and bought random shit/traded for fun.
I hade like 200 BTC on a harddrive, which then was considered "dust" and I threw it away.
No regrets tho. Money isn't everything.. r-right?
You're inflating that simply by talking.
If I were you I'd be digging in landfills searching for that drive
Your shit have nothing special to it compared to all other shit, they are completely interchangeable.
And even if your shit was valuable, the only thing it would result is in an incentive to exploit it, i.e. hook you up to a machine and harvest it.
And that's the issue with the popular "my shit" comparison you brainlet keep using : YOUR SHIT ISN'T SCARCE, YOU CAN LITERALLY PRINT YOUR SHIT JUST BE CONSUMING FOOD
Meanwhile, there can only be 21 millions bitcoins total, well 17 millions if OP is right.
>its purpose
Something scarce CANNOT be a currency, only a store of value.
Even litecoin will in time be prohibitive to use as a currency.
It's even quantum secure if the public key isn't known :D
It was like 6-7 years ago.
I just remember cutting the wires on it then throwing it away.
It's never over, user. Get that god damn shovel out. You can change the past. Become the man you were meant to be and find that fucking harddrive!
Unless it's been recycled, then it's already ground up and melted into belt buckles. Fuck recycling
Is this why the latest predictions of link moon incoming?
Pure speculation. Nobody knows. Some “lost wallets” could very well be “dormant”. Pure speculation.
>excellent store of value
I lost 2 coz i was a tard as a teenager. Luck bought much more later
>mfw about 500 of those were mine
Only if the demand also rises or at least remains the same, but the most likely scenario is that it will go down. What it definitely does is lowering the utility of the coin, which takes it closer to being abandoned.
I like knowing there are 4 million bitcoins that will forever hodl
Landfills? What third world country do you live in?
If you throw it in the trash then it gets incinerated.
If you send it to the recycling station then parts of it get recycled and other parts incinerated.
If I lost more than like 20 BTC by throwing away a harddrive, I think I'd honestly just end it all.
>digs a hole in the ground
>buries gold
>dies and gold is lost forever
>enphelent sturr of valuoooaahhahauuunh
Retards can lose money without the help of a blockchain, you stupid cunts.