Any freelance programmers in here?

Any freelance programmers in here?

What langauges do you know?
Is it more competitive than a year ago?
If you had to do that over how would you do it ?

you already made this thread you stupid nigger kys.

does she have a ballsack?

I wish

Learn to programm PLCs
Set them up all over the world
~1,5k a day is in it for you

get that lunatic homosexual freak off my board

>does he have a ballsack?

yes. also takes psychiatric medication and he wears a dress.




the excess skin around the panties looks like a small feminine ballsack
i wonder where he puts the penis though
maybe those are compression panties




Wish he’d fart on my face desu

I'm not freelance but I work from home developing websites and I get paid $100k/year. Pretty much work exclusively in javascript.






Sniff my dear sniff

Also OP I kind of got distracted by the cute taint and ballsack the girl (boy) in your pic has.

I worked as a freelance software consultant earning around 200 euros a day until last year.

Now I do the same but for more money, have to actually sit at a desk though.

Languages are c#, c++, and Java. Used golang and php a bit too. Plus JavaScript and whatever tech they want to use. Honestly though languages don’t matter, unless you’re learning functional programming but they’re bringing it into most languages anyway.

Also if you work as a consultant developer or quant programmer for a large firm there’s a big cocaine culture.
