/our guy/


son of bogdanoff brothers. they used their dna together in a lab to make a fusion bog. 200% bog dna, incredible.

Quick rundown?

He can be handsome from the right angle.

sminem is getting is own chinese cartoon soon!

say something nice about chinese sminem


could you please stop posting pics of my brother

Can I please get a quick rundown on sminem

where did that gnome come from all of the sudden

Sminem at the zoo

Stop jinxing us, it's clear that Sminem is actually the one in control of the cryptogame. The more you post him the angrier he gets.

Swimmin' Sminem

post more sminems, i have only saved these two from the last thread

how much crypto for that boypussi


I'm calling it, he's the new Messiah.

post his hot sister

What if he's not actually on our side, Veeky Forumsbros?


seriously i get it simenem or whatever the fuck but can someone explain this meme because im lost
>inb4 hurrdurr you dun noe maymay

Of course he isn't you fucking moron.
You post him to make fun of him.


Hate it if you must, but this is what peak male performance looks like.

Boy sminem cool

i hope he has been checked for Marfan Syndrome.

it's Marfan awareness month. if you know someone with a wingspan wider than they are tall, generally lanky body, consider directing them to the marfan website, marfan.org


being this new

This zoo is incredibly depressing



You’re welcome

bogs created him


Oh my God, did hi dumped BTC all the time?

My ears used to protrude like that and it fucked up my mental state forever, got two surgeries and now I look normal but I'll never get my adolesence back and Ill always be socially awkward

please dont laugh at him biz

He definitely has mafran, that mixed with the post soviet backdrop actually makeshift me sad.

i think so, too. i've got marfan syndrome. spotted it from the thumbnail. hopefully they know about it over in sovient land.

Same here. Although mine weren't that bad, and I grew into my ears later In life. The domestic violence at my home did far more to me than being called dumbo and big ears did though desu.


>that picture


he pretends that he is in a jungle or some exotic destination with palms

trust me, I know these kinds

I think he likes trees

poor guy. i wonder what's he up to these days


dude he's happy as fuck
if only we could have half his smile without the drugs we'll have made it

Who is this slav and why do we keep seeing him posted on Veeky Forums

he probably has cock double your size

Requesting the sminem pic

i was waiting for this

Isn't this that guy from game of thrones? The one that gets his head crushed.