Were now ranked 108 on coin market cap.... just 2 more slots down, and itll take beating 10 coins to get into top 100
tbqh, even as a marine, this isnt looking too good
Were now ranked 108 on coin market cap.... just 2 more slots down, and itll take beating 10 coins to get into top 100
tbqh, even as a marine, this isnt looking too good
Should have just longed big Macs stinky linkies
You were all warned. Sergey is an sjw and as soon as he realised 4chins bought link he deliberately let it slide. Probably is not even needed for nodes. He's sold any IPR to swift already. Chainlink is dead.
hasnt their ceo been missing for over 2 years now? why would you still hold that?
this but unironically considering the fact that Sergey defended refugees and likes Bernie Sanders, the fact that the LINK community manager is a literal cuckold, and the fact that Barack Obama follows Steve Ellis on twitter
>hasnt their ceo been missing for over 2 years now?
No he was hired by swift. he hates biz apparently feels they ruined his ico so he dropped it
why are you concerned with what the coin is doing every fucking day? there is no marketing. there is no finished product, no on is expecting it to go up yet. soon though.
Haha Linkies BTFO
The greatest irony is that Mobius probably is a better project.
You dumb 'linkies' as you call yourself, i was browsing reddit one night and i saw a dude saying that some kind of forum had memes about me, i opened the link and it was this page, there was a lot of memes about me, but the one that really made me drop ChainLink was the Mcdonalds one.
n Hindu tradition, the Mukhya Shivaganas (attendants of Shiva) are 108 in number and hence Shaiva religions, particularly Lingayats, use malas of 108 beads for prayer and meditation.
Similarly, in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Lord Krishna in Vrindavan had 108 followers known as gopis. Recital of their names, often accompanied by the counting of a 108-beaded mala, is often done during religious ceremonies. The Sri Vaishnavite Tradition has 108 Divya Desams (temples of Vishnu) that are revered by the 12 Alvars in the Divya Prabandha, a collection of 4,000 Tamil verses.
A famous bas-relief carving at the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia relates the Hindu story of a serpent being pulled back and forth by 108 gods and asuras (demons), to churn the ocean of milk in order to produce the elixir of immortality. There are 5 monumental guardian gates to the fortified temple city of Angkor Thom which also represent the myth.
Paek Pal Ki Hyung, the 7th form taught in the art of Kuk Sool Won, translates literally to "108 technique" form. It is also frequently referred to as the "eliminate 108 torments" form. Each motion corresponds with one of the 108 Buddhist torments or defilements.
whats the chances of us hitting $0.20 again before conference?
I don't even know why I ask, a shit tone of you said just over a week ago that it wouldn't reach $0.50 ever again.
God, FUDders is now just getting desperate. I can't blame you though for wanting to take away more LINK from weakhands.
The diameter of the sun is about 108 times that of the diameter of Earth. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the sun's diameter. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,800 miles, about 108 times the moons diameter.
guess it was true about link shills being pajeet
It could be worse. Imagine having all your link on binance like me
Same shit here, I feel you user
literal waporwave. literally no product, just name. no wallet. json parser
link cultists kys
>literal waporwave
You people are idiots. Don't invest in Link if you don't understand the project and that it's not going to keep pace until there is an actual announcement. It is not built on hype like most alts. Feel free to get out. I'd prefer educated investors.
t. didn't DYOR