Is bitcoin going to dump the second binance comes back online? Millions of people are being forced to hodl, seems like a mass sell will begin the second they can
Is bitcoin going to dump the second binance comes back online? Millions of people are being forced to hodl...
Yep. It's going to be a bloodbath. I think people will finally be done with crypto.
How do you know they don't all want to buy?
Except Bitcoin was recovering before. So if anything, more people are being stopped from BUYING
>people buy bitcoins from binance
Nice reddit larp, oldfag!
Some wanted to sell, some wanted to buy, some where going to hold anyway.
A lot of fud threads everywhere, sure sign for anyone with a brain that we are going up.
Absolutely nothing will happen apart for some quick trap to cash on the minus habens.
Wtf are you talking about you absolute brainlet? You can have your money tethered on binance, and then put it into bitcoin.
>implying a single exchange can keep the price of the largest cryptocurrency in the world from dropping
I hope it dips down again so I can buy back in
Why the fuck would anyone risk Tether?
>buying back into a market that's going to $0
honestly literally unironically this
Can you even sell btc on binance?
And by sell I mean cash out into fiat.
I don’t think so. Even if they go into alts it’s still coupled to btc.
>why the fuck would stupid people exist?
beats me
because putting your money into it for a few hours at a time to swing trade isn't gonna get you exit scammed
You might be autistic if you think it’s going to 0.
yeah back to btc, so they can send it the fuck out and cash the fuck out
u absolute brain dead faggot
It's gonna keep dipping for sure, but not for long
At somepoint, around 6 GMT earliest tomorrow, it's goonna start rallying hard
If btc goes up, people will fomo
if btc goes down, people will panic sell
Just hope it won't reach 7.5k, i'll be sure people will buy high sell low instead buy the dip
>comes back online
what if binance doesnt come online? is it going to dump?