wish i had a gf desu
Wish i had a gf desu
Women are overrated and a liability.
>disregard harlets and acquire currency
I wouldn't fuck a non-white if you paid me
read the game by neil strauss
wamen are one the worst investment
>an earring wearing faggot kissing a non white
This image makes me feel absolutely nothing
Next time pick an image that would actually make me want a gf
shitskin mutts have loose vaginas
You only say this right now because you undervalue your free time. Once you get one you'll have even less time to yourself in exchange for sex (which can be pretty good), bitching, and a potential monetary blackhole. That said, if you find that 1 in a million that's not an absolute bitch, is smart, doesn't want your money, and is at least a 7/10, call me so I can hit her up because fuck if I haven't tried finding one and they always let me down.
Only a fucking virgin would say that.
That's an excellent coping mechanism
>It's not that women refuse to sleep with me, or even be near me, it's that i REFUSE to sleep with them!
>I wish my entire existence revolved around taking care of another human with the emotional stability of a child
no you don't
I'm 22 and fucked over 50 women in my life
Lol, I couldn't give a shit about non white women you ugly fuck
It has it's ups and downs. But the whole "gf isn't worth" mentality is a fucking meme. Having a good woman makes you happier and life more fulfilling.
>Literally insecure pajeet post
I don't think you're white or over 18, sonny.
lmfao, you think women are 4 year olds? you make it way too obvious you're a turbovirgin user
I'm whiter than your entire bloodline you mutt fuck
Så klart du er, vennen!
>tfs no brown gf
The funny about most of you is how you seem to hate women but are mommys baby. For finding a decent woman you need to be decent yourself.
And you make it too obvious that you're a woman, user
I wish l had never gotten a gf and stayed a virgin lonely wizard. It's already been more than 2 weeks since she left me and it's an emotional hell. I think about her all times everyday. I'm emotionally dragging the people who are close to me down because l'm sad all the time. I dream about we getting back together pretty much all days and then l cry like a bitch when l wake up and realize it was just a dream. I started fapping again and it brings me down even further because l end up thinking while l fap of the times we had sex. I contemplate suicide often. It feels subreal that she's not with me anymore. I broke the no contact rule yesterday to check her social profile and she's already with another guy just after 2 weeks of breaking up with me. It hurts so much bros
Good, I wouldn't want you messing with her good genes
virgin faggot quit larping LOL
nope, i've just actually interacted with women before unlike yourself. i know they're scary user but you'll have to start interacting with them eventually unless you want to end up as a socially inept 40 y/o virgin
Honestly mate this - until you've decided you've made enough up front that you can pay for a lifestyle and want a family having a girl around is kind of a drag. I'm sure some women are fun to hang out with I know some myself however I sure as fuck wouldn't want to hang out with them all the time. Sex isn't that big a deal unless you're an obsessed virgin. As for the love and emotional affection I really don't think such a thing exists it's just temporary infatuation to trick you into breeding. That's the rub - once you have enough up front and you want to have some kids / a family and you feel you can fund it you'll be able to take your pick of women.
Fuck bitches get money.
>she's already with another guy just after 2 weeks of breaking up with me
and you're still thinking about her why? clearly wasn't worth your time
be strong user eventually you will feel better
shits hard. Break all contact, delete off everything, don't even think of undoing it.
>Muh google translate
Fuck off spic mutt
>Good genes
t. Ugly
I dont even know what larping means mate
Sorry, somalis aren't mutt. You are a pure blooded nigger.
>Han tror jeg bruker oversetter
So mad that i'm whiter and thus far more superior to you? So where are you from, inferiour subhuman beast? Turkey? India? You sure sounds like an Indian. Right down to seething rage when shown your impotence.
somalians are arab rapebabies
Ethiopians are Egyptian mutts
I'm English you gaylord aka masters of the world
relationships really arent that great user. they're a lot of hard work. Sure it pays off but it also takes a lot of sacrifice for your hobbies and passions
Ah yes, the inbred french/saxon/turk/scot/dutch/spanish with a huge helping of arab and indian genetics.
Don't make us pillage your little shithole again.
Nice larp kid, but none of that applies to me
t. Overman
Brown gfs is literally how the modern European population came to be.
Found your profile pic.
africans move to india 40k years ago
albinos occur in the northern areas due to climate shift from lower regions
albinos fuck with brown people and east-africans
albinos now look like ur everyday german or frenchie
albinos decide to keep to themselves
retarded looking brittfags with disgusting body proportions and features show up
Dont say that
I have herpes and the girl always breaks it off when I tell her. Nature decided I must die alone.
qt desu
nah lad hes ugly as shit
He's a 10/10 in the UK, like this pure british woman here.
Don't listen to the permavirgin neckbeards.
Having another person that loves you for who you are and you love her back is the best thing in the world. No amount of money will give you that satisfaction.