What coins should I accept, selling coffee?

What coins should I accept, selling coffee?
Bitcoin takes too long.

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Probably Nano. Instant, feeless, and with a simple mobile wallet.

I would say Nano too, but the only problem would be adoption. I'd accept ETH, LTC, and NANO for sure

CoffeeCoin (COF)

honestly probably bitcoin cash


>Another cashcuck holding bags

t. never sent or recieved BCH.

Probably litecoin, not holding it, but it works Well and has a lot of fiat gateways.



All you need.

NANO no where near adopted enough

ARK, 8 seconds
beautiful desktop and mobile wallet
my mate runs a hostel and he accepts it. had a few people pay with it already

That's a funny question, since a local coffee shop here in Czere Republic does accept Bitcoin.



Unironically REQ, the customer can use whatever currency they desire (LTC, xrb) and you get whatever currency you want.

Crypto adoption is way too low, expect exactly 0 (zero) customers willing to spend any crypto.

ARK, can bring you dividends as well

XLM, XRP and XRB are all very fast to transact with

Electra, once the mobile wallet is released

That is a terrible advice. People would have to go to some cryptobridge exchange to buy a coffee.

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