Sup Veeky Forums. I'm looking to get an IT job and was looking to get the AWS solutions architecht cert. I can program and almost have my AA in CompSci. I was thinking this is probably the quickest way to get a job in this field. I'm almost 24 and have done absolutely nothing with my life and I think I'm about to get kicked out of my house soon and really don't want to wagecuck at my mcdonalds. Are there quicker ways into IT? Was also thinking about picking up solidity and blockchain development although it seems more like a long term plan. Also I have a shit ton of time to learn anything. Please help an user out.
Sup Veeky Forums. I'm looking to get an IT job and was looking to get the AWS solutions architecht cert...
Shameless bump
Don't make me post more braps
hey user.
getting an aws cert can only help. If you have the energy it won't hurt to get an MS azure cert as well.
Literally everywhere/everyone in enterprise is shifting heavily in this direction, i wouldn't call it a requirement, but have solid AWS skill set is absolutely a high demand skill set.
self reply, i am 20 years in inudstry, cisco expert.
i am myself studying for aws cert as well, he industry is going that way. I honestly should have done this years ago...
Thanks anons. Would you say I'd be able to get a job with that alone? I also did a database class in CC and have some sql skills but they need some polishing.
Have another brap.
I got aws sa-a. I am 22. Did acloudguru course on udemy, passed on my first try. Studied pretty hard for 3 weeks (when I was a neet) and passed Just barely. Got a full time job in cloud department for an insurance co, 77k total. I'll be graduating undergrad in 2 months with degree in MIS.
So you got the job when you were not in undergrad or while studying?
>he fell for the Certs meme
I bet you did 3 internship rotations for minimum wage to didn’t you? Kek, I literally just applied to a bunch of places after graduating with extremely average grades and eventually got a position with more responsibility than most project managers have, enjoy being a knuckle dragging tech monkey constantly following the orders of others half as smart as you.
Lol I haven't done any internships. I haven't even gotten my AA yet at 24 because I'm a fuckup. I'm in panic mode and need to get a job ASAP before I'm stuck at McDonalds. I'm sure graduating with work experience can't hurt me.
If I told you, it would hurt my bro's chances slightly so I can say.
Atleast give me a hint rabbi
Be an independent IT consultant for homeowners and businesses
AWS Architect cert is an excellent idea user.
It's simultaneously very simple to acquire (just gotta drink some kool-aid, it's basically a sales re-gurge cert a bit like VMWare), but at the same time it's reasonably respected in the IT shops that are migrating customers to cloud solutions.
That said, be careful with where you try and leverage that cert - It's not going to get you so far at businesses focused on Microsoft and google-focused IT shops are a little less common I have found. Also, they tend to be smaller businesses in themselves.
If you want to work for a big house with training and advancement opportunities in-house, maybe microsoft Azure certs are a better target.
JS Full Stack noob (React/Redux, Node) looking for a job here with zero success since I have zero commercial experience, only got offers for Front-end CSS focused work which I'm not interested in
should I go into AWS or Azure certs? how much networking knowledge is needed?
you need to get those pretty limps balmed and put them to work. any company, no matter how good your resume is, with certs, degrees, and shit, any company will offer the job to people recommended by someone already working there.
>should I go into AWS or Azure certs? how much networking knowledge is needed?
The networking side of aws and azure is a bit specialized and a topic unto itself.
If you really want to be in this space, you need to develop an absolute rock solid functional knowledge of BGP.
>Thanks anons. Would you say I'd be able to get a job with that alone? I also did a database class in CC and have some sql skills but they need some polishing.
Maybe, it depends on what city you are in/near, what companies etc...
Knowing sql, being an AWS knowing the 5-6 services that are sort of the core of the 1000's of things you can do on aws, knowing python, json, and linux, you will be highly marketable, and once you are in your first job and get a year experience behind you doing all this stuff, you will be able to land a gig very easily.
Was that expensive?
>should I go into AWS or Azure certs?
you should do both, and you should be trying to sell yourself as a cloud/full stack engineer.
>Was that expensive?
courses on acloud dot guru literally cost 20 dollars.
They are many many many hours long video lectures where you work along with it logged into AWS doing the examples/samples, so it is straight hands on of exactly the things you would do as a cloud engineer at some company.
It is fantastic honestly, compared to the old days of paying thousands of dollars, travel, sit it a global knowledge class.
its just another disruption, everything changing so fast.
I guess I'll go for both since I have all the time in the world. Thanks user.