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Fuck off, normie.

is this for real ?
where are snipers ?


anyone willing to call him and tell him to fuck off? record it through vocaroo, will send ether to whoever does it

Who here is willing to send him 10,000 pizzas?

>youre not going to travel hundreds of miles to beat me up? pussy

Who is Joe Lomicka?

maybe im fucking blind, but I'm pretty sure he said 90 beasley drive, and you pic says 130 beasley drive

I just called him he picked up.

I said he was an American hero and you guys are fucking faggots. He agreed.

Stay poor faggots.

That's how a 14 years old would react. Lmao what a fucking moron.

I called him too and he shilled me tron

I called, got a busy signal cause you faggots are spamming him, called again, told him to shill link. he said he will as long as Sergey pays him something. He prefers ether payments now instead of btc.

Nice just bought 100k


damn i thought he was richer than that

Lmao I just called him. He actually really fucking answered

Call again and vocaroo it.

I called and he said "John Mcaffee here"
I was really fucking shocked he actually answered so I was just like "Hi"
He was like "Hi, how can I help you?"
I was like "just calling to say hi." and I just sat there trying to breathe kind of awkardly and loud into the mic.
after like 10 seconds of dead silence he was like "alright well, thanks" and it sounded like he was about to hang up so I said "WAIT" then said "I got your number off twitter. what is the next shitcoin?"
He hung up on me lol, didn't say anything. but I was shocked he answered

looks like the flophouse of a real hood niqqa

I called and he said "John Mcaffee here"
I was really fucking shocked he actually answered so I was just like "Hi"
He was like "Hi, how can I help you?"
I was like "just calling to say hi." and I just sat there trying to breathe kind of awkardly and loud into the mic.
after like 10 seconds of dead silence he was like "alright well, thanks" and it sounded like he was about to hang up so I said "WAIT" then said "I got your number off twitter. what is the next shitcoin?"
He hung up on me lol, didn't say anything. but I was shocked he answered

Realest in the crypto game.


ask him if his wife is the coolest monkey in the jungle

no his kid

holy shit he actually picked up

"John McAfee here"

>heeyy stop shilling all those shitcoins
>hang up

wow what a special birthday for me

Before you call, keep this in mind:

I published my number in a forum of my supporters. I knew they would not call when I asked. This forum is not the same. Any random call will not be received kindly. And if you think you can block your number, or use a caller I.D. spoofer and I will not know who you are, then you do not know who I am.

I'm going to call him and say I am vitalik buterin and that he needs to send me ETH.

just had phone sex with him

kek, he answered coughing like crazy, but i didnt say anything cause im in the library.

Lmao I just called him. He actually really fucking answered

>he just doxxed himself
The absolute madman!
>inb4 over 9000 pizzas inbound for delivery


>literally lol'd @ this

Yeah what about my tor skype?

I called and he said "John Mcaffee here"
I was really fucking shocked he actually answered so I was just like "Hi"
He was like "Hi, how can I help you?"
I was like "just calling to say hi." and I just sat there trying to breathe kind of awkardly and loud into the mic.
after like 10 seconds of dead silence he was like "alright well, thanks" and it sounded like he was about to hang up so I said "WAIT" then said "I got your number off twitter. what is the next shitcoin?"
He hung up on me lol, didn't say anything. but I was shocked he answered

I'm actually serious, I meant to tell him to stop Fudding the friendly chinaman but got so nervous when he actually picked up that I just blurted that out and then mumbled "kill yourself" before hanging up

Veeky Forums in one post

So who's calling next?

Can someone call him and do all the dialogue from the wolf of wall street when he's trying to sell Aerodyne to some guy:


The guy is even called John so it works to perfection.

Just called him and asked if I should sell or hold. He told me that He cant give me information since its my life and I should decide on my own. Thaked him and hung up. Seems like a chill guy

Who wants to live next to John? 3 houses are free just a walk away!

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