Hey anons, let's have a friendly portfolio and advice thread.
Here's mine, I'm a begginner and looking for advice !
(the EUR is a placeholder for a presale i'm in, just disregard it).
Portfolio and advice thread
both are solid holds
Ok thanks, what do you think I should do about NANO and VEN, I fomo'd like an idiot because I knew basically nothing and i'm at a huge loss (-50% for both). I don't want to sell now, but maybe I should and try to win back what I lost.
EUR is a solid hold
I'm holding XLM and ADA right now, still about 45% down from my ATH though. Looking to buy ETH->BLZ tomorrow when my money arrives at coinbase and possibly pull my XLM and ADA, all in BLZ and then reinvest back.
Here's mine
I dropped my VEN stack like a bag of bricks. I bought in at 4.25 and the price is absolutely stagnant. XRB/NANO might pick up in price, it has promise right now despite what Veeky Forums says. I wouldn't diversify your funds anymore, $1500 3 ways is fine and might net you the best gains (besides the fact AGI and JNT are strong holds)
H-hey guys any advice ?
I really want to get $1k worth of EOS and HPB but I don't know what moves to make
I missed the EUR ICO?
>buying memes
I won't lie user you might never make it
>5 coins
better cut 2 of them out, maybe 3
Ok thanks, that's what I'm planning to do. I'll hold for at least a few months and buy the dips occasionaly to add to my stacks. I've got around 30% of my fiat in, do you think I should invest more?
Usually see people that invest in similar solid holds like you put in 50-60% of their fiat, if that's of any help
Should I sell now at a loss or wait until at least I break even?
That's implying you'll break even soon with either of those coins. Having made some awful buying decisions including TEL which I got out at 15% up and watched it crash to .003 I'd say cut your losses and put it all into a bluechip or a promising coin.
Ok, maybe I'll get more fiat in in the following months, I'll play it slow.
That's what I plan to do, I'll hold JNT, AGI AND NANO (I'll sell the presale as soon as the token is released, I expect around 2x or 3x). I just don't really wantednto sell my VEN right now because I'm at a huge loss (fomo'd in at around 6$ because I was a noob), but I think in the long term it's better if I sell now.
If you were a poorfag and only had 600$ invested how would you go about growing you're portfolio?
Asking for a friend
Any advice on how to make it?
Get rid of xrp and Poe and get more xlm.
Po.et is going to be made obsolete by VEN. Also, you're not going to make it, just not enough $ sorry