This is going to be $1000 EOY. No, I am not exaggerating, I'm just smarter than you

This is going to be $1000 EOY. No, I am not exaggerating, I'm just smarter than you.

exactly $1000 is a minimum

Just bought 100k

>implying you wont be selling at $3,$5, and $15

>just $1000
Its gonna be 1500

Just earned $100,000,000

Oh shit checked $1500 it is

Trips 100k eoy

I want to believe so fucking bad but i know it isnt true

We will be lucky to get 10 per, but even then i would be happy

if dubs worthless eoy

Dubs link $1MM end of month

I wish. I'd be retired and living in a cabin in the woods.

I wish. It won't ever be above 100$ however.

nice. I need £18 link to never work again in my life

haha nice fud. kek has already announced it will be 6748$ by end of year

Singles link 1 billion end of week

$100 works for me too.

I will only sell 5% if it’s $50 in May as a bday present to myself. $10k by 2020

Dude my bday in may too. What date?

If trips LINK will hit $1 trillion by end of day.

Link isn't breaking $20 this year even under most bullish circumstances and by that I mean bitcoin going to 50k and link announcing partners.

Why? Because hundreds of people are holding 50k+ link and will be quite satisfied becoming millionaires rather than holding their bags for another year.

You have been warned.



Binance would have to be up for that to happen.

True if big


Theres a billion Link faggot, this won't happen

>$1 trillion
kek nice fud

It will happen on etherdelta

This, ffs

this is hilarious. a week ago everyone was fuding this shit like crazy then in that one meme magic thread kek blessed link with an avalanche of digits and now we're going to $1000

>mfw dubs

checked link trillion marketcap end of day

Same as comment as the last 77 get


>doesn't know 95% of circulating supply will be locked up in staking nodes
>doesn't know kek has chosen link as the savior of crypto
>doesn't know about the singularity

Listen let them pretend ok. It’s how we stop them from going on murderous rampages. Link will do great things

chainlink is the reason binance is down. they are upgrading their infrastructure to prepare for the singularity.

I figure I can live and pursue artistic hobbies off staking returns at maybe $30-40 with 12k Link right now. Trying to hit 15k, I'm ready to add another 1k or so to my stack, just not sure when I want to jump in. Wish I bought at the 28 cent dip.


thanks for this, seriously.

Sergey confirmed too busy building the future to speak w undergrads

People will overlook this email as a dumb meme. People will overlook that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg had the exact same behavior before unleashing glory upon the earth. 99.9% of people have IQ so low they can hardly be considered human.


i'm one of those people and while i can't speak for the others i plan to hold the majority of my stack until $50

buy buy buy

I'm sorry user but 25k is the minimum you need for this

This isn't a meme.

I just received this email from Nyu alumni outreach

>green ID

I'm handing my resignation letter tomorrow

I was a lot more cautious in my estimates to begin with, but with the shit I've seen in this market I totally wouldnt be surprised to see this top 10 by 2019.

35bn market cap would be $100 LINK and that would make a lot of anons millionaires.

Fucking sergey. You are not doing anything publicly and not even behind the scenes. So what the fuck are you doing?

>Link 1T
>Market cap is 350 quadrillion

Why's that? (newfag here)

because he's the type who'll squander his wealth and thinks you need 10k a month doing literally nothing or your life sucks.

somebody please sell for 0.00047 order, thank you sirs

depends where you live. i live in LA and a crackerjack box costs 500k. i don't want to move off to the forest to live like ted, yet. i've only got 90k link and every day i think about things i can sell so i can buy more. i need more link.

In other words you have no idea

live in LA too... rent has prevented me from accumulating faster. Only at 50k stinkers

LA user here

my 10k stack ain't gonna make it out here

we should meet up under a bridge somewhere late at night to talk about chainlink. you goys have trezors, right? we should talk about them too. i'll bring some beers...couple glocks. it'll be fun.

>I believe this will make me million dollars
>better play it safe and sell for 50k

Price predictions for a single LINK token in 25 years? $100,000+?

Because that's how much he has and doesn't want anyone with less to succeed

The only reason I am holding LINK is for the memes. I feel like I can't actually participate in the memes and threads without holding LINK. I'm actually starting to legit like the project too.

Same. I'm a wageslave, but next paycheck im dumping everything i can into Link in the hopes that one day meme magic actually becomes real and i will be living proof of it.
100% portfolio into link

Because user, conservatively speaking you shouldn't be holding your breath for more than $20 per link by 2020. Never bet on the highest return, it is an effective bulwark against disappointment.

In my stoic mind, 500k is enough to make a comfy life where you aren't forced to wageslave. Good luck if you want a bugatti and a mansion on the coast like 90% of the faggots here.

Link will reach like $400 maybe, it will go about $100. Most likely be $200+ in 2020

This is accurate imo.

30x pump to Top 10, then the whole market goes 20x by 2020.

Link $252 EOY 2020.

>Shitcoin's been stuck since december
>people think it will get over $10 by EOY

I think $20 is conservative. Link should either be 0 or $50-$100. 0 if Sergey fails. $50-$100 if he succeeds. I'm basing this off of Ethereum's market cap. If Link does what we all believe it can do then we should be talking about a top 3 coin. Ethereum is currently at $80 billion. If Link hits this kind of market cap we're looking at $80 per Link. Honestly if Sergey achieves his goal my estimate might be conservative too.

If this really went to $1000 EOY, then I just gave my bro potentially 100k for his birthday


i know your all being ironic, bult LINK really does have the potential to go mentally big in a couple of years

Yep. Got that right. You should be selling around then too.

Nice dubs

You are looking at holding for 24 months probably longbe r, to see $50.

In the best case scenario. Holders are going to drop bags all the way up and fomo into the absurd moon pnd's. It will be chaos.

That’s it. I’ve seen enough digits about Link. I’m sold. I’m unironically buying $1000 worth of this shitcoin tonight. Digits got our president elected they can make us rich too

>all these people saying LINK will be $200 in 2020

wow so great. to bad the world will end long before that

>nuclear doomsday threat
>climate change fucks shit up
>global economic meltdown
>terrorist bio attack/crazy virus epidemic

we have less than a year

KEK wills it

>being ironic

excuse me? I'm going to be eating sushi for the rest of my life


>climate change causing the end of the world
wew lad


Gates and Zuckerberg weren't philosophy majors with no actual skillsets

Truer Words were never spoken.
One have to remember that lisk went from 0.6 to over 20 In just 6 months

dude.. i calculated it. i only need 10 dollar link to never have to work again. please for the love of god, please let this please happen.

Are there any other tokens out there that are doing well? I have a hard time knowing which ones are tokens and which ones are currency

> supply locked up in staking nodes
This. This. This. Why do brainlets think that link will just be in free circulation and traded back and forth? Demand will become a big thing for this token. This is what will make the price rocket.

So why are you here and not in your doomsday bunker?

Ripple was at $100 billion+ market cap a month ago

>not an actual skillset
Ignorant American.

This and also unironically
Checked by the way

holy fuck include me in the screencap

>Nuclear doomsday threat
decentralised networks will be even more imporant
>Climate change
Which oracles are you using for environmental based smart contracts? I bet its link
>Global economic meltdown
Who's gonna be executing those trades? Which oracles is the data gonna come from
>Terrorist bio attack
>>implying stinky linkies ever leave the house

You're fucking dumb

yep. $1000 eoy, $3000-10000 by 2020. I am sick of being a wagey

>thinks a philosophy major can be compared to computer science wizards creating industry changing tech

Yeah $1000 market cap

This is strong fud

>nuclear doomsday threat
whos gonna nuke someone? North Korea doesn't have the balls
>climate change
kek even if that were to end the world it'd take centuries
>global economic meltdown
we've had depressions before
>terrorist bio attack/virus epidemic
would be unlikely to end the world cause somebody somewhere will be immune

Only have ~2400 linkies (so far).I need roughly $100 link to give me a platform to live a life I think I deserve to live and I need it in the multiple hundreds to never work a shit job again but I'd probably still need an income source because once I'm a millionaire I'd like to keep the ball rolling.

I hope we all make it.if I make it that means you guys will be ultra wealthy.

Satoshi was allegedly an amateur before starting on his bitcoin project