If you knew programing you would be rich.
If you knew programing you would be rich
Ameriburgers why do you make it so easy to make everyone hate you?
i don't know how to get started. i also have low motivation.
If you knew programming and economy you'd be rich by creating a cryptoshit coin and making it big when the ICO hits.
people tend to hate successful people
>tfw know Vb.net & Java but still poor
I am a programmer and I am rich, but I also am staying the fuck away from crypto and other blockscam technology
hmm wonder why
I am a programmer fool. I am rich.
Sentiment Analysis isn't going to do shit in this market. Everyone on reddit/here/twitter is bullish as fuck until the market collapses underneath them. Not much predictive power there.
You also can't examine this market statistically because a single event could fucking destroy or exponentially grow things. Binance gets hacked? Shit plummets. Microsoft announces partnership with bitbean? Shit skyrockets. Useless.
America is the only place where programmers are treated like godkings for some reason. Everyone else sees programming as just another job.
What is "everyone else"? The poor underdeveloped thirld world? Still relying on old analog shit for everything
In most other countries the pay is not as extravagant as it is in America. It's basically just another office job.
>I know programming
>VB & Java
Wew, lad.
stop being mean about crypto, you jerk!!!!
SA is shit, as it is vulnerable to paid shill attack
I am interested in programming and know a bit, but figured since I wasn't a math whiz I shouldn't bother.
I'm 27 btw. Is it too late for me? I have absolutely no intetest in studying mathematics btw(got a B in trig honors and struggled in college algebra)
having to do mathematics is rare in most programming- the majority of the stuff to learn is logic based. Programming in general is more similar to electronics than maths.
If you wanna be competent you need math
You only have to learn the math if you want a CS degree since CS departments still think that it is 1976.
I only program in smalltalk and Haskell
>hello world in python
Well that was easy.
>I am interested in programming
>I have absolutely no intetest in studying mathematics
I basically see a flamewar of these sentiments every time I bring this up.
I'm an artist but interested in programming. There is so much material to learn from it is overwhelming.
No world because fuck the world.
>if you're a blacksmith during war you're rich
you are an idiot.
Stick to art faggot someone needs to draw logos and 3d models for us.
To evaluate programs and algorithms properly you need to understand things like growth rates. This involves a fair amount of math. It's not calculus or anything though.
>I fell for the north Korea war meme
How scared are you
Ah, Python, the pl equivalent of "First Little Readers"
>There is so much material to learn from it is overwhelming.
Then you aren't really interested.
Java is a god tier language. Every big corp uses it, embedded systems use it, HFT applications are written in it, android uses it.
Lol I'm a fine artist, have fun working for jews
>Ad populum
Time to use cobol for everything i guess.
>HFT applications
>ad populum
if you want to make your own algorithms you need math
the majority of things people build don't need to re-invent algorithms which already exist. unless you're venturing into some seriously unexplored territory, or trying to optimize services for like facebook and google, you will rarely need to create new algos.
How the fuck do I even start to learn programming? I can't even find a decent youtube video which teaches you from the start.
I'm not really interested in anything besides bots, lioe scrapers and data visualization? I'm interested in networking/linux admin stuff, habe dicked around in kali linux. I want to be able to know what I am talking about and what I am looking at for say, trading bots and chainlink nodes.
I have a couple irl mentors who are integrating api's into some bots. Should I just take some udemy courses on linux/hacking/AWS? Not really sure what language fits best into this realm.
Also interested in interactivity, like visualizing data from biometric sensors into animations/readable data
My point still stands.
Find a teacher, get books, join small projects & don't use codeacademy (or anything similar to it).
i work as a sysadmin for years. forget courses, get a vps and start doing things. doesnt matter what, just start by following guides then move onto bigger things.
I have a digital ocean server, is that a good start? What are some good projects?
>2 years into a comp sci masters
>Still hasnt been taught programming at an in-depth level
Fuck university. Such a waste of time.
I sit here learning about semantic and syntactic entailment with no real world application, and haven't had a programming assignment in 3 months. Fucking joke.
I have no applicable skills for a job in the comp sci field, because i havent been taught programming. Ugh.
>most prestigious IT uni in the country
>know nothing about actuall programming after 1.5 years of bullshit
atleast I know integrals ;)
Just quit and do personal projects. My master is on hold for now. I got a well paying job from doing my own projects. Experience > paper, even in yurop
yes it's good. they have good guides as well.
you can start with a web server or mail (even though you wont need it its good to know)
I know how to program.
Got a 2% edge over the market. Still not rich, cos I have just finished backtesting
Hopefully, I will be soon enough
There really is nothing to programming. You can learn everything there is to it in 1 to 2 courses.
You also have to be born with a high I.Q to be able to program, or to program at a high level. It's like saying "why weren't you born incredibly handsome? You could be rich by being a top male model"
Lmao, you amerifags with your parents money don't understand how it works in the real word. You learn theory in university and you apply in it the real world. But because you are all lazy fucks you blame everything else
the basics yes, but you wont be "good" at it until you've done a ton of actual problem solving. you do things, it sorta works but its not efficient, you refine it, next time you have a similar problem you clean it up more.. really if you ever stop learning in programming, you're going to have a bad time or dedicate yourself to supporting legacy systems like COBOL
In reality a simple lstm like this would make you 0 gains. The github is there in the description, write an interface with ccxt and see how much money you make.
t. writing large scale bot right now
TA or AI?
How you doing it? Reinforcement learning with some fat cnn?
I know tons of project managets and "devops engineers" who seem to be the generalists of the field. Is that a valid path?
It is like other guy is plaing to MMO and the other is studying it. The one who just studied is going to get so rekt, but in the long run he goes past the other if that one didn't study at all (only maybe).
Why not just do both at the same time, you know, like a reasonable person?
python is the defacto language for ML. Stay salty with your strongly typed time suck
All python is used for is to create the models. No one builds systems with it. And even then, there's better alternatives now, DL4J.
ML isn't much of programming anyway, especially if you use shit like tensorflow. That is just playing with a finish lego set and changing parameters, its a lot of trial and error and experimentation, it's so easy pajeets can do it.
Shitskins in america aren't American
They're the zoo life.
It's jews thst let them and the women run around fucking up every establishment, political office, etc.
>Python is the defacto language for ML
... :
Erh, most big data ML pipelines go through Scala.
but what do i know, i've only got a PhD in it?
Sit down. Be humble.