I have $260k on Binance

Am I fucked?

yup, binance just confirmed they suffered a U$500 million hack, you probably lost everything

unironically, I work for binance. You are ok.

What do you do

They just posted their wallet addresses on twitter. Completely empty.

Where? Where have they confirmed this.

top crypto influencers

Does it matter? Too late to do anything about it.

ironically, I work for binance. You are fucked.

You people are fucking retarded.

seat sniffer

You remember bitconnect right?


i work for binance, the servers are on fire

Wtf they said they lost like 260k on the attack. Op are you alright?

>I have $260k
unironically, you don't

Chill desu - you're not going to get any reassurance on Veeky Forums

you had $260k on binance, that money is long gone sucker. when the exchange "opens" back up all of your crypto will have been replaced with placeholders to give the illusion that you still have it, you'll spend your time trading nothing back and forth for imaginary gains while wealthy chinaman gets away with one of the biggest exit scams in history.

That would be fucking amazing. Millions of neets spending months on trading without a clue. Myself included.

no, but I remember beeeeconeeeeccccc

I would move off anything you’re not trying to trade desu sminem kun

people won't realize until they try to withdraw, smart people will realize what's happened, others will continue to trade clinging to the hope they'll be able to withdraw someday.


You had 260k in binance*


sysadmin devops etc

he seems like a lovely young fellow.

Did you check the latest block chain e-blast?

Fucking FUDs everywhere.

>leaving 260k on an exchange

i'm taking my shit off right when it's back up
it'll be back, r-right guys

honestly yes. ALL ALTs on Binance or any echange for that matter are a scam until you withdrawal because they float all their sells to ETH/BTC in order to group transactions to save on gas for writes to the blockchain.
This gives them the perfect loophole to exit scam. If shit really goes tits up, they have like a 2+ week buffer to bail and make those transactions u made null and void. Don't believe me? Put ur Binance wallet address into etherscan.io and you'll likely see ETH in there that you "spent" a while ago that still hasn't moved to Binances main wallet.
After knowing that, why would anyone trust leaving anything on an exchange?
You have to be 100% reliant on their own bookkeeping.