The Davorcoin guy moved to Lamboland off of his PnD ponzu scheme.
The Davorcoin guy moved to Lamboland off of his PnD ponzu scheme
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What a fucking boss
So what did they expect? That after BCC they could cheerisly continue on Davor?
Good on that guy that he's buying lambo's and showing it off, cause those people have it coming
so did davor exit scam too?
It's inevitable that someone who lost their life savings tracks him down and force feeds him his own balls.
Imagine all those poorfags holding on to their coins
>s-surely it will go up? right?
damn i just checked it too, i feel bad for cryptobouse he must have gotten assraped
Lmao why is he bragging about this on facebook. Dude is gonna lose all his money and get jailed too.
Wowzers. I love this stuff
Jesus that hurts to see. Meanwhile he's buying lambos in the Bahamas.
The US Government is going to come down on him hard though. And/or Interpol.
jailed for what
What can he be jailed for? I bet all my Ethereum that there was a line somewhere in the user agreement of that lending site that it might shut down and pay out in Davor coin
I was able to make a profit from dav, bought at 40$ and sold at 100$
Big mistake showing off gainz on interwebs from a ponzi. Man I admire this guy, why cant I pull something like this off.
Can’t get him in the Bahamas.
Nah, I just checked on their site. There actually isn't. There isn't even a user agreement, only a sloppy promotional brochure they call "whitepaper".
The guy is fucked.
"Can't get him"? Why, do guns stop working outside of the States?
Careful with that edge frend, no need for that, please holster your katana senpai.
Like someone is going to rekt his life by committing murder after losing a few grand.
Sure losing a 100k is horrible but life in prison is much worse and anyone knows this.
>Like someone is going to rekt his life by committing murder after losing a few grand.
Where I live people constantly get murdered for less than $50.
You are a sheltered white liberal, aren't you?
fucked for what
I live in a third world country were people get beheaded on a daily basis, Colombia
You have no idea what violence is kiddo. Shut the fuck up
>Where I live people constantly get murdered for less than $50.
Not everyone that doesn't live in Nigeria is a sheltered white liberal, you know
Found the brazilian
Lol@this superfags larping
Securities fraud and embezzlement. If there's a single burger invested, and there is, it falls under US SEC and FBI jurisdiction.
That's basically what the SEC guy was telling during the crypto hearing.
Ok, maricon
Hablo español.
Want a picture of my id to get btfo kid?
where did he provide false or misleading information
He's an anonymous Pajeet and his scheme wasn't large enough
They'll never find out who he is let alone where he is
Colombia wouldn't be poor if the stupid war on drugs would end. They could export their coca products legally and be allowed to prosper from it. No more reason for violence either.
Post links to his facebook
First, selling securities to US citizens without a license is a felony in it's own, and as stated by US SEC all and any ICOs are considered securities.
Second, he promised the retards ROI in USD, not his shitcoins, which they didn't get along with they original money.
He's 110% fucked.
Niggers here fight with machetes over nothing, small towns have daily machete brawls.
Place is fucked and full of niggers, whites live in gated communities in the main cities, u pray u don’t get mugged and shot while stopped at a red light.
holy shit their "whitepaper" is seriously some pajeet indian shit with poor english and crappy pictures copy and pasted into it lmao
anyone who fell for this deserves to lose their money
lo siento hermano.
Pinche hambrientino narigon y mentiroso
Do these people not realise that its so easy to hire a hitman with bitcoin to do the job?
If someone like that would happen to me, I would get a hitman to take care of him.
They don't know who and where he is, their site never listed a team
You're fucking stupid mate
are you serious? you expect people that fall for these ponzischemes know how to do that?
They would but they lost their money to some ponzi
You don't need to commit the murder yourself, you know. That's what hitmen are for. Besides, who would give a shit about some scammer anyway.
Ok negro feo, Colombia es un paraíso.
>get scammed
>try to hire hitman on the deep web
>get scammed again
U do know these deep web sites are scams right? It could have been legit 10 years a go
He's only selling securities if it's declared that he is. It's case by case basis.
If he is, then he can just stop the moment a court declares he is. Law doesn't act retroactively.
And nobody fucking knows who he is. He can live in
Why do any of you still live in a shit hole? surely your crypto gainz would of solved the problem oh wait, you didn't get davorcoin did you? or BITCONNNENCT?
No, all ICOs are securities under the US Securities Act.
What a cease and desist order does is it oders you to stop and refund all the money. Then, maybe you weasel your ass out of prison.
The right way to do it, would be to hire a lawyer to write a complex user agreement and to explicitly exclude any US citizens from the platform. Which he didn't.
>And nobody fucking knows who he is. He can live in
The NSA sure does. His ass will be raped in prison no later than this Christmas.
>Jesus that hurts to see. Meanwhile he's buying lambos in the Bahamas
Actual Bahamian resident here (I know that sounds convenient as hell but can either believe me or not)
A few years ago there was this white foreigner (American, I believe) that got killed in a brutal, Mafia-esque fashion on Grand Bahama Island. Don't remember his name now but he lived on this big property on Albacore Drive in the Freeport area. They killed him right at home, and as far as I know his murder was never solved or even got any arrests
Turns out the guy had scammed many people for years in the US, and he was basically in hiding over here. When it happened, I googled his name and saw several 'investment' forums with people claiming to be scammed by him, and a few even making threats about if they ever found him....
This thread reminds me of him. If this lambo dude thinks he's safe over here he is sorely mistaken
Because all my family business are here and I live like a king if I moved to a first world country I wouldn’t even be middle class.
That's a year mid-2000s Gallardo, it's only worth like 75-100k
>I will not take this lying down
He took it bent over the computer desk that he bought that coin on.
Give back the money, Julien