VeChain Gang

VEN marines! Report for duty!

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why is there a VET showing up on coinmarketcap? isn't the rebranding only on feb 26th?

Sideways market with a solid long term investment.

50% Vechain reporting in but it's just boring. Maybe few days before rebranding announcement we'll see some action and I get to sell the news and buy back cheaper



Gang gang gang! VeChain gang reporting in! Gangbros chainers, come on, report yourself IIIIIIIIN!!!!!!


i lost all my VEN on binance hack fuck this IT WASNT SUPOSED TO END LIKE THIIIIIIIIS

So that's why my wallet suddenly tripled in ven? Thanks bro

buy it back with the refund gibs from binance yo

Rebranding is a process, the rebranding event is one the 26th

Wait binance got hacked? Wtf

Yep. I lost all my coins. I'm fucking done with crypto

Yup, John McAfee hacked it. He's on a rampage.

What the fuck im gonna call him right now

Binance not coming online until around 11pm/ midnight NY time.

I've heard that he can hack you instantly when you call him and steal all of your funds. I'd be very careful if I were you.

That man is dangerous once he gets too high on MDVP.

9 hours right?

9 hours right?


Thunder Chad here.

You mirin'?

I called him earlier and he hacked my portfolio so that it shows that I am at a 1000% loss. Also my dishwasher, microwave, and even my fridge stopped working immediately after. I called Geek Squad and they said it's a typical McAfee trojan in my dishwasher and microwave and one they haven't discovered yet in the fridge. Be careful

What's the deal guys, why do so many people FUD VeChain? Are they secretly accumulating? Nobody could seriously doubt the potential of this project, right? This is such an obvious 100x. (I bought at 50 cents so more like 1000x for me)

Super fucking bullish. They really hammer on the point that regulation will not be an issue, either China or Japan.

kids on here either think they have an effect on the market, or they just get a hard on from fudding and being allowed to run loose on their first anonymous image board

Pretty much. I only have about 200, would have been much more but accumulated it all in a few weeks before the crash so my buy-in sucks.

Normies somehow haven't caught on to it yet, helped only by the r/cryptocurrency ban.

That's only because binance is down. Almost all the volume is there.

Banned from cc
No tech
Shilled to death and original shill group already left
Bagholders left squabbling
Embarrassing community
PBOC kek

>Normies somehow haven't caught on to it yet, helped only by the r/cryptocurrency ban.

??? Normies haven't caught on to it ???

Nowhere near as much as they could have, it seems. Too busy shitting themselves buying TRX and Cripple.

Are you literally this dumb? I mean if you're trying to shill VEN, that's fair I guess, I'm a VEN-holder as well.

But if you believe what you're saying, you're fucking dumb.

Sorry, did your mum not feed you today? Did you lose your allowance? Some people have different definitions of what they call "caught on". I know it's pretty common, but my definition of being a normie-coin is a bit further of a stretch.

Strength node checking in.