>Burgers voted for this
>Burgers voted for this
>good news is reported
pathetic fuckers blaming trump for the crash while the ones gaining are laughing their asses of and fucking hookers.
That's the only good thing burgers have done in the last 100+ year.
The guy is a certifiable moron.
It was either him or Hilary. We made the right choice.
>economy goes up
>"wow thanks daddy trump!1!! maga!!1"
>economy goes down
>trump doesn't know you should sell the news
I cant imagine being so deluded you don't even see anything wrong with the tweet
Replace Trump with anyone else and suddenly you'd be rolling with laughter.
Absolutely pathetic spineless burgers
Based Trump
Literally sounds like a linkfag
>b-b-but muh sibos
wouldn't be surprised if Trump had some
Holy fuck are all those real? The burn on barney frank is hilarious
I hate trump but trumptards are even fucking worse. When the stock market was up, "hurr look what trump did to the economy magagaga " and now that it's crashing, it's somehow a liberal attack for him to shoulder any responsibility. When things go well, it's always cause of trump somehow, and when things go bad, it's somehow always a lib attack.
But I mean what do you really expect from a bunch of uneducated, poor, unathletic, inbred, pasty white FAGGOTS who voted for a literal draft dodger.
To be fair Hillary was worse. But trump is a moron
>Literally sounds like a linkfag
It pretty much sounds like any cryptofag.
wages have gone up, more hirings
wallstreet hates good news, prove me wrong
why was she worse apart from the fact that she was a woman? did she have less dirt on her than trump? was she less to be trusted with nuclear codes? did she have no experience in politics?
>did she have less dirt on her than trump?
Seriously? You don't know about all the bodies the Clintons buried?
Hardly. I’d rather have an evil intelligent person run the country than a senile moron. America might as well not even have a President right now, what difference would it make?
You fucks are goddamn morons. You know why stocks go up? Cuz people are fucking buying stocks. You know why they go down? Cuz people sell the goddamn stocks. Simple as that. No wonder you idiots lose money in crypto which is babby tier trading as fuck. You don't even know what drives the prices.
>Oh muh trump muh drumpf
You fucks are a disgrace to this fucking subreddit
Your party shouldve nominated bernie. He would have been better than trump. But not Hilary. We dont need any more war.
wtf I hate free market capitalism now
I hate Trump but Hillary is a crook and a thief. And probably a pedophile based on some of the code words in those leaked emails.
enlighten me
As much of a coward and scam artist that Trump is, Hillary is a sketchy corrupt bitch. The choice was between flamboyant autism and conniving sliminess, we chose the retard cause we had to.
Also, women are not good leaders and don't belong in positions of power, definitely not in the most powerful position to ever exist. They can't think critically, their brains are just wired different
He isn't wrong you know.
>A fucking satellite launched for Qtum's blockchain
>first block chain in space
>big news that is good and one of a kind
>Qtum tanks
>not a thief
>not a sex offender
you gave no concrete evidence, just generic "crooked hillary" and "killary" propaganda bullshit, whereas trump cannot even run a fucking casino, let alone a country
why is pol defendin him?
how a Veeky Forums board got so one sided?
That's what we are saying you stupid piece of shit. We know that the president can't control the economy, all that we are pointing out is how Trumptards tried to paint the picture like the economy boost was cause of Trump when in reality that buffoon couldn't solve a basic derivative let alone the economy's problems.
The fact that you made this post just, once again, shows how low iq poltards are. Go back to your containment board or better yet neck yourself with a noose
holy mother of kek that meme is great. how have I not seen that before?
You either make over 300K USD per year or are a fucking retard.
ShareBlue has been spamming this board for days.
how does it feel that you have to pay to try to get people on your side? lol.
Hillary wanted to make it 3 years before qualifying for longterm gains, fuck that noise
>Liking a socialist
Rand Paul should have won.
once again, Trump shows that he has no fucking idea what he's talking about. he thinks every single goddamn thing that happens on this planet is about him. Anyone who listens to Trump speak for more than 60 seconds or reads a handful of Trump tweets and doesn't realize he's an absolute brainlet is a brainlet themselves. I don't know if he's always been an idiot, but he's definitely an idiot now.
who is using qtum? the satellite shit is just a copy of what blockstream announced they were going to do for bitcoin, big fucking deal.
meanwhile neo is getting significantly more attention without gimmicks, and without being on any huge chink exchanges, seeing as it was the "competitor" to qtum, its no surprise people are fleeing it.
Claim the rise and you own the crash.
Cocksucker gambled and lost.
I agree. But I think we all know that Trump will start a war in the next few years and unlike the Clintons’ rationale of nefarious geopolitical plotting, he will do it only to boost his poll numbers because he’s that retarded and self-centered.
You dumb fuck then level your vitriol at the right target instead of mindless
>muh drumpf
You sound like a bunch of little fucking girls gossiping about the alpha male. And name a fucking president that has ever been in office where his supporters didn't give him credit for the economy. Obammy sychophants did it, Clintons did it, Reagan's did it and on and on and on and on. You fucking girls act like this shit is new. You're probably all underaged little fucks anyway so it probably is new.
You fucking idiot. He's saying news is good so why aren't people buying. He is not saying "buy cuz I'm the shit". You fucking morons need to find a strong rope and swing from it.
This board is officially reddit.
It’s simple ano-... redditor. Does he enact policy that makes people want to buy stock? Yes.
>lower corporate tax rate
>corps lose less money to tax liabilities
>corps take home more profit
Obvious buy signal. The market thought so too
>how does it feel that you have to pay to try to get people on your side?
you do realize that fb, Veeky Forums, reddit and all the rest were and still are full of Russian and Eastern European shills for Trump, right?
Nice post. Hit the nail on the head
Because the racism and nazi love was ironic at first, but the new edgy fags thought it was serious and now anything that isn't alt right in the slightest is hated by pol. They hate libertarians, gooks, pajeets, Mediterraneans, slavs, normal conservatives, jews, anything that isn't northern European and nazi is considered subhuman. The funniest part is that pol is one of the lowest iq boards on the site and it really fucking shows
you gave no concrete evidence, just generic
thief, sex offender. no proof. sad!
If he crashes the market I'll do it again.
I swear on ur mum matey.
Trump is those things too. My point is she's no better than he is.
No you fucking retard. He thinks that everything bad that happens is due to some vast conspiracy against him and everything good that happens is his direct doing. Every single person around him knows he's a moron (so sometimes he is manipulated into doing something positive). If you still, unironically think Trump is smart and is playing 4D chess, you probably have an double-digit IQ.
8ch /pol/ would be 175 iq if taken into account
You trot out a fucking fake ass chart with statistics that could not possibly have been reliably gathered and are tainted from the jump due to self selection and you have the audacity to accuse somebody of being
>low iq
Fucking McKill your fucking self.
>market up
Trump had nothing to do with this, he can’t take credit for a strong economy!
>market down
This is all Trump’s fault. Why won’t he take credit?
Fucking this. The ONLY thing Trump was every good at was play-acting a successful businessman on TV for people who don't actually know any successful businessmen. The only reason he's wealthy is because he inherited a bunch of money and NY real estate, and NY real estate values when through the roof. Every business he has ever actively managed was dogged with fraud and mismanaged and ultimately failed. Look it up, cultists.
>unironically buying the "muh Russia" narrative
I'very seen a news agency screen capture one of my twitter posts and call me a Russian before, that whole narrative is laughable to me.
this is exactly it
all this shit was pure irony at first, and then a bunch of basement go-nowhere faggots looking for cheap self-esteem took it wayyyy too seriously
so fucking cringe
Of course opponents are going to dogpile Trump for this. The thing is, he gave them easy ammunition like a retard.
I don't care for the outlook that presidents need to be some perfect person and not even human really. If you look back throughout time we have had some cookoo presidents.
>He thinks that everything bad that happens is due to some vast conspiracy against him and everything good that happens is his direct doing.
You speak of conspiracy but that is some conspiracy theory tier thinking right there. Trump does not fucking think everything is his direct doing or whatever else bullshit you said. This is objectively false. The level of projection you are doing right now belongs in IMax.
>double digit IQ
The amount of times you jokes have repeated this canard in this thread alone makes me think you are covering for some insecurities. The lady doth protest too much.
He bought his real estate. Look it up
besides the decades of public office and knowledge of government, obviously.
fuck it lets just get celebs who have no idea what they are doing in there all the time. hurr durr oprah/kanye 2020
He has every sign of narcissistic personality disorder you fucking autist, so, yes, it's perfectly reasonable to say he thinks everything in the world is about him.
>echo chamber that thinks Hitler was a cuck for not actually gassing the jews and bans people against genocide
>also fellates Trump who is pro-Israel
>high IQ
Soon he will shill dow here at /biz
I never said he didn't, but he bought it with inherited money. Doesn't take a savvy businessman to do that.
Of course it is. Anyone that posts nu-feelsguy images is from plebbit. Every day I see nu-feelsguy images. Its always the same type of low-effort, low-energy posts.
Oh fuck you read some goddamn shit on tumbler blog and now you think you are qualified to psychoanalyze a man you have never met and are only vaguely familiar through the lens of some tweets and a media narrative. You are a fucking idiot.
except they didnt
it wasnt the burgers that put him in, nigga couldnt even get the popular vote against clinton lmao
Fuck Bernie
Should have been Biden all along, that guy loves low taxes and little girls
He took credit to buy it. That isn’t free, you need to pay that money back. Did you read his book?
Have you noticed that the raging capitalist sentiment has been replaced with lazy socialism? Lots of “anons” actually believe they’re participating in some anti-cap revolution right now. That was indicator #1
There's no such thing a popular vote. America is a constitutional republic. Not a democracy.
Retard number 35 in this thread. Guess what, dumbass? They weren't campaigning for the popular vote. They were campaigning to win the electoral college. Which is what he did. Surprise, your side got their asses beat. A career political manipulator like Clinton with the help of the media, every celebrity, every actor, all the newspapers, and online outlets. With the DNC literally colluding with the network staff getting fed debate questions. And you still lost. And you have the audacity to question the intelligence of the other side. You people are idiots.
I think the bigger issue is burgers personally holding the president responsible for every market movement.
Like jesus christ, do you guys think he's there at wall street whispering FUD into the ears of brokers?
> anything that exposes me is fake
Just like I expected. Look at the statistics, it is a fact that the majority of Trump voters were poor, blue collar, uneducated white guys with low iqs. That is literally the demographic. Sorry bud, but you are part of that demographic.
See the thing with poltards is they can't think of shit by themselves, they don't create any new ideas. All they do is find a shepherd like Trump or Hitler and parrot their masters words like little doggies, pol is too fucking dumb to come up with anything intelligent on their own. You are the real sheep
>we're a republic not a democracy
oh god I thought you retards were exclusive to /pol/
All right, then. Go suck your "very stable genius" Dear Leader's cock. Even if you want to support this guy because of the tax cuts, etc. don't defend his intelligence. You don't think the Koch brothers know he's an absolute retard? The intelligent businessmen who support Trump do so because they know he can deliver tax cuts and cut regulation and will sign whatever the congressional Rs put in front of him, but they all know he's an idiot. Fucking brainlet.
top fucking kek, this is absolutely hilarious, i never get tired of his shit, god bless america
all i want is low taxes and restrictions on non-white immigration, is that so much to ask for?
>doesn't know that the United States is a republic
The only people holding the president "responsible" for the fluctuations of the stock market are idiots. Yes the president can say certain things and enact certain policies that will have an effect on the market but nothing Trump has done could have caused the sudden drop and to pretend otherwise only makes people in this thread and the world at large look like uninformed morons.
Are you fucking dumb? I explained why the graph is prima facie wrong. Learn some fucking statistics. Learn why self selecting surveys are completely unreliable. Or just kill yourself. Furthermore, your side are the ones who like to pretend IQ tests are only valid when measuring how well people can do on an IQ test. But, oh, when it can be used as a talking point to bash an entire class of people you don't like, suddenly they are first class evidence. Furthermore, where are the rigorous cross sectional statistics showing the IQ of Trump voters? And if you want to get really technical, minorities and females voted for Hillary both of which have a statistically lower IQ than white males so shove your condescending bullshit up your ass faggot.
>GO suck.
Of course you would go straight to some faggot shit. Please die in a fire.
>Trump's a retard
>beat the Bushes and Clinton's by accident
Trump's a lot of things, a crook, a showboat, and a narcissist, but he's not an idiot.
And hates whites
Remember when Trump said this about health care? Clearly indicating that he doesn't even know the first thing about how health care works (he thinks it works like life insurance, which is probably because there were commercials for $12 a year life insurance on Fox News at the time). Tell me that a smart person, in the middle of the debate over repealing Obamacare, could say something that reveals such depth of ignorance about the basics of health care?
[W]e’re putting in $8bn [to a high-risk coverage pool] and you’re going to have absolute coverage. You’re going to have absolute guaranteed coverage. You’re going to have it if you’re a person going in … don’t forget, this was not supposed to be the way insurance works. Insurance is, you’re 20 years old, you just graduated from college, and you start paying $15 a month for the rest of your life and by the time you’re 70, and you really need it, you’re still paying the same amount and that’s really insurance.
We aren't shareblue we just realize when we are being fucked.
>economy goes up
>thanks Obama
>economy goes down
The user is right, America is a constitutional Republic. However the election also includes the popular vote because popular vote still factors into the election results, but the Electoral College winner is the overall winner.
lefty shills are so sad and obvious why do they even try
>every time
And that's just one concrete example, but he gives us new examples of his ignorance and stupidity almost daily. Again, support the guy if you want and if you think there are enough intelligent people around him to manipulate him into helping the country, but don't assert that you think Trump himself is anything but an idiot in decline.
I hate veddit so much
Markets have very little to do with whatever party is in office. Educate ur selves
>doesn't like facts
This is the lamest fucking piece of shit example you could possibly have trotted out. There is no possible way to spit out a comprehensive health care plan that makes sense for 300+ million people in the space of a fucking debate you moron. To even expect that means you don't have even a quarter of the IQ points you claim Trump doesn't have. The fact is you just hate Trump. You don't have any sound reasoning why. You are just a hateful spiteful piece of shit.
This might be the dumbest shit he's said. How the fuck can you have this little of an understanding of the economy?
>he's not an idiot.
Yes he is, he's a lucky idiot because the retarded shit he spews without thinking at all apparently aligned with enough dumb poor people to get him elected, also he can thank the dems for fielding literally the worst candidate possible against a populist
Its painfully obvious anyone blaming "capitalism" for problems in America are uneducated/indoctrinated liberals or straight up Jews.
In the midst of so many socialist regulations, where does capitalism boogeyman come into play?
Banks? Socialist
Stock market? Socialist
Copyright/patents? Socialist
Licensing? Socialist
Taxes? Socialist
State monopolies? Socialist
Trading fruits and vegetables for tools/oil? OY VEY how we gonna tax that without going through the bank? Allow me to rig--err weigh the goods first!
What little, vague capitalism left in America is the only thing holding it together while every new socialist legislation weakens it to help (((them))).
>stock market goes up
Thanks Obama
>stock market goes down
He has a very high IQ libfag, you don't like it but you're probably not too clever seeing you fell for the MSM meme.
He says the things he does because he knows it appeals to a large segment of the population. Anyone who thinks he's an idiot is flat out retarded and I'm far from a Trump sycophant.
Veeky Forums in the 100s
Who made this chart is a confirmed e/lit/ist.
These idiots don't recognize political intelligence because they've never seen it before. And now they do, it happens to come from a man they are otherwise opposed to. So the resolution of cognitive dissonance jumps to the fore and you get.
>hur drumpff hurr durr
It's laughable in its predictability
Didn't read the thread but I have no doubt it is teeming with focused, erudite discussion on business and finance, with zero political shitflinging. Keep it up lads.
Delete this shit this is Veeky Forums and not fucking /pol/
Most of them did not, actually.
Quick rundown
>trump is stupid
>anyone who disagrees with me is stupid
You know, /pol/.