>keep telling coiners to invest in stocks
>say crypto is too volatile, can lose a lot in a day
>laugh at us when BTC dips 50% in a month
>meanwhile, dow plunges 10% in a few days
A 10% loss in a week for stockfags is like a 95% loss for coiners. Fucking kikes are getting what they deserve.
Stockfags BTFO
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I’m laughing at all of them tbqh
this is just correction territory priced in long ago
I never make it my business to laugh at people for having a rough time, shit like this can come around the corner at anytime and I know I'm not above getting caught up in it. I don't know why but stockfags are worse then cryptosfags when it comes to bragging and shiting on people.
wew lad
hahaha get BUBBLED nigger
Kek, ironic how that's being used against them after they used it to fud crypto.
it's going to 13k
screen cap this
Is you look at the chart, this dip more resembles first sell off. If so then the market is poised for a bull run.
I think we will see 28k DJ EOY
>inb4 buy stocks
I hope so man, if we crash to low then were all going to be fucked.
>Is that all you've got goys ?
Stocks are OVER they are based on nothing just imaginary numbers the US dollar is doomed the 2nd Great Depression is coming SELL SELL SELL EVERYTHING now and buy crypto. this is your final warning.
Why are stockies so fucking pathetic? I mean c'mon, crying over a 5% drop?
sure m8 keep telling yourself that
now that bitcoin is recovering you don't feel so smart anymore >:)
So 22k is the mean?
Because it takes them like a year to get a 10% profit and if it falls too much people get scared and it takes even more time for things to normalize.
The Jews are pulling money out of wall street to put in bitcoin.
THIS. 13% gain annually for a decade is legendary for stockies
2018: Year of the DEX (and Doge) Atomic Swaps
Bitcoin and crypto in general going up now is the perfect timing
If only MSM could shill BTC as the "safe haven"
Isn’t it funny how CNBC started shilling BTC after Giancarlo started shilling BTC and the stock market dipped hard? Hmmmm. What are (((they))) up to?
I've been waiting for this crash since dec 2016, and then Trump became president and kept the market afloat for another year.
This is going to be amazing, this will be the biggest crash in history.
Fed can't even lower rates to help the market since they're already pretty much at %0.
And when you give banks literal free money since 2008, what do you think is going to happen?
That's 100% artificial inflation.
How much do you wanna bet stockfags come pouring into crypto now? We’re going up, they’re going down. It would be the logical move.
Inflation has been pretty low though. That's one of the reasons the stocks tumbled.
I'm watching CNBC "Closing Bell" now. They are pretty bearish on Bitcoin user
how is "inflating the biubble even more"=to "kept the market afloat for another year."?
You're misinformed, inflation last year was over 2% which has been rising since 2015. Investors are worried about inflation, that's what is causing stocks to dump
Well, I think we will see big dip later today but otherwise I imagine crypto is done with its huge downward spikes.
Overvaluation, before last week, before these shit shows, P/E ratio for S&P 500 is the 3rd highest in the history.
>I imagine crypto is done
Do you believe in Santa user?
>took profit in crypto already
>Everything remaining is purely gain so I'm not panic selling
>Got a new job that's gonna keep me loaded in fiat
>Near perfect credit score
>Few months away from being completely debt free
>Up 4% today in cryto
All in all I'm feeling comfy as fuck.
10% is actually just 10% I don’t know how you could possibly favor 95% loss over a 10% loss but I guess that’s how deluded cryptokid logic works
have you seen XIV?
>implying XIV is the total market
It’s not even a stock
Looks like the first sell off if anything bozo
>be me
This. Binance is down because casinos want FUN and kikes want BTC to get out of the crash
so market fear gauge has nothing to do with stock movement? thanks, just bought 100k SPDR
The difference is that in crypto 10% is a good day or week. In stocks 10% is a good year. The 10% lost this past week in stocks could very well take a year’s worth to recover, just like a 95% loss in crypto would take a year to recover.
you wish your cuckcoins only dropped 10%.
The you are here is probably just settling on the first bulltrap. Return to normal will be when the media stops talking about it I guess. Because after that it drops an actual 70-80%?
Right, overvaluation caused by low interest rates (which causes inflation)
>they're already pretty much at %0.
You haven't been around long, have you?
2.8% is considered high nowadays.
>95% loss in crypto would take a year to recover.
how long did BTC take to fall from 1k to $100 and then bounce back to 1k? NOT A YEAR
The movements are not equivalent. Stop trying to conflate a single ticker with the total market, and please look up “termination event”.
DJIA was up 25% last year.
You wish your stocks went up 10000%
diferrence: I can put 100 un crypto and turn 500% profits or more in a good year in stocks you get like what 5% in 5 years?
>You haven't been around long, have you?
Yeah, exactly what I'm saying. You have no way to shelter the economy anymore. Rates have never been this low for this long before.
The second lowest was 1% for 1 year.
Please tell me how 0% for 8 years is healthy
>overvaluation caused by low-interest rates
yes and no, if that's the only reason for a stock market boom, DOW will be where we are now when Obama was the president but I see what you are saying.
>DJIA was up 25% last year
Which is why it’s dipping so hard right now
You really need to see market data before making bullshit posts like this.
Likely, fears are way overblown
who cares how far it's up, the problem is a down trend is BAD for the economy.
>S&P 500 5 Year Return is at 88.49%, compared to 87.47% last month and 73.64% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 56.55%.
why would I want less than a 100% return in five years when in a good year I can make 10 times that on crypto?
>what is leverage
hello 20year child
Bro it's cause stocks are on a completely different scale than shitcoins
A couple of pajeets and basement dwellers get burned whoop de do.
With stocks it affects the rest of the economy
Because you have real money you want to protect and aren’t gambling your mcdonalds wages at 20 y/o.
You know what didn’t happen in the past 5 years? Stock markets losing 65% in one month.
People invest their savings for years in the stocks hoping to retire early.
The gain is slow (way faster than a bank savings account though) and losses hurt a lot. Let’s be real, most people aren’t investing their entire savings into crypto.
You know that if the stock market dropped 80% it would be the end of the world and all money would be worthless right?
when was the last time a crash in crypto triggered a world wide recession tho? if the stock market crashes your fiat literally worths less, if crypto market crashes my 100 bucks are still worth 100 bucks
Anybody see the Pantera Capital guy on CNBC right now? Interesting stuff. Bull market starting sometime in the next couple weeks?
Time to stock up on food and ammo.
Never because they’re not useful, nobody depends on them.
>stocks crash fiat worthless
No, and by the way, $100 is always worth $100 you mong.
>No, and by the way, $100 is always worth $100 you mong.
yes it will always be worth 100, but If I 100 worth of things are now worth 200 my money worths less , if those 100 worth things now worth 50 then my money worths more
>Please tell me how 0% for 8 years is healthy
It isn't. But, as Keynes said "In the long run, we're all dead". In these environs however, 2.8% gives them plenty of room.
I only hope they don't use it for political reasons and just kick the can further down the road. I'd hate to see the supposed 'right' blamed for this, but nonetheless, a correction is long overdue.
The problem is stocks have dividend yields. So when they go down, the yield goes up. And if your like me and plan to hold your stocks till you die, market crashes are actually better for your portfolio. Right now dividend yields are still vastly better than risk free rate, so the stock market still has alot to rise.
Got to remember stocks have value OTHER than selling it off to the next retard.
Inflation/interest rate fears should only affect overleveraged stocks.
Unlike crypto, stocks are backed by REAL assets and generate REAL cash flow.
Sell your meme-coins, buy a S&P tracker and sleep well for the next 20 years.
>imaginary numbers
Kind of like crypto
lol. It'll take over a year for this to actually play out.
Wut? Interest rates affect the value of all future cashflows - which includes stocks, housing and bonds.
That said, the real interest rate is -2% for 30 years in the UK, whilst the dividend yield is 4-5%. That's a mad spread. Even if the FTSE and S&P doubled, the yield spread would still be large.
Either future predictions of interest rates are incorrect, or stocks are massively undervalued.
Every day I sneer gleefully at this fact since my disabled cunt mother has her savings in some pet company stocks. Felt fucking amazing making her cry today when I rubbed the stock papers in her ugly bitch face.
> Let’s be real, most people aren’t investing their entire savings into crypto.
>>muh stocks
kek imagine being this gay
Loving it. 2 dips to buy in 1 week! Solid gainz incoming.
Cryptos are awesome, but I want to own some NVIDIA so every time /v/ buys a new PC they're paying me to be a coiner driving their GPU prices up. Profit and trolling in one.
Companies can increase their prices to match inflation so future cash flows increase. Along with property they are the best assets to hold now. The only issue is the cost of servicing excessive debt.
There will be a rotation from bonds into equities, now is an excellent time to buy.
NVIDIA is actually pretty tempting tbqh
Certainly an excellent time to buy, you'll catch the crash just in time!
I'm just waiting to sell the bull trap.
I'm sorry Americans, I really hope you'll survive this one.
I hope I'll survive it too.
Veeky Forums what the fuck are after-hours trading and why are people allowed to dump on you after-hours while you can't do anything about it
>you don't know what "priced in" means, do you?
i 2nd this reaction.
> Let’s be real, most people aren’t investing their entire savings into crypto.
Solid team. Great whitepaper. Lotta upside potential etc! And the better cryptos do, better it'll do too.
Just have to be patient while it all sags.
If i purchase a partial btc and lets say it goes up, can i sell it as profit?
Like buy .5 btc ~4k USD and if it goes up to $20k like last year does this mean I can sell it for around $10,000?
Oh yeah the US stock market is doing the first sell off in the awareness phase. Only the most fringe have heard of the stock market. Noose up, you dumb fucker.
>Let’s be real, most people aren’t investing their entire savings into crypto.
Don’t worry about it goy. Just wait for the open.
dow jones is a meme index though
10% drop on the Dow is pretty damn insane dude
This is unironically the FIRST SELL OFF.
Good guys right now are forcing the globalists to sell off their shares of the US economy.
We are taking back control of our markets.
You should know Satan.
It's the exact same thing as when your exchange experiences a ((server overload)) during times of volatility.
kek wtf did i just read
i get what inflation is, but i've never seen it explained more inarticulately
This. Just look at is a human capital going on sale.
Crypto is magic beans at this point. Litecoin gets the job done on the darkweb and thats about all its good for. There is no need for 1000 different coins.
I think it's because they gains are so fucking slow that it could take a year to go back up or some gay shit.