Are we headed for a recession?

Pic very much related. DOW down over 1k

Depression more like it.

Exit all stocks and enter all cryptos!


enter cash

I'm so glad I panic sold my stocks yesterday and moved my money to crypto.

Lel. Good job shitting on us coiners a few days ago.

I don’t hold stocks, I hold coins. But if the stock market crashes (which it looks that way) then we are headed for a recession, which will affect us all. Interest rates, unemployment, small business will take a hit (entrepreneurs). This is a business board is it not?


market fundamentals are super strong, this is just a minor correction
make sure to buy the dip at opening tomorrow

I don’t give a shit about buying stocks I’m worried about the economy

Don’t buy that dip mate. It’s a proper unloading 30% correction on the way. Smart money is already out. Realists will be out by tomorrow afternoon. Dreamers will get hit.

So why did it fall?

Is it the orange cheeto's fault like television says it is?

>is it the media’s fault like the cheeto says it is?


Th-There's not gonna be another recession, right? it's not gonna be 2009 again for me, right?

more like denial

yes, economy and society probably collapse tomorrow kiss your bf good bye

I just launched two businesses that serve working class people I hope this shit doesn't happen right now.

>10 year old stock market crash cycle
>decide to invest in something now.
you deserve it, faggot.

im gonna agree on the denial bit

>everything is okay, just a second record plunge in a week.
>3 months of market gains wiped out in two sessions, just a correction, NOT a collapse
>Dow Jones is not that important when you think about it anyway