So CZ The engineer has gone to bed?
They claim they are on track of 4:00am UTC
But their website isnt working now.
I'm a techie. That's alot of downtime for an issue like this. I'm a bit worried right now.
So CZ The engineer has gone to bed?
They claim they are on track of 4:00am UTC
But their website isnt working now.
I'm a techie. That's alot of downtime for an issue like this. I'm a bit worried right now.
>That's alot of downtime for an issue like this
More data traffics on Binance than a lot of big banks, except binance is 24/7 nonstop from all around the world
The data sync is going well. Estimated time has not changed from 4am UTC 2018/02/09.
Thank you all for continuing to remain so patient and understanding.
Reminder: We will allow a 30-minute window where users will be able to cancel orders prior to trading being re-opened.
>im a techie
i work in technical support and the fucks who say this are THE STUPIDEST IPHONE HAVING MOTHERFUCKERS ON THIS PLANET
also its painfully obvious you dont know what youre talking about
how the fuck are they doing this? manuallly copying segments to a USB and running it back and forth or some shit? Why is it taking so damn long?
Yeah but since that tweet the website has gone down and people are "going to bed" because they are tired.
If that Chinaman doesnt wake up in 2 hours and tweet, the shits gonna hit the fan.
I'm a Normie too.
This is our board now.
Get comfortable with it.
This has gotten out of hand, is a fucking exchange handling billion dollars not some fucking hobby.
they are trying to track down the missing 80k ETH
its blatantly been hacked, all my shitcoins are on there ffs
Probably at least one of these things:
1. The data from backup requires processing to perform data integration
2. Magnitude of data required to copy, read/write speeds have limits, this is definitely more copying/writing than the system requires under normal operation
This probably won't happen again, it is quite embarrassing and expensive for them.
>The engineer has gone to bed?
>I'm a techie.
>That's alot of downtime for an issue like this
They aren't slaves, let them rest if they need to. Also, do you have your own crypto exchange with millions of users processing billions of dollars a day? How in the hell would you know how much downtime is normal for an issue like this?
>don’t store on and exchange
>do just that
I did just that, am I gonna make it?
starting to get worried ngl
>I'm a techie.
no you aren't
2 billion
they aint slaves but are getting really well paid, if they cant solve the issue fast it just means they dont give a shit or they dont have enough people
for a site handling billions of dollars, this is fucking absurd
Also, that guy who got into a twitter fight with mccoffe, pretty stupid thing to do in a moment like this
I work in tech....nobody I know says "I'm a techie" Flip my burgers bitch
>its blatantly been hacked
Well it could have been a failed upgrade, and they have had to restore.
But doesnt explain why the website went down a few hours ago.
At least redirect people to some information
IIRC the website error was 500? That usually means the website's server is broken. If the upgrade failed the server obviously broke as well.
big data whale cunt here.
If you're doing a migration of stupid amounts of jiggabits, you'd probably use the time to do random shit as well. The updates you're not sure will work. If you're going to have an outage, have a big fucking outage. but pretty much, don't have an outage.
if they're doing a roll back due ti a failed update, then it'll take however long it takes to restore and spin up all the affected servers. In this case, a fuckton.
"Bitcoin was a mistake"
Satoshi Nakamoto - 2025
Niger please.
I pulled a 53 hour shift when WannaCry was trashing networks to make sure that BS didn't affect my clients.
SysAdmins are definitely slaves to the on-call laptop. Anyone who says otherwise runs a small organisations IT or is a hobbyist
They’ve handled this wildly unprofessionally so far. 30 min window is fucking retarded and a waste of time, they clearly have no former traders on staff. All orders should be canceled, 15 min window to entry new orders before trading resumes. Very easy and standard practice.
Its for their friends to scrap cheap coins
definitely a hack...starting to get worried
They've obviously been hacked. The question is how bad and can they remain solvent
It all depends on the layout of their database, they are probably restoring it from some append only log which would require heavy processing and checking where I work doing that with only ~10 billion entries in the log takes days.
Its obvious theyve been hacked at this point
They use a RDS cluster on AWS. has been prob since days all over. Soundcloud was down, Netflix and many others. Some update just went in loop. I had intervene myself for a couple sites I do maintenance for. I am in front rds console now. All update are now done. Nothing in red anywhere. They are just sync their database. It’s sll over the p,ace. Takes time. No hack here.
I'll only worry if they push the time back again
Its been 24 hours now.
Someone pls kill the fucking gook who gives interviews.
pretty much this
stop crying numale soyboy
program your own personal exchange if you dont like it faggot
Wonder if anything is left, obviously inside hack job
This has taught me that Kucoin is way fucking nicer. I hope people start switching over so it's not just about small alts.
Binance cluster in huge. Really huge. Really it’s not binance fault. Gooogle soundcloud down. You’ll see. They were stuck in the same shit few days back. And it’s not entirely finished. Amazon just fucked up update roll on RDS. it’s not the first time it’s happening.
>t. cuck who's content with being ass fucked
Do you know AWS and RDS?? I do, it’s my bread and butter. I bet no. So shut the fuck up and go back playing with your dildo,
Never seen amazon down for 24h.
So yeah, is not binance fault, is ours for using that shitty exchange
Kukoin is on AWS as well. Could happen to them as well.
Kucoin is owned by the same people you fudding pajeet
You are not listening. It’s not amazon down. It’s the clustering of database. I am talking to uneducated cunts here.
Typical boring biz conspiracy bs. Give some evidence or fuck off with your shit posting.
>just give us more time goys
binance currently dumping on darkpools
>wear backpack like pic
>keep macbook pro inside
>work in san jose but live in "safe part" of oakland but still pretend it's rough
>wear wireless sennheiser on BART while using iphone
>angular while wearing headphones all day at work on three monitors to look impressive
>keep code on one vertical monitor to show to boss if he walks by, boss is impressed because dumb
>just copy all code off github and slightly modify
>make $125 an hour
>tell everyone back in minnesota you are techie they are impressed because dumb
I'm going to kill myself I hate the bay area
is binance still down? haven't been paying attention to this
Go to another exchange and stop whining if this is a problem to you.
If you have your funds on the exchange, it's on you.
is this the most autistic webm of all time?
That still isn't evidence. Try again.
Sorry but you need evidence to disprove me
Missing 80k ETH? WTF? So they got hacked? I didn't pay attention recently, please clarify.
t. literally looking for an apartment in the bay right now
this user fucks
Man the site won't even load now. Just says connecting. They took the money and run. Ode to Steve Miller.
K e k
That's so fucking funny. I'm guilty of the vertical monitor with Le code (cyberpunk skinned emacs). It intimidates normals which is everyone
yeah man Binance lost the wallets containing like 78k ETH. I'd tether up if you can, once news breaks it's gonna be a shitshow
Believeable, not that binance did anything wrong just that eth coding is dog shit and is losing people's eth by the tens of thousands regularly
You are a brainlet techie, OP. Fucking idiots, FUdding about Binance because : "oh my gosh, it´s down for almost 24hs". You know what? I have 50% of my money on small shittie exchange called coinsmarkets that is down for almost ONE AND HALF MONTHS!!111 Kill yourself humans. I am patiently wait, but Binance has moare resource, so it´s shouldn't be so long.
JUST a little maintenance
Binance is still down? Maybe they lost all the data and are completely fucked?
You can´t in logic. Sad, stupid motherfucker.
>that is down for almost ONE AND HALF MONTHS
yeah, hmmm, i dont think that is going to end well for you
Maybe Mars has life? Maybe Tesla was gay? Maybe, maybe, maybe!111
Coinsmarkets clearly explain their situation and their problems with human resource. Also, they already went down in the past for two weeks. So, nice photo of you. You look sexy.
People in the world are so stupid. They can´t in logic, in evidence or in analytical way of thinking.
Lol you should've let the whole system tank and watched baby boomers loose all their shit.
He is clearly a good professional, that want to make things done at the highest possible level, not like you :3
one and a half months is a long time to be down for a website.
what are you talking about, sites like facebook and amazon go down for days at a time almost once a week
no you actually just lost all your money lol get shit on kid
probably over network to large ZFS arrays on slow enterprise HDDs. TBs and TBs, while then doing a checksum test.
>I'm a techie.
A faggot is what you are.
He’ll always be my manbearpig
>(cyberpunk skinned emacs)
oh god user I don't even blame you but oh god
They admitted to using AWS and blamed RDS for the slow sync
kek Normans think fucking Hexchat makes you le hacker let alone anything in Emacs or Vim.
Same. When my boss walks in and asks what I'm doing, I explain it in the most confusing way possible so he shuts the fuck up and leaves.
Are any of you gonna livestream when it's confirmed exit scam?
To say "is long time to be down for a website" you should be a techie that work with websites and servers and that knows what happens when your servers are overloaded and how long it takes to fix it. I am not that person, so i would not be that stupid to fudmyself without knowing how the things are in IT world and without evidence or proofs. And it´s a small exchange that had x10 in on day. When I get proposition that are logically coherent and has within his structure the way of how could I get an empirical evidence, then I will think "oh, maybe something bad is happening". Fudding doesn´t help at all for nobody if you are a retarded who thinks that a testimony of another retarded in the internet is a "proof" or "evidence".
Sure, Mr. Brainlet
Oh well.. I guess I will get fucked in the ass when I wake up tomorrow then.
Thank you Binance
Deluded techies
>T. Angelcuck
I want to have sex with her
wtf are you talking about I logged in this morning (EST) and everything was working perfect.
18 minutes lads
We’re all gonna make it
They've failed to make it.
The deadline was 10 AM GTM+8
It's now 11:47 AM
no he's right, it's gonna be like 20 minutes
If longer than that, then we riot like kangz n sheit
yeah you changed a tape backup in the day you are an expert in metadata recovery
Thats right bucko, im the boss
10 minutes till AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH