Gonna be big
Gonna be big
the whole
>0.0000047 cryptocoin
thing is a big turn off
that's why they'd instead be saying
>900 satoshi's
>black doctor
Knew this was unrealistic
Yeah because governments are definitely going to allow privacy coins in the future. lol.
Monero cucks are delusional. Sell now while your overvalued coin is high you retards.
Nice try user, we both know i dont have insurance
They really took some creative liberty with the new Titanic remake...
>the future
>white people existing
pick one
>asking daddy gubmermint to let you use your money
It's ironic you used the word cuck.
>slightly tan people everywhere
literally genocide
>establish policies and structures that will deprive people of their homelands and consequently of the ability to reproduce themselves as an ethnical and cultural entity
>not genocide
I guess the 56% meme will apply to Canada as well.
XMR is shit
that's like the wimpiest fascism i've ever seen.
if a cultural entity cannot survive by it's own merits, let it fucking die.
as for the ethnic part, you going to preach the benefits of inbreeding?
also when you can write me a minuet, you can preach about white culture, until then maybe you can learn about shutting up.
>an unknown amount of XMR
>thinks nationalism is fascism
>tacitly endorses genocide
>literally thinks anything other than miscegenation is inbreeding
>thinks you can only preach about the benefits of something if you can recreate it yourself, eg. you can't preach the greatness of software if you can't code
>ID is "Cp"
gr8 b8 m8
black shit negro
>if a cultural entity cannot survive by it's own merits, let it fucking die.
So which one is it? It's not happening, or it is happening but you deserve it?
>you going to preach the benefits of inbreeding?
An ethnic group mostly reproducing amongst their own members does not equate to inbreeding. That is just factually wrong, not much more you can say on that one.
>also when you can write me a minuet, you can preach about white culture
I'm not preaching about white culture, I'm just pointing out the fact that we are currently on track to destroy some pretty neat cultures that have been building up for a very long time only to replace them with the same global mutt-mix.
If you really can't understand why people would want to preserve something like that I don't know what to tell you.
ID... come on.
Everyone should learn to code.
Genetic variety is the opposite of genocide.
The west has become stupidly, materialistic, complacent, spineless, mechanistic.
We have no poets anymore, no great musicians, no great writers, no sense of beauty or freedom.
We drink shit, we eat shit, physically and culturally.
Western culture only became 'great' through expansion and mixing. Now it is fucking dying.
You can blame ((them)) all you want. But you HAVE to know it's bullshit.
Civilisation has run it's course. Now it NEEDS new blood, new ideas, otherwise it'll just wither and rot.
MAGA my ass, build your walls, see what happens.
Hahaha, you might want to read more before posting.
consider making contributions to the crypto community.
Perhaps you can be the one who figures out a denomination or real-time system that can tie every currency together.
>you going to preach the benefits of inbreeding?
>Western culture only became 'great' through expansion and mixing. Now it is fucking dying
You do realize that before 1967 America was 98% white? Civilization is dying BECAUSE of mixing
You are literally the dumbest boomer fucking niwit on the planet. Listen faggot western civilization would have a man on the moon if it weren't for you fucks polluting our society do us all a favor and gas yourself you kike bait schill.
Western civilizzation created the fucking keyboard you are mouthing off on under the white man. Things have stagnated do to occupational malaise we will conwquer it and kill you you fucking self justifing nigger kike.
this. boomer or jew rationalizing own stupidity, can tell by irrationally low fluid iq on this subject.
>America = Western Culture
And secondly I'm gonna need you to define "great"
Fuck off mudshart
Who is Ben Carson.
Ben Carson is openly white, he just happens to be black.
>slightly tan people
Well mulattos aren't white.
>gonna be nig
Bu-but I'm a no coiner doc, I didn't believe in internet bux
> tie every currency together
What is XLM?
>if a cultural entity cannot survive by it's own merits, let it fucking die.
what is africa - the post
Jesus christ. That spacing. That neutered soybaby fucktard logic. You came to the wrong neighborhood, redditor. Go back to your comfort zone and lick the boots of the libshit idols you worship while they condone your genocide from ivory towers.
Right, just like they've outlawed BitTorrent, VPNs, and Tor.
Just don't live in Iran or North Korea, and you'll be fine.