/poltards larping on biz in a nutshell
/poltards larping on biz in a nutshell
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Confirmed for nigger, jew, woman or cucked numale. Either way leave.
They do, actually
but we have a right to complain
this is golden
get in the oven
i don’t think the poltards here necessarily dislike jews for the money, it’s more so for their subversion tactics that historically plagued every nation or empire tbqhwy
>right to complain
that's a victim mentality, if i ever saw one. the only right you have is to get fucked kek.
if you truly believe that you're in a mortal fight with (((them))) how about you shed yourself of those intellectual shackels first, goyboy?
Go shill somewhere else, faggot
fuck the jooz though
sounds pretty white tactics to me, what's the problem
poltards are loosers. they don't feel responsible for their mistakes and blame blacks, jews or other minorities. it's a board of racist neets and they don't know anything about economy.
>poltards are loosers
Too bad it was white men who created the very societies that all those groups you mentioned suck from.
Israel is a third world dump.
fuck off /pol/io
kek. on /pol/ it's so obvious, too.
so many voices just artificially created and threads bumped and slided just to paint a picture, used by media to distract from actual issues and create a scapegoat.
suddenly /pol/ thinks the world cares about a bunch of neet autists virgin retards with nazi-illusions of grandeur kek.
they're just the next pawn to be used to finalize the destruction of actual culture…
high, white one, that is. the only one who actually produced something on this planet of function, structure, use and beauty...
civilizations has it's flaws, granted. but you have to phsically turn away from the upsides and overfocus on the downsided to turn into the drivelling retard liberals or nationalists happily voting away every 4 years until they drop dead after having produced nothing of value...
anyway: back to /pol/
1. fuck you for that /pol/
2. yes, (((they))) play a fickled game. but you, being a loser in it doesn't make you superior like your little movement claims you to be, it makes you literally, subhuman.
also: you have no entitlement to anything in this world and anything given to you as easy as money from crypto is a blessing for which you should be grateful every fucking day until the day you drop...
of cause they're a bunch of loosers. they never achieved something valuable on that board. all they did, do and will do is complain about their miserable situations and blame others for those.
>white people are evil for being #1
>jews are #1 because they're smarter!
>of cause they're a bunch of loosers
oh, and claiming every opposing voice is one of (((them))) makes you seem even more unintelligent than you actually are, you mouthbreathing mongrels...
learn how to debate or stop trying to play a mans game by using womens methods (attacking character and exterior instead of structure and content of argument)
maybe that's why there's so many literal cucks amongst you...
tyrone just sticks his dick where they let him...
they let him because they're not attracted to you...
grow out of your comfort zone or accept your perpetual failure in life...
>BASED black man
>Jews are smarter and better with finances also created the worlds most adopet religion(Christianity is Judaism for white people)
>Asians are basically white people but better at literally everything
>Blacks dominate all things related to physicality and culture creation
>Whites are the best because..... because..... UH.... WE HAVE BLUE EYEZ N SHIEEET
The ammount of cognitive dissonance that the "master race" exihibts is astounding. Don't burst their bubble though. They might chimp out with tiki torches again.
I dont get it even literal Nazis understand this. Literal Nazis admit that Jews have the highest IQ of any racial group. This is maintained by being extremely exclusionary to other races. No one ever complains when Jews are pro-jew and exclude other races from their businesses/families/ect. However what if a non-jew does this it is derided as being literal nazism.
>You sure showed those /pol/tards goy
But that's not why Jews outperform. They outperform because they are underhanded cunts who will convince everyone around them to be hyper individualistic while remaining incredibly tribal and ethnocentrist themselves. Of course a cohesive group is a wrecking ball through us, we are even getting beat by niggers and spics thanks to kike influence. Fortunately we are turning things around and I am looking forward to gassing you.
Also the whole men vs. women thing is a kike trap. Of course women underperform when they are tricked into thinking they should go into male roles. Feminism is a trick the Jews played on white women convincing them to become sub-par men just as the faggot and tranny shit is a Jewish trick convincing men to become sub-par women. Basically Jews just need to die.
no one's gassing anyone
you got scammed by a dude who is a known scammer, and he'll pay lip service to you common, easily-duped morons for as long as he can stay in office
and then you'll get another dem for 8 years
good luck with your dreams tho
Just an FYI the faggots screaming about muh /pol/ and having a mental breakdown ITT are from /leftypol/.
God I miss /pol/.
>jews are #1 because they're smarter!
true to some extend, but not as dramatic a fact, as /pol/ makes it out to be. the minute advantages in DNA resulting in a higher IQ mean, overall, can easily remedied if you actually did something else but shill shitcoins on here and jack it to anime girls all day long. read a book or a wikipedia article, faggot. Or, I don't know... one of the millions upon millions of scientific articles, readily available on the internet, no charge.
what gives (((them))) such an edge is material wealth, hoarded throughout history, and a strong, inter-generational culture with strong family values, that pumps social capital into their children from such a young age, you have to force yourself to fail as a jew in life while growing up in a western, civilized country... or, you know. you're mut. jews don't like other jews race-mixing. think about that for a second.
accept the hierarchie and move up on it. or don't and stay a slave.
take trump as an example. he obviously is pro-(((them))), so i'm not gonna say what the media is saying and what /pol/ is wishing for
but he is an example of a non-(((them))) making it and elevating himself to a point, where they start using all their weapons to avoid having him sit directly between them, meaning (((they))) and other non-(((them))) with priviledges amongst their rows (bush, clintons etc.) and the goy slave populus.
for that very role as the jester, or the joker in the card deck, if you will, i will eternaly respect Donald Trump. I'm not talking politics, economics or anything relevant. I'm talking his persona, the way he talks, the way he attacks other people and stubbornly hodls his ground while behaving like a ridiculous baboon, but at the same time instilling respect.
He is the wild card.
They did not count on him.
Or: He's kind of a double bluff to distract the plantation workers while the real shit starts happening. Ask /x/
/pol/ subhuman thinks all of Veeky Forums is his playground, how cute.
THAT was an accident kek.
At least for university jews are overrepresented for IQ and whites and asians are underrepresented for IQ
the nepotism argument is not without merit
He's giving us time and space to destroy and he's shifted the overton window right by a mile. If Hillary was president things would be very different right now and if you think you can blackpill any of us because Trump isn't Literally Hitler think again.
>but better at literally everything
>I haven't read any material on iq differences whatsoever
pick two Zhang
Not even white, but they created most of the civilization we know today.
it's not about trump or hillary, god knows why you dudes keep leaning on that
in your current system, you guys are going to get fucked no matter who you elect
i have no solutions, and there's literally nothing you can do except get raped
my ancestors killed jews guys, but we do need the shekeldiggers from time to time, i'm glad you're not all dead OP
It is about Trump though, he may not be 100% /our guy/ but he's not ZOG either and that's yuge. The flippening of normie opinion is upon us and I think what you're really afraid of is that you can't stop it.
i'm not afraid of anything related to the clumsy american political theatrics that keep you guys so glued to promised teams, my dude. this is popcorn time for everyone on the outside looking in. trump is a funny dude and i like his twitter burns, but he's as much your /savior/ as obama was to whoever the fuck he was promising hope and change.
i mean, if you think some self-obsessed billionaire cares about you piddly fucks for any other reason than your potential to keep him in office, i got bad news for you.
But both are wrong.
Fuck off, kike.
>implying American politics will look remotely like they do today within five years
I guess we'll see Schlomo. If I were you I'd be making sure to steal some property in Israel while there are still Palestinians left to kill.
cool story bro.
literally pure white, but i appreciate your need to create an us. vs them mentality to prop up your own political insecurity. you guys really are trapped forever, aren't you
Reparations to ALL Europeans for the 500 trillion deaths for the genocide that caused the Kitos war?
Where are the "We stand with Cyprus and Cyrenaica" Holocaust museums? Where is my 100 billion pension?
Dio Cassius states of Jewish insurrectionaries:
"'Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan."[4]
>wearing the entrails of the people you used to live and eat with because of a small tax increase
Jews are the most subhuman chimpout society. They tell people they have done nothing wrong meanwhile they claim others are oppressing them while they wipe their ass with 100 dollar bills and have golden keyboards.
>I'm white
Sure thing Moishe. Your kind made it us vs. them not me. The Jews are the ones trying to replace white people with their brown pets and tear down white culture.
even if what you're saying is true, trump still isn't gonna save you. guy is so deep in their pockets it's not even funny.
i mean, you can keep claiming i'm a jew because i don't think trump is going to be the savior to your political system much the way i didn't think obama was going to be the herald of hope and change that everyone thought he was, but i'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. frankly, it's kinda retarded; and if you're not actually retarded, i'd call it lazy. or, well, so modern america..
Its like you completely lack reading comprehension. I know Trump isn't Hitler but he's not sending the CIA to track anyone making pro-white facebook posts down or choosing judges that believe in the idea of "hate speech" either. He's giving us time and space to destroy, like I said. Its up to us. Just rock yourself my dude.
>stop being such a looser, looser
gosh, i know trump isn't hitler too. where did i imply he was? literally nowhere.
and i guarantee you, you guys (whatever the fuck 'you guys' entails in your mind) won't use that time and space to destroy, you'll continue working your jobs like good little faggots and come out at the end of his presidency no greater than you were at the beginning.
screencap this.
Actually /poltards don't sperg out when jews make more money, they sperg out because they believe jews are in control of the powers that be and are systematically destroying the white race through antiwhite propaganda.
It sounds like a conspiracy right? Until /pol/ proved it with the "its ok to be white" campaign. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that something isn't right here and that its aimed towards the white man.
put one kike in HR your business mysteriously becomes Israel's foreign aid office
>buttmad kike who can't annoint himself in blood of greeks anymore and lost his nigger president
oh, sorry, were you saying "I know Trump isn't Hitler" like you were disappointed? If so, that threw me off, I wasn't expecting that and misread.
Everything else still stands. Nothing will change.
because they use nepotism to advance their group as a whole.
Rip /pol/
Obama was a bad, bad president. But I guess I'm still an internet jew for disagreeing that Trump's gonna save you. Keep buying the hope and change line from every moron that parrots it.
Haha, yeah that's right we are just plugging away at our wagecvck jobs not doing anything at all in the political sphere. Definitely not organizing into fashy activist groups or getting involved in local Republican politics. Every Young Republicans group is full of pure pro-Israel Reaganomics tea partiers and there isn't a hint of evil "alt-right" in them. Keep thinking that Herschel. :^)
I know bots and shills are sliding this so anyone new needs to take a look for themselves
Is this a meme for eagles?
Fuck trx
Welp, best of luck to you and your revolution, unironically. Your political system is completely shit-fucked though and the vast majority of your population is totally complacent and lost in themselves, it's gonna be a lot of work. Kudos if you can actually pull it off, but I'm gonna say you won't.
Its actually been proven that jews are way smarter on average. take it or leave it
Nepotism and in-group loyalty
Uh oh, everyone is going to know about the real history, better bury it with nonsensical posts!
>it's okay to be white
pajeets or turkroaches
>when jews hire other jews and treat jews different than others.
Meanwhile men at workplaces do nearly anything to pretend or at least make it seem that Women are doing more and more.
Male/female and jew/gentile demographics are not perfectly compareable due to the difference in the structure of population share. One is about 50/50 world wide and the other 99.8/0.2
sorry but you guys won't bury this
This is exactly what they want you to think.
>Greece(Mediterraneans are not white)
>Rome(Once again Meds are not white)
White people have only been "in power" for the past 5 or 6 hundred years. Using all of the advancements of the other races (perfect example of this is gunpowder or how their most prominent religion was literally Judaism painted white. White people were shitting in mud huts and scribbling runes in Scandinavia while every other continent on earth had multiple advanced civilizations. They're not even a legitimate race. They are a tribe of albinos with an unwarranted superiority complex. Doesn't matter though. Ahmed is fast at work putting these flukes back into the recesses of the gene pool.
no one is trying to bury that.
they do outperform whites, at dark triad traits
But my Marxist professors told me that anyone who is successful got there by exploitation and genocide !
>says the pessimistic "white" guy in the thread who defends jews
If you are new, read this
spotted the nigger. what's it like to have black skin? kys
>albino child
Or did she get colonized?
Is Laurence Fishburne black?
>Nepotistic Jews take control of college admissions department
>Admit fellow members of the tribe at rates sky-high above all others
In-group loyalty
where have i been defending jews?
all i said was trump's gonna fuck you because you're all dumb and poor, and he's rich and has a stellar iq.
i'm saying you guys are getting scammed again, much like obama (also shitty) scammed you for votes with promises.
i'm saying that the status quo won't change because you guys are powerless and willfully stupid. and come on, your biggest tactic seems to be calling someone a jew if they disagree with you in the slightest.
i mean, it's pretty funny.
where to find more woke charts like these?
Holy shit I was so pissed when I heard that Jews were protesting that there was ONLY a like a 20% disproportionate rate of Jews in one of these schools and that it was "anti-semetic" that it wasn't at least 50% or something.
When will this shitty meme die? There is no fucking metric for something as abstract as intelligence?. IQ is just more white mental gymnastics.
>Create a metric "measures intelligence"
People care about IQ because of its predictive power. It's scientifically valid based on predictive validity.
yeah yeah settle down rasheed.
>Because of their role in replenishing elites, university admissions is a huge lever of power. The implication of Unz’s article (although he would probably shy away from this wording) is that a Jewish elite now controls this lever of power and has used it to its advantage, resulting in a massive overrepresentation of Jews in elite universities compared to their academic qualifications or intelligence, while discriminating against non-Jewish Whites and against Asians.
Dude modern IQ test are literally just testing for pattern recognition an account for all cultural bias. pic related is what an IQ test looks like, monkeys have taken these things and scored decently kek
IQ is the definition of psuedo science.
>Implying Im poo in loo
Nah just ruffling a few feathers Chris.
Once of the founding fathers of /pol/ here, ask me anything.