Stop gambling on crypto, chads do value investing with leveraged hedging during times of uncertainty.
Stop gambling on crypto, chads do value investing with leveraged hedging during times of uncertainty
I'm not Chad though.
this guy looks like the chad version of a friend of mine
The top half of his face is soyboy and bottom is chad.
he's just a very young Chad
I bullied Chad in middle school, he was a fag. You remind me of Chad OP.
I don't even understand what leveraged hedging is
This and I'm probably wealthier than him anyway.
yeah no shit because youre not an investor youre 20 and you just showed up here a month ago after getting lost on r/cryptocurrency
I'm 26 and I still have no clue how to even get into the stock market
uhh who told you it was okay to post my pic here? do u want to get sued?
Yeah guess you're right. Pretty sure he's look even better in his 30s than 20s
>that fucking hairline
So much insecurity on this board. Objectively handsome guy gets posted and every mistake here starts to get prickly.
Look at yourself in your mirror/cam and then look at that guy's face. You look like shit. Get over it.
But I'm a chad too and I look better than him
How do Chads have so strong jawlines
Is it true you can exercise facial muscles to get a more defined jaw or is it 100% genetics?
genetic or surgery
I saw a vid on youtube once time, a guy took a hockey mouthguard, attached it to 10lbs in weights and held the mouthguard in his mouth biting down. The results looked good, but it could just be a meme.
how young can he be, look at the lines on the forehead he's not even frowning. shit mine look like that and im 30
just take adderall and involuntarily clench your jaw all day
how do i get a chad best friend
Genetics, and nutrition in developmental years (vitamin D, K2), did they mouth breathe?, tongue posture.
how's trading crypto on adderall? haven't tried that shit since college, I would imagine it would be amazing.
the feeling when not given nutrition during developmental years
1) Go on an online broker's website (check the ones available in your country).
2) Create account (you need to provide similar information as when opening a bank account, took me only a couple of minutes).
3) Wait that they verify and confirm your account (took about 1 day of waiting in my case).
4) Contribute the minimal amount to activate your account (2000$ with mine, depends on the broker, they don't take the money it's just to stop you from trading with just 20$).
5) In the search bar of the broker's website enter the name of the stock you want.
6) Click buy and enter quantity (there are also options for price and time limits).
The commissions are usually negligible unless you day trade, and in that case there are usually monthly plans. For taxes the broker usually sends all the paperwork automatically at the appropriate time of the year. Transactions are usually completed in a matter of seconds if you do them when both the market and your broker are open, which is pretty much anytime in the normal working hours of a weekday.
Isn't it so brutal that some people have to face life in physically degenerated avatars like these and some get to experience life in these robust Ferrarri / lambo bodies.
>Isn't it so brutal that some people have to face life in physically degenerated avatars like these and some get to experience life in these robust Ferrarri / lambo bodies.
thats why reincarnation is real
>I don't even understand what leveraged hedging is
it's not a thing, it's a retarded amalgamation of words that Veeky Forums made up
>see X on website
>google X
>get no legitimate hits
that means that X is not a thing
I unironically almost believe some form of reincarnation is real. The light will turn off for me and I'll be gone forever but at some point in time, could be 6 gorillion years from now or 5 million years in the past, but it's instantaneous for you because you're part of the infinite at that point, the light will turn on somewhere else in space and time and you will experience whatever that life is.
>skeleton and bone shape is the same as muscles and tendons in the jaw
sounds like a good weigh to break your fucking face lmao. Its genetics if you dont have it you wont have it
sometimes I google a JAV that I know definitely exists but I get no results, does that mean it's not a thing?
a concept / a word is different from a fucking code
it's like ASMR
it's not a thing
it's a made up internet retarded neologism with ZERO medical or scientific basis
The only reason you think that is because being alive is all you've ever known. Humans are so desperate to bring some sort of sense to the nothingness that lies before life and after death.
Correct. All perceived life is a pattern. I existence is proven by induction. As soon as your life ends, the algorithm/pattern of your consciousness/life will resume somewhere else in some form or another whether it be in the same kind of biological pattern such as a brain, or a electric one such as a computer or something else
I just hope I can remember my BTC wallet wherever I end up
post a pic of yourself
addicting lol
The adderall is more addicting than the crypto for me, I started Dex to get my thesis done Almost a year ago with 5mg a day and Now I work in a fulltime job eating like 40mg a day and I cant stop :(
Shit doesnt even feel good anymore
taper off and quit
i've been on vyvannse for 6 years, taking breaks every weekend and often for weeks, but crypto made me take it every day
it siphons your humanity and must be crushed if you take it too much
literally all it does when you stop is turn you into the world's biggest gigaNEET
>sleep all day
>eat a ton of food
>be easily pissed off
wow look it's half of Veeky Forums
>Nee to have a million in the bank to get attention from women
>That handsome faggot can be a poor drifter and still receive 10x the affection
Like user said, just taper your dose down. If you struggle too much with side effects, take caffeine pills and/or sudafed (the kind you have to ask the pharmacist for, not the shit on shelves). But don't be fucking stupid and overdo it. Only do a little, and not every damn day.
When you get the addiction under control and need to take it again, just be smart about it. Don't keep taking it every day. Take it when you need it, and "take breaks every weekend and often for weeks" like user said.
Yeah it does siphon it off hey, ive noticed I barely look up from my phone, screen or what Im doing. The biggest thing is work that Im afraid will suffer. Mech eng and worried that I won't be able to focus or do shit anymore. Idk fears a shit thing. Il try taper very slowly though. Cheers for the advice bros