Stock Market currently down 1K
Crypto Market been in-sync with Stock Market recently, but it's currently flatlining because of Binance shutdown until 4am UTC (11PM EST)
US Govt. SHUTDOWN at Midnight EST.
Get ready for a FUCKFEST at Midnight EST
Stock Market currently down 1K
Crypto Market been in-sync with Stock Market recently, but it's currently flatlining because of Binance shutdown until 4am UTC (11PM EST)
US Govt. SHUTDOWN at Midnight EST.
Get ready for a FUCKFEST at Midnight EST
Gov shutdown and us stocks going down is both good for crypto.
Also ITT amerimuts thinking they are the world
Without china playing the game, we are the most important player. How fucking dense are you.
my qt DD asian gf sent me one of these god bless man
Comfy and ready
also bond market is continuing to fall
this year is going to be death
crypto market is not in synch with
All of my coins are in my wallets, safe and warm. Been checking delta a lot less lately. Gonna step back as much as possible and dive in headfirst when the market has rebounded.
nice forced meme, retard.
think your supposed to have your wallet be cold not warm. hope you dont lose your coins
>Gov shutdown and us stocks going down is both good for crypto.
i agree, just like last time when we lost 300m from the mcap
I was thinking of putting some more fiat in. Is the consensus to wait and see what happens or buy now before a pump?
>no qt teen gf sending my nudes that express how much she loves me
why even bother with this shit, by the time i make it ill be too old for it to not be weird dating 16-20 yos
Just date Asians in their 20s, they'll look 16 until menopause
Who cares if it's weird?
Who's going to judge you your mom?
everyone selling stocks to buy into crypto baka
the frequency of my shits has a higher correlation to BTC price than stocks gtfo with this shit
>millionaire kikes lose money
>government that invited low iq immigrants into the land of welfare might close, again
>tax season
Civil war when?
fuckfest not
assrape with broken bottle more like
so yeah this is sort ready to dump I feel like
but thats a good chance to buy some more if u have the money
>Crypto Market been in-sync with Stock Market recently
Do you have any evidence to back this up? I don't agree.
>Do you have any evidence to back this up?
you deserve to be fucking shot in the head
Can I join the crash party?