So guys, first time on the board. So me and a friend are able to get a loan of 30 grand and want to start a vape shop. We have no experience and we live in Orange County CA. So my question is do any of you guys have any tips for starting a small business?
So guys, first time on the board. So me and a friend are able to get a loan of 30 grand and want to start a vape shop...
youve been posting this horseshit vape shop thread for almost two years
shouldve just got that loan and put it into ethereum
Take that money and put it into etherium
If you actually open up a vape shop it'll fail and you'll have no money and you'll kys
on second thought open the vape shop
Oh ok well thanks for the help
people still vape?
Yes many
This was a great idea literally 10 fucking years ago. You will fail, brick and mortars already have their established clientele especially in a meme area like OC with a lot of vapefags. No amount of 'cool, chill vibes' will make people buy your shit, especially when its all available online cheaper.
You will fail x1000. I'm pretty sure most of these vape shops are a front for money laundering and drug dealing anyway.
>We have no experience and we live in Orange County CA
Retarded good luck in oversaturated 2013 market and competing with rich persian fronts
LOL fuck vapes fuck Orange County
Get your marijuana sales license.
I thought OC was one of the least degenerate counties in california, what the fuck are you doing?
>ahahahh yewww vape bro! gnarly man! cali dude!
fucking degenerate
oc literally has billboards on the sides of freeways advertising $10 1/8 of weed
It's shit weed though I know the place you're talking about they are lucky to get 1200 a unit for that trash
You are so so so wrong it is all a front to cover for mass degeneracy
Tip 1 dont start a business with a loan
Tip 2 start with as little capital as possible not arbitrary 30k
Tip 3 don't open a vape shop, find a different niche that you think people want, be creative.
What a bout making e liquid yourself? cheap, easy to push w some cool designs... not sure about the regulations on nicotine though
people smoke cigarettes these days. vapes are for faggots
people that vape are gay, you should sell dildos and butt plugs by the gay magazine rack you put in your vape shop
You will lose all your money- stay poor
OC is degenerate as shit. Anons wouldn't know that because what is the outside world?
Good luck OP. Agree with that other guy though, pretty saturated market unless you open up in south OC.
Glad I moved out of that shithole lol.
I live in Newport Beach, where are you planning to set up shop?
Here’s the deal, OP, there is already a vape shop on every street corner in Orange County. Every Mexican fuccboi owns a vape shop and none of them are making it rich. If you actually want to set up a vape shop, ask yourself why you are doing this and what you are going to do to stand out from the already established shops. It’s an over saturated market.
Also, take note of the picture you posted. Every douche flute store and pot shop looks exactly like that.
>Orange County CA
That explains why you are mentally retarded. God speed.
This, I only vape THC.
go easy on him it's hard to realize your potential in such an environment
>Orange County, CA
It's not that bad. Having lived in many different places in the world, originally growing up in south OC, I do have to say that this place literally has the best weather in the entire world.
The. Entire. World.
That's why it's so fucking expensive to live here. We have more sunny and cloudless 72F days that anywhere else on the planet.
As for the vape shop, unless you're planning to target high-end gated communities in South OC, I wouldn't even bother.
If you set-up something in RSM for Coto and Dove Canyon, with that specific clientele in mind, I could see it doing well.
Other than that, nope.
The mediterranean coast of Spain and France similar weather, much better beaches, much better food and much better women.
I live in socal and i cant drive more than 2 miles without seeing a vape shop. Most of them cant make it the 1st year and close down. Then more open and the cycle continues. We'll probably see the same thing in the marijuana industry here over the next couple years. A lot of people think it's easy money when it's not. If you want to succeed as a vape shop you need to be unique. 30k is not enought to do something unique or support the business for the first year which is what you really need before you even think about before opening any brick and mortar store.
>best weather
>72 degrees
Are you from Canada or some shit? That's way too cold for me
>reddit spacing
>calls it OC
>muh weather
>expensive only because foreign capital w slave labor buy up all real estate
nooooooooooooooooooooooooo no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
This. Don't you get raped by taxes also?
Taxes and regulations in the marjuana industry are beginning to be strongly enforced. Dont know if it effects vape shops. Some investors and I were going to start a marijuana farm at the beginning of this year. We called it off because we figured it would be more profitable to pick up a farm thats going out of business around early 2019 when the first round of taxes come around