Hey Dad, how’s your stocks doing?


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>are you winning, father? :^)

>fucking millennials you fucking pieces of shit fucking up the economy with your self entitled lazy piece of shit attitude. go get a job and help make america great again

Back when I was a young man I actually had to work for what I had. I started off working in a furniture factory and now look at me, project manager! I bet you didn't even know but I was able to afford that new television in the house because of these here stocks.

>hey Dad?
>Dad, look at the news, didn't you buy stock last week?

Boomers with perfect hairlines annoy me to no end.

t. balding soyboi

Most millenials are pretty terrible

Are ya winnin dad?


>Boomers will now post pink wojacks on facebook

> Mates dad lost $60k in the first half of the GFC
> Gets divorced and moves out
> Goes into day trading
How many working upper-middle class people are going to start killing themselves?


nigga only 2 days matter, the day you get in the day you get out

Only soyboys and numales hate boomers. and yes we are going to make America great again. Deal with it.

i lost 150k this week in stock market. if goes down more tomorrow i'm just gonna check out.

>cashing out
Where do you think you are?

But how much are you still up, user?

By that do you mean that:
a) your unrealized profits took a 150k hit
b) your initial investment is down 150k
c) you sold and actually lost 150k

unrealized profits lost 150k.
yea i'm still up. but now i feel like im gonna have to wagecuck extra years to recoup.

Audibly kekd
Makes me wish i had a dad

>It’s a healthy correction


Its down 10% after a literal year long rally with no pullbacks. You'll be fine lmao


>losing 2 months of profit in 36 hours trading time

>not seeing the writing on the wall over 36 hours of trading time

I can be your daddy if you ask politely.

But whose fault is that really?

Can someone explain the reason behind the sudden dip? There was no news that I've seen. How do millions of people all decide to sell withint such a short time frame for no apparent reason?

Because whales cash out on normie hype.
It goes up, whales take it down.
Rich people wouldn't be where they are if they were fucking idiots. They're smart.
They know the trends, and work with the tide, not against it.

pretty good, thanks

if the market crashes tomorrow like everyone knows it will, I stand to gain a possible $1,600

I haven't seen my dad since I was 13 :(

I'm not dumb enough (or smart enough, for that matter) to be investing in the short-term. Owning index funds (VTSAX, specifically) means that I can enjoy long-term gains with near-certainty and retire comfortably.

what are you shorting

The S&P500. Buy UVXY. I've simply bought 100 shares each time (twice) and I've made nearly 1k total.

We might hit 40+ tomorrow, meaning I will be very rich.

I'm also shorting S&P500 so I hope you're right!

You have to be the worlds biggest pussy to care about a 10% correction.

>retire comfortably he said

Boomers are faggots.

I'm not retiring tomorrow. Thirty years from now, that dip isn't going to matter much.

check it my dude


red all over, plus because of XIV causing big players to lose it all and large scale margin calls, there's literally less capital in the market to buy with to help save anyone.

We will be in free fall.

Gen Z will be the gen to save us. At least the ones who don't die from Tide pods, every generation needs a good cleansing desu.


A 10% correction is at least a 1 year set back, and a shitty coward market for the next months.

In Crypto I dont even give a fuck for any profit or loss less than 25%

can i make an aftermarket buy of this at the current price?

What happens if it drops immediately on open tomorrow? wouldi get fucked?

>dems already blaming Trump for this

>wanting to slave his best years for some old cunt to fuck bitches and buy yachts

>why don't you call and ask if they're hiring?

I gleefully enjoy this.

I remember the days my dad would passive aggressively tell me about how hard knocks he was back in the day. He'd call me a "coddled-millenial" or some other bullshit he reads on facebook. Well recently. My dad was let go from his job because his position is utterly useless. Now he's a miserable boomer who now has to realize, it ain't that easy pops.


Ahhhh. Now I'm wage-cucking, saving and HODLing. I may even start my own business. And this little boomer bitch is moaning everyday about how hard it is to find work out there. My mom is starting to think he's bitchmade too. I can't wait to bail him out with my cryptobux. HURRRR lazy milennials, get out of my face mother fucker.

Just buy some now and have a day trade ready in case your hands get shaky and don't get greedy with profits.

However, this is literally LITERALLY the perfect storm.

Trump already blamed himself for it when he took responsibility for the NASDAQ bull market

Dont bail him until he accepts he had it easier and you worked harder and smarter than him. Not a single cent until then.

>Yellen fired
>stock immediately tanks 10%

you mean setting a stop loss? What would you set it at?

My dad is a great investor, he made 100k on Twitter this morning. I am pretty jelly considering crypto has been in the toilet


I'd say off the top of my head at $20, but watch the market indicators tomorrow morning to get a sense of the direction.


How much he had on it?

And wt? Twitter? I thought they couldnt find a way to monetize that shit. I guess the psy-ops, spying, ai data gathering and propaganda distribution is well worth the money lost on it.

I can get in now at 27.91. Does it make a difference if i wait to the AM? I've never shorted anything before

This. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Buy a handful of shares now, some in the morning

don't put your eggs in one basket.

As the day progresses, slowly liquidate what you have so you remain safe

>Dad got a masters in fucking psychology
>hasn't worked in the field since 1970s
>retired because his patients shelled out obscene amounts of cash
>Equivalent of 200-300k/yr in today's money
>I get degree in Mech Engineering
>Get internship and part times
>land a whooping 70k/yr
>still paying off my 100k loans
>rent is 1.5k/month

>jeez son, why don't you have a wife, kids and home yet?

Should have gotten a degree in memeology and listened to some teens talk about how gay they are but can't tell others.

better than your internet Chuck-E Cheese tokens are doing, son... By the way, how's paying off your student loans coming along?

>all the bitter people ITT with bad relationships with their fathers
Call your dad, anons.

this is starting to be slightly concerning

TVIX or UVXY for tomorrow at open?

>two months of gains wiped out
woah dad must be poor now

Ugh. I just got into buying and selling(stocks thru robin hood) and bought 100 shares of Inspire MD Inc art $0.20/each. Shit dropped to $0.17 per and got scared and sold it 5 days ago. Inspire is at $5.03 & war as high as $7.66.

starting to look a lot like the meme bubble chart
return to mean 18k?

Oh absolutely
33% spics and 16% niggers
You havent seen nothing yet
Kek this

It's okay cause they make up for by WEARING TSHIRTS AND SHORTS AS ADULTS

Cash out of life?

I am actually not sure, he is a pretty big investor and twitter is one of his fun investments. As much as twitter has been struggling to monetize, they are still firmly engrained in society for now

Great son. Cashed out my LMT calls today with a tidy 132% profit, my DIA puts are starting to really increase in value, and I went short a handful of stocks that should turn down in the next 10 days.

How about you? are you still fooling around with that fake video game money thingy?

At least this is lasting longer than when you wanted to be a writer, or when you decided to be a guitar player.

What about those job apps you filled out? Has burger king called back yet?

>Most millenials are pretty terrible
>tfw one of the older people at work told me they fucking love what millennials have done for working conditions because they don't take shit from senior medical staff