It doesn't get CHADer or comfier than this.
Also, Folio thread
It doesn't get CHADer or comfier than this
WaltonChad missing in Chadportfolio
Alpha portfolio, gonna hit 1MM EOY fo shizzle
wayy too spread out.
guys, how will I do?
XRP 70,000
XLM 90,000
IOTA 14,000
ICX 4,000
TRX 500,000
Will I be chadmillionaire end of year?
Get rid of IOTA and get NANO
Also get rid of XRP and get some ETH
vertcoin lol
VTC should hit 50$ EOY with the USD exchange they're launching
brought in some fist and nabbed ICX and RLC at the bottom of the dip. Howed I do?
wtf is ZRX
newfag detected
You are going to lose everything. Shitcoins should be no more than 20% of your portfolio, especially in a bear market.
Accumulate Iota, don’t listen to this cuck
18000 - AMB
20000 - XLM
432 - SKY
4000 - DRGN
1 - BTC
am i fucked or what biz bromos
Where am i in 6 months?
If this shit goes under 100k I’m gonna end it
$6,444.46 poorer
My one way ticket to the moon.
7 figures
>comfy coinz
6.10 BTC
21 ETH
1500 XLM
6000 SC
Ill be millionaire by august
Before August actually
Ew Vertcoin wtf get rid of that shit
you should be able to get a solid 20% gain on that folio by end of year. maybe 30-40% if you drop that pajeet redditard coin
xlm and icx are the only acceptable coins in this whole list the rest are worthless normiebait scams
l don't think so user. He should get 200% minimum as from his major pickings
fiat is from cashed out btc @ 17k usd.
the rest is nothing but heavy bags