Here's perhaps the worst thing I've ever agreed to and still going through ATM

Here's perhaps the worst thing I've ever agreed to and still going through ATM

>be me
>23 y/o
>father is a used car dealer
>he asks me to get a dealers license so we can start a family car lot
>he's a registered felon so he cant get it, I agree
>still working my main job when car lot opens, he and my mother would be running it, telling me they've done this before

>I join but did not take control at the time, let them do it and helped around as much as I could (50+ hours a week, quit my normal job because of understaffing)

>come to learn I (the owner on paper) owe $9,000.00 in uncollected sales tax + $15,000 other misc. debts

>my father and uncle have been running this business into the ground and I learned about it too late

>my uncle has used investors money to purchase 40+ cars that sit on my lot, borrowed money from dangerous and bad people

>I can't sell any of my inventory ($60,000 wholesale) through the auction or various dealers because if I touch it it's going to get worse

>I am the title holders on all of these cars

I am so fucked you guys have no Idea, I currently owe:
- 3 banks (~$1000, one frozen by the DOR until tax is payed)
- Department of Motor Vehicles ($1,600)
- The State (~$9,000)
- Dealers ($12,000)

and smaller amounts.

I know this isn't /adv/ but I'm a /pol/ user that has no idea what I'm going to do anymore

I know it was a bad decision to believe my parents could run a business but I didn't know it could get this bad.

Sell all the cars and go all in on LINK!

What is LINK?

I want to sell them all but my parents think it's such a bad idea because they don't know if these people will kill my uncle or myself I don t know.

My uncle will outright tell them it is my fault and to talk to me about it, but I don't want to have my legs snapped

holy fuck this picture made me laugh.

Don't expect business advice here, its just a board for memecoins. Get a lawyer.

Nice larp faggot. You’ve been working 50+hrs/wk at this place and you’ve just realised it’s a shit show and everything’s in your name? Ffs this isn’t real but if it is the dumbest person in this story is you.

consider this karma for all the hate you have directed towards others unjustly

not larp unfortunately I was just gullible and let my parents and my uncle run the business, I wasn't being told the true story for months and by the time I learned this it's been too late

Let this be a valuable lesson in letting people do things in your name. Get a lawyer user this will get a lot worse before it gets better.

>Someone buy my CarCoin bags biz

Not falling for this again OP!


So what do you have on your lot op? Anything exotic?

Go back

Sell everything overnight for as much cash as you can. Move to the other end of the country. File bankruptcy. Let the mob kill your retarded uncle.


Thats nothing
I owe 200k to a loan shark if crypto doesnt recover soon I am probably dead lol

best and only actual advice so far. Do it op

40 fucking cars and you can't get 20k to clear your debt? L o fucking l

Seriously, sounds like you need to get better at selling cars.

Well buddy you've fucked up. You probably don't have money for a lawyer and your family will sell you out. Sorry but your life is about to get a lot worse. You need to buy a gun, go to a range and practice, much cheaper than a lawyer. A pistol will most likely do, as they'll just a send a nigger after you. You also need to get as much money as you can and go on the run. File for bankruptcy and run away. The mafia will have to go through your uncle for the money. Maybe keep contract through your mother, maybe leave and never come back since your family's are pieces of shit. God's speed user, they're coming for your thumbs.

this. your parents are fucking you. they probably took out life insurance on you and are hoping the mob wacks you for not paying up.

sell as much as you can
max out your credit cards
convert it all into monero
leave the country

Doesn't sound that bad to me other than you being a retard and letting them put shit in your name. What is the profit margin on the cars? How many do you need to sell to pay off the debt? Why don't you stop being a faggot and make the sale?

Why did you ever enter business with your dad/uncle- whom by your own admission would throw you to the wolves for their own misdeeds?

maybe start looking into bankruptcy and then disown your family? idk

if your uncle's in the picture why didn't he get the license and open the business instead of having it in your name? and why are your parents/relatives such degenerate pieces of shit that they'd intentionally ruin a young mans financial future? you won't be able to purchase a home, you won't be able to finance a car, this may even hurt your employment and rental opportunities if you're in a situation that requires a credit check.

Even worse, since you're not sure what to do, you might end up living with immense stress throughout the foreseeable future, which will continue to negatively affect your ability to perform in other aspects of your life.

In summary:
>if you don't care about the gangsters that lent your uncle money, just sell everything, recoup whatever losses you can to pay debts, and then drop this shit business
>if you do care about gangsters, sign it over to uncle/mom and get the fuck out
>if they refuse to accept the business from you, just declare bankruptcy and deal with the consequences

>in any event distance yourself from these destructive and useless relatives and find your own path in life. you're going to have a harder path ahead of you now regardless of what you do.

the cars are owned by my uncle, he's been taking the profit and not paying the sales tax

I would like to file chapter 7 but I don't know if that would handle the state and dmv's debt, I could possibly be thrown in jail

by owned I mean purchased with other peoples money, I hold the titles as the dealer

Honestly I have no idea how the automobile sales industry works, is your uncle an employee of the company? as an independent contractor? or is he literally just selling these cars without being associated with the company at all?

can you charge him with theft, or sue him for fraud? at this point I wouldn't hold back, your family has basically given you a giant middle finger and fucked you over, you shouldn't be afraid to do the same back. Don't let yourself get walked on.

"taking the profit and not paying the sales tax" doesn't sound like something one of your car salesmen at a dealership could actually get away with, so find some way to take action there

He's just been running under my license. He and my father are on the lease to the car lot, and are subletting it to me.

My uncle owns a corporation that takes the investments, not related to me. I never signed anything with him

>sell all the cars
>maxout your credit cards
>pull all your savings and investments out into pure cash
>go to a Comoros embassy and buy a passport for $45,000
>buy a plane ticket to Comoros
>live as one of the richest men in a poor African island nation

file for bankruptcy. list the inventory as assets in the bankruptcy filing.

not a bad idea