Why doesnt this nigger just put his money in legitimate coins instead of putting his money in clear scams?
I really dont understand what this guy is trying to do
Why doesnt this nigger just put his money in legitimate coins instead of putting his money in clear scams?
I really dont understand what this guy is trying to do
Other urls found in this thread:
IQ < 85
make sense now?
Congoids don’t learn from their mistakes, it’s one of the many reasons places filled with them are complete shit
>why do dogs bark?
>why do birds fly?
>why do nigs nig?
He's just gullible and low IQ, complete fodder for ponzis.
>All you retards falling for this
He's just an clickbait atrentionwhore .
A YouTuber basically.
he has all the symptoms of compulsive gambling. I wouldnt be surprised if he has a mental disorder that does not allow how to assess risk properly
even worse than being an Uber driver
i know autistic people lack social ques and take everything at face value, but maybe just maybe he is playing the dumb nigger for attention = $$ There is no proof of him investing or doing anything he claims in his videos. Maybe the dumb nigger is you at this point.
because its fake and he just does this to get views/donations
he reminds me of a cartoon character, always doomed to buy into the next scam
like Gil from the Simpsons
Clear scams offer bigger promises. Finding legitimate coins requires actual work.
ponzi, that's all his brain can understand
nigger that chart is two decades old, nogs had barely started to recieve the same education
He freaks out a bit here
IQ tests are independent of education and anyone who says otherwise is a retard who doesn't understand what a real IQ test is
Niggers are still dumb though
If you think different you've never been around black people
Because he expects gigantic growth every week. He's simply retarded and doesn't know shit about the actual market.
I can also guarantee that he barely reads a word about anything crypto related, except a few tweets from people with #bitcoininvestor in their Twitter bio. Which was the reason he invested in BITCONNNNEEEECT in the first place. "AY TON OF MONEY ALL THE TIME BY JUST HOLDING YOUR MONEY ON THEIR SITE! MOOOOOON!"
I think that bitconnect got in touch with him after his first vid got popular and offered money for pro bitconnect x videos. I have made some semi popular crypto videos and I've seen how quick these companies are to reach out
I started thinking this as well. He doesnt call it an exitscam, he's mad as hell begging viewers not to fall for the trap. Now he's mad at the government for not letting him participate in bitconnect x?
Nigger and legitimate are an oxymoron.
[spoiler]So is the concept of legitimate and cryptocoins to be fair[/spoiler]
This short video explains it
its obvious hes being genuine
He's just a dumb mark, you're projecting White norms & intelligence where it doesn't exist.
Average IQ of 85 for Blacks who are mixed 1/4 White. He seems 100% African (via Carribean) their average IQs are closer to 70.
>the average black person is retarded