Wish wisely fags
Wish wisely fags
plz pepe post bob and vagene
Crash the market so I can buy in cheap with my USDT that are trapped on Binance.
I wish for binance to open up on time
Link to $1000 eoy
Dear Pepe, I wish for a giant bull rally that gives me massive 100x gains.
LINK $0.01 EOY
Market sideways until June then parabolic lift-off
i wish to find £50 on the floor tomorrow
100x bull run incoming confirmed
Please Pepe let ENG reach $100 in the next 2 years.
I wish to be happy
Double confirmed, kek speaks
Crashing this market with no survivors
I wish to nut inside her
I wish for 5 ETH and 5 BTC
Fuck! I didn't make a wish, should've asked for the market to crash one more time before it moons so I could throw more fiat at it
make LINK crash
I wish my dad would stop touching me.
I love you
I want Sergey to show up at the superconference all slim and strongman-tier buff
I wish that whoever becomes the genie dies of cancer
I hope moot kills hiroshimoot and closes Veeky Forums and /pol/
Stop being such an ungrateful brat.
It's just going to spread to all the boards, nothing will get better.
Gimme a qt gf
Son, this belt doesn't just keep my pants up.
I wish for a GF before my birthday
I wish for people to stop jumping ship so my shitcoint doesn't devaluate any further
I wish my son would stop snitching
>I become a qt gf
fuck bros...
I wish for all the pajeets to be purged from Veeky Forums by a great disaster
USDT crashes and USD alt trading pairs are made.
Also give me 5000× crypto gainz
please let me be a millionaire by the end of the year
>Also give me 5000x crypto gainz
Enjoy your 1/5000th gains
great, i'm homeless
DNA, ADX, ETH, DGB, MONK, BUZZ, PROPS, BNTY, PRL, NVST & EFX. Kek has commanded it. For my second wish I shall have this girl.
LINK 1,000,000 sats eoy.
If wishes are fulfilled in post order than LINK is in for a hell of a ride.
I want to be rich and handsome, not autistic and depressed
Hello genie pls make BTC 20k again ty sir
Give me a big ol house and a new job that is entirely remote, sir Pepe
I wish to be rich enough through crypto investments to never wageslave again
rekt faggot
I wish I was a gril
Hello Pepe. I would like LINK to hit $89.95.
Give me 9/10 gf pepe plz i want to bust some nuts deep inside.
I have no need for financial wish as I have invested in multiple god tier coins like chainlink
bobs n begene. benegene sexy pls
Alt Market goes up when binance opens not down.
Pls let me have insane crypto gainz
more bobs pls....
pepe plz sir crash DOW & flood that money into shitcoins pls
everything goes to shit
He's not going to make it 20k because he is making it 50k by EOY
75k ??
i want to die and lose 5 million dolars
smart money
I wish TRAC to get down to my buy order.
make BAT moon by the end of march plz.
I want globalized Communism as Marx envisioned.
2nd wish, crash stock market and flood it all into crypto.
I just want a decent paying job back in Arizona. I don't want to be a millionaire, just a decent job doing what I love doing and to be happy in a decent apartment.
I want my mother back to tell her I loved her. I didn't mean what I said before she died. Please
Wow that hits home. I'm sure she knows you loved here. A few bad words don't negate a life time of love.
Thanks man, I just feel awful
and that's 1488 backwards.. better than quads.
Make bitcoin crash to sub 2000k levels
pep pls
Fuck You Nigga™
Guess you're stuck with us forever.
sub 2 million?
gotta be more specific
I wish for happiness and whenever i am upset, I can make myself happy again
I lose 50 million dollars
I wish bitcoin would die
pepe, I really want a 500SL and a girlfriend
Send all shitcoins like XLM, ADA, XRP etc to the moon. Let me lose my bags!
mr genie... what coin should i buy for quick gains? Down 75% on a coin and I wish to turn it into +200%
BTC to $1m, BCC to 0.00001 end of February
What are the new rules oh genie?
Thanks for them dank memes
Take this dank meme as payment for your service.
NEO TO $1500 by EOY
Golden bull run of a generation
Excellent. (77 the same number as the legendary Trump GET before the election)
My main long term hold ETN reaches $5 in the next 8 months.
Make REQ and ETH Become Number 2 and 1 on the chart, and make BTC crash below doge prices.
Peposhi Kekomoto.
BNTY $7.50 EOY
Binance comes up