Normie hate thread
Normie hate thread
Is that a fridge for foreskin cheese?
Kek came here to post that
SmegCoin when?
Ugliest fridge in the world
You can see they are poor for how everything looks.
I hate how poor people have no taste
A samsung or a normal fucking white fridge would have been bettee
And I say this as a woman.
>fucking reeeeeeeeeee
Wsting money on stupid shit.
also a JUST thread
Of course the vile roastie has to let everyone know she has yeasty beef flaps when she posts on this anonymous image board
A 3k fridge with no fucking water dispenser or ice maker. Wtf.
holy fuck
>literally buy high sell low
>muh fookin sides
sminem is bullish af
how do you fuck up this bad
post something fags
there should be plenty of normies getting justed as i type this
You start by getting an account on r e d d i t . c o m
>it has a cool name
remember when all the internet stock companies were called something with "hyper", "tronics","net" etc. in their name...
those where the first ones to go belly up because they just caught normie retard money with flashy names...
if he actually integrates TRX in several online gaming platforms and makes more things like the puppy thing, it might take off...
I never thought fridges were all that beautiful but... jesus fucking christ that thing looks like garbage.
Everyday I read justin's twitter and tronix subreddit for lulz
Greed can kill you. I would have just gotten the fuck out with 3-4 million. Even after taxes that's more than enough to stay comfortable and not work the rest of your life.
how do you think
>as a woman
did his wife just manipulate him to make him buy smth for her?
Is it wrong that I like Etherium because it has a cool name?
probably larp. You don't make 10k playing online poker being this irrational.
>it's not gay if...
It's as if mentioning you're a woman supports your opinion in anyway!
Congrats, slut! You know the rules.
He's not actually wrong about it being a good idea to buy XRP that low. The problem is XRP might take a year, seriously, to go back up even to just $2.00. It's typically a very stable coin and people know this. And that faggot will almost certainly find an excuse to spend his money in a year's time so it's pointless for him.
Tits or gtfo
> I sware I have crypto bags under my eyes
No darling you have real bags now
holy fuck, do these people not know how to do fucking research? Very surprised no one commented on this.
This was some bitch paid by prodeum scammers to hold up a picture.
>white fridge
I hope you don't think that's a sign of good taste.
the normie starter pack:
am I missing any?
hey man, been in crypto since early 2016 with mining ether. Bought XVG in June 2016 and held.
That shit made me rich. Don't mock XVG, that shit WILL come back around on the next trillion dollar crypto market cap.
meant to say bought xvg June 2017.
>Normie hate thread
>He says on the most normie board of all Veeky Forums
Let me guess, you jerked it off to a cartoon once, so now you're a freaky outsider nobody understands?
trips confirm, BCC is by far the worst of the normie shitcoins.
Ok who the fuck was shilling RDD to normies? I remember the big Veeky Forums pumps on it last year when it was still 5 sats but what the hell? They never released the ReddID shit did they.
Why would you hate this? Guy buys his misso a present with crypto gains just to spite her. That's fantastic I love it
Why even associate with such sub-human pieces of shit
TRX normies are million times worse, at least most of the BCC retards eventually came to terms with the fact that they fucked up.
sieg heil to that, bitch
>arabic tattoo
what did she mean by that?
As a man, can I please see those juicy tits
I saw this on reddit and immediately thought of dick cheese when I read “smeg” bahahahaha
Damn being old enough for tattoos and still having g braces. Jeez
I hate him so fucking much its unexplainable
Why didn't he just HODL and wait for 2018 to actually get underway? It's like a panicking person not being able to float
they hired people off fiverr to hold up these signs lmao
it's hot AF tho. does /b/ still do braces threads?
i saw a post a while ago
"if blacks go all in on bitcoin we can take over the world. period"
like nigger that's the whole fucking reason you aren't running the world right now lmao.
Oh look, two little losers that believe everything they see on leddit.
Hi little losers! Do you know that youre worthless?
>taking a bad shoop seriously
because the market is retarded, not because it's a good project
>he bought ripple
Normies actually piss me off so much.
The fact that Ripple number 2 in marketcap because of retard normies fomoing without doing any fucking research makes me so fucking mad. Literally fucking sheep that don't have any capacity to think for themselves. Greedy dumbasses are doomed to stay poor.
i was somewhat sympathetic until i read he was from india. fucking hell, Veeky Forums has done as much for my racism as /pol/ has
Hidden fridge best fridge
Lots of ripple hate
Ripple confirmed 12000 satoshi end of day
100trillion market cap
would be cute if she wasnt total trash. jesus an arabic tattoo, braces and the investing skills of a windowlicking retard.
I want to disagree with you but your right and thats why I like normal names on things. telcoin despite being roadkill has a great name. thekey as well.
I swear a new addiction is starting, itll be talked about in a year or so, crypto addiction.
Why do normies need to express their every thought to the whole world?
the smug smile in his profile pic really tops it all off
I unironically kinda likes the retro vibe from this fridge. But...
>fucking SMEG
>5k dollars
Nope. I would never buy it.
The account that replies is a literal shill user. He's in on it.
The fridge idea is awesome. Now his bitch is giving blow jobs instead of nagging his crypto. Happy wife is a happy life.
Post tits whore
Tits or get out roastie slut
>as a woman
no ones gives a fuck you cunt gtfo
>owns investment firm
>preach NEO
Lol holy shit that's crazy
>watchlist exclusively filled with cryptos and weed stocks
With a bit of hype and marketing you can get the normies to swallow all the memes. No original thoughts detected.
forgot pic, if you're favorite shitcoin is on here you might want to get out of it.
You have to go back