For me it's RDD and XP
Especially XP
For me it's RDD and XP
Especially XP
XMR cuz big brother
I have real holds too don't worry
1k ENG, it's also all I own in crypto...
Turtlecoin but they were all free.
Genuinely believed in DENT before i got redpilled on how retarded token coins are and will admit i fomod into BAT around the phily d saga
SUB ;-(
Sold the XRP, but I want to break even on the other garbage.
I have carvertical too bro. The team looks really good and the concept is unique but it seems like it might get btfo by other supply tokens because it is too niche :(
I'll sell it during its next moon mission
Why are they retarded? I've still yet to take that black pill...
Embarrassing to hold crypto in general.
Oh LINK too, I forgot.
They rely on mass adoption of cryptocurrency which is never going to happen. The money and gaurnuteed success is in companies adopting blockchain and integrating it into their existing systems, ie smart contracts and other processes that feed off blockchain. The whole ''im ganna pay with btc'' shit is such a stretch and thats the most well known currency out there. Now trying to convince everyone to pay with super obscure tokens and setup different wallets for different tokens because none accept all of them etc, its all just too complicated for normies. The safe bet is betting on companies run by people that know and understand technology, not betting on facebook retards to start teaching themselves
Minereum was a fucking embarrassment to hold until I sold it.
Shit, that is a blackpill. Well the token I'm invested in is focusing on private smart contracts that are block chain agnostic and can scale so maybe it will be one of the few to survive since it's not a currency.
musicoin bought at 0.08. it's 0.02 now
KIN, Bitdegree, Payfair, only 10% of my holding overall so I'm comfy with my VEN stack
So what should we be looking at instead of these tokens?
Do you mean shit where a specific sector could buy in and use their tech?
Dimecoin and ClearPoll
Karma KRM is 2 cents, RLX registered with SEC, LET 6 cents fresh coin on CMC Jan 25, CargoX CXO was almost 30 cents, now 11 on sale going lower. Acorn Collective OAK is half off presale at .70 cents. DTA is 2 cents. ENJ and CMT are okay tier coins with promise. Been looking at ZSC. AMB and Mobius. Lot of good coins.
Link and FUN bought link at 1.22 and FUN around .11 feelsbad
people always talk shit about it, but i think it's all a facade
I mean there are hundreds to be honest, and I dont know about 90% of them. The fact is they will be integrated into all different sectors and perform different functions but ultimately will all be of use as they can perform transactions more efficiently and quicker than the current infastructure, the best way to think of it imo is like blockchain is a systems upgrade for the tech industry, and eventually alot of them are going to upgrade. For that reason there are tons of different things from payment methods (the ledger tech not currencies themselves), to contracts, to processing info and data that can all be done better. I personally just look for good partnerships with existing giants like XLM has with IBM as it eludes to them adopting their project into existing framework. The day to day stuff is irrelevant, its what will get adopted over the next 5 years that matters and the exciting thing is there are tons of them that will be and will fulfill different roles
BTC or really any crypto
>tfw brainlet
>From Etherscan: There are a total of 37145 Erc20 Token Contracts
half of those are obsolete or more. But a lot of tokens and coins indeed. Always ones that rocket to the moon and always those that just don't do shit. Ones like XLM and REQ that take more time to blossom. Just hodl.
No you wont
It doesn't have to actually be adopted. Enough retards just need to believe it will be and you need to get out before then. A lot of money to be made on those coins.
I bought like 20 bucks of APPC for shits and giggles. Not my proudest use of money
LINK, but it'll be worth it when I'm a millionaire
fucking shilled by a retard
db fuckin c
xbr and trtl
Polybius. Wish I could dump these bags once and for all
XRB and TRTL srry
Colx, TEL and BBT right as of now.. aint none doing shit
Shoulda chucked it all on BCC
I have so much dust with shitty decisions.
What do you guys do with your dust?
Just see if it ever gets valuable enough to sell?
i made .2 btc from this and i ran away so quick after
sorry about that
This. But your dubs confirm it will moon to $5. My dubs confirm this as well.
Reroll for sub to go to $5 end of q1.
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeROLL last try
I had my XRP on Bittrex, normally I trade Binance. Bought at 20c anticipating FOMO.
Then, I forgot to set a fuck sell order and catch the ATH like the worthless fuck I am. Just totally forgot. After it slid, I went to check my gains. Down too far. Though it was a pre-dump bear trap to knock the price higher. It didn't.
So I'm still up x3, but holding those bags until the next pump is hard. I'm not letting go though, the worthless shit will moon again when the normie start FOMOing again.
Moral is, XRP. Not even once.
Can you red pill me on why token coins are retarded?
>being this short-sighted
>I mean there are hundreds to be honest, and I dont know about 90% of them. The fact is they will be integrated into all different sectors and perform different functions but ultimately will all be of use as they can perform transactions more efficiently and quicker than the current infastructure, the best way to think of it imo is like blockchain is a systems upgrade for the tech industry, and eventually alot of them are going to upgrade. For that reason there are tons of different things from payment methods (the ledger tech not currencies themselves), to contracts, to processing info and data that can all be done better. I personally just look for good partnerships with existing giants like XLM has with IBM as it eludes to them adopting their project into existing framework. The day to day stuff is irrelevant, its what will get adopted over the next 5 years that matters and the exciting thing is there are tons of them that will be and will fulfill different roles
Quoted for truth.
We are getting a major trust upgrade to our existing system.
i made 2 million dolalrs on xp.. i seen some fishy buys going on when it was fucking dead/flat liner.. so i invested couple of hundred... i FUCKING CANT BELIEVE IT WENT TO 1 billion market cap.. jesus fuck
I used to be embarassed owning bitbean
now none of you laugh
Im embarrassed by IOTA but just cant let go of it all.
I have a bunch of ICX that is burnt
AXP, easily
Same boat as you pal fucking XVG
Other coin I'm ashamed to hold was FUN, last year tho.
Also moar bulge user.
I have 50 Bazinga coins. There's no contract or exchange to cash them out but they're in my wallet in Metamask. I don't know what to do with them.
how in the fuck did you fall for BZC
why trac?
It was only $50. That's not falling for something to me.
Same fud as cardano and look how that turned out.
I owned a shit ton of BAT once....once. I dumped and GTFO and made my money back quickly somewhere else and never looked back.