>he doesn't have a $0.23 retirement plan
Explain yourselves
>he doesn't have a $0.23 retirement plan
Explain yourselves
just jump off a building, its $0
You've gotta pay for gas to drive to the bridge.
You have two feet and a heartbeat until you get there, I dont see the problem
The fat fucks that invest in crypto can't even get to the fridge without an asthma attack, and even if they did, they coulnd't heft their fat bodies over the railing.
>10000 rounds of .22
>3000 rounds of chinese surplus 762x39
>1000 rounds of chinese surplus 308
r8 my stack
Gonna use it at the New York stock exchange?
how thick is your skull?
Shit man where the fuck can I get 223 for 23 cents.
a decent sks cost 200 CDN (I own five) and the surplus ammo is cheap as fuck in canada... it only makes sense
>10000 doge .223
>5000 doge 9mm
gonna 5x once hillary gets elected
What do you think about its twin coin user?
ikr guns are for braindead drumpf supporters, we pay taxes for the police to protect us
it's just inflation hedge and peace of mind... ammo keeps pace with inflation quite well
Paid $0.10/round for 2000 rounds 7.62X54R.
>Pulled over in a traffic stop
>License and proof of insurance please
>Reach for wallet in back pocket
>Ingest half a magazine of 9mm as the cop has a mental breakdown and panic sprays you
>Victims family pays for his vacation time with their taxes as he goes on leave
Cops are just over emotional manchildren who convince themselves that civilians are all secretly terrorists trying to kill them
Nowadays, they are too pussy to just kick the shit out of you. Instead they panic kill.
take a taxi, they cant charge a corpse.
.223 is closer to like $.40 per round. Go with 9mm.
This isn't a problem if you have a gun and tell them. Cops just try to follow a flowchart, and lose their shit if you deviate from it. Knowing that someone has a gun the whole thing becomes a rote interaction.
funny cuz true
Check Ammoseek my negro.
Was one of the first things i invested in when i gradusted college. Shit never gets cheaper
>tell them you have a gun
excellent way to get killed, friend
the last thing you want to tell the already panic stricken trigger happy police man is
>I'm armed
I always wondered about this - in some situations surely it would make things much more intense if you say you have a pistol on you?