Did tesla fake the roadster launch?
Looks like its just sitting in a room and they turn some lights on.
Wtf is this? It looks like the feed was faked?
Did tesla fake the roadster launch?
Other urls found in this thread:
most nasa stuff is faked
most spacex stuff is faked
us navy runs the real space programme
it's a military operation duhh
the stuff you see is a psyop
are you kidding?
thats the inside of the fairing thats lined with weights to simulate a maximum payload
>not sure if meme
so it was launched with that covering which was then ejected?
yeah its the doors to the craft opening apparently
the whole think is fake tho still
if you watch the rocket landings thats the most obvious
also the way they act in the talking bit before/after launch - just actors
Don't listen to these autists, you are on to something, you just need to dig deeper and you will find it.
>The outside world is fake. Nothing is real. It's a conspiracy.
You know you can just go there and watch the fucking thing take off?
nah dude if i didnt see it with my own eyes it doesnt exist, the thousands of people that did see it with their own eyes, the reporters that were there, all paid actors man. When will you sheeple wake up!
Wait, do people actually believe this was real in the first place?
you guys are so fucking stupid it blows my mind, crypto is full of dumb money
>What are crisis actors
>80 bucks a head.
I know some one who was there, he said he watched on a screen. Think about that for a second. He was there in person. Screen.
You can go there and watch it from a distance, you brainlet.
But of course all the footage is fake and all the people are actors.
you ever wonder who makes all those 12 hour long conspiracy theory videos on youtube?
its the pajeets
they're nuts for this stuff
not saying the launch was fake but rather the payload
it was a super heavy lift rocket why would they waste all of the lift on a "test" run when they knew it would work?
What else could it have lifted?
So now you guys are trying to crush our dreams of space travel. Fuck your psyop post.
>thousands of actors get a measely 80$
>keep their silence despite being able to make literally thousands doing the rounds of news channels exposing the fraud
No one told their friends, their family, anyone about it? Gee they really are dedicated for that 80$ lmao. Youre fucking retarded
take your pick, but fuckoff.
What's the point of faking the payload? It doesn't matter what they put in there as long as it can simulate the maximum payload.
They could have used a concrete block but that would have been boring. Instead they used the opportunity for good marketing and used a Tesla.
It just doesn't make any fucking sense why they would fake that.
hurrrfffdd tmelsa isaa fake
There are four people right now viewing this thread.
>those that don't care that people think it was fake
>those that get triggered when people say it was fake
>those baiting and saying it was fake
>those with mental illness who think it was fake
This is the intelligence of people that invest in crypto
Elon gave it a 50/50 chance of working. The big test was in making three existing rockets work together in sync and not tear each other apart, all while carrying a test payload
>what are NDAs?
>what is being discredited as a conspiracy kook and being suicided next week by dropping dumbbells on your own head
cant believe these are the people that give me financial advice on this board
I really can't tell if Veeky Forums is full of retards or just people pretending to be retards for attention.
Some are the same people that bought into bitconnect
Frame by frame it looks like doors opening.
I think having screens very close to the camera would not be very convincing.
Yes they did the earth is flat and space doesn't exist. We are the center of the universe get over it. Starman is an anagram for Mr. Satan. NASA means to deceive in Hebrew.
forgot pic. Sick earth you got there.
The guy recording the youtube video sounds like my old roommate. I thought it was him for a second and got a nice dose of adrenaline for a mortal battle. I hope I never see him again.
Are you that easily fooled by a rocket launching and then crashing in the ocean?
Yeah, they faked the whole launch...
>implying space exists and we can go there
They forgot to CGI in stars lol.
Cont: I think if that HUGE grey thing with METAL BARS in the middle is not part of a SCREEN but a LOCK FOR THE DOORS.
Jesus Christ, OP is an idiot.
Should they be next to the rocket when it launches? Of course they have screens for closeups.
Just everyone read this and fuck off, threads over. Delete this OP
I see you're representing #2
itt: schizo's
I used to think you guys were insane until election spawned an the inescapable hail of redpills for months on end. Two years in since the GOP primaries I've come to terms with the sheer volume of lies that we're trained to accept in our formal years. People respond violently when I talk about flat earth, they don't know how deeply I empathize. Most people go through pic related when faced with scary ideas that they've been taught since birth are crazy, I sure did. The truth is out there if you want it, you just have to be willing to take hold, it's not an easy thing to ask.
lol i seen A 10 secound clip on cnn and i ssaid ya thats fake as fuck but im sure they sent up camras that cant detected light in space. you know because they did not plan to be in safe ans shit
>those that don't care
Truth but the dumb goyim will remain in their stupor.
I hope most of you are LARPing because otherwise this is super embarrassing. If you're not LARPing, you're fucking retarded.
Actually read it again and I described the people "viewing" the thread, not posting. But yes I was triggered enough to respond.
okay then what is the explanation. This isn't some spliced together video by a nutcase. This is the straight up live feed. Why would it change that instantaneously? what is going on in the clip?
She gives off such a homely feel, thanks for posting this user!
Because the covers pop off, and the sun shines onto the car.
Why is this so hard to believe?
Do you dispute the launch video (from so many different sources and positions)?
If no, then what's the problem? What's so unbelievable?
If yes, then you're fucking retarded and I've got nothing for you.
Sending shit into space isn't THAT hard -- you can figure out the amount of energy required yourself. It's well within the abilities of the human race. Fucking North Korea has ICBMs for christ's sake. It's not that big of a deal. How the fuck does GPS work!?!?
Not sure if you guys are trolling or not
Yea because there is so much to gain for faking a simple fucking test launch.
People are so retarded now days its almost unbelievable.
Ground Positioning Systems
Yup we all go through it. Its hard work but truth is not easy.
/pol/ is in full force today it seems
> Meanwhile binance is down and CMC lost 50% of the market cap in 5 minutes.
Ohhhh maybe THEY ((corecucks)) are spamming Veeky Forums so we don't figure out that crypto died just right now.
Millenials are gullible as fuck holy shit lol. No wonder you retards threw your entire life savings into crypto.
You think they would launch without a fairing you retard? it would be completely destroyed without it because its going through the air at 800 Fucking meters a Second
I'm not disputing the launch video or that a rocket was launched into space. Can you point to where it shows the covers popping off? I just see the background change but no cover pop off
This aint pol
Fucking normie hicks think they’re enlightened. Why would a company do this then? To perpetuate some Illuminati conspiracy? Name a reason to fake this without using the word “they”. Name the minimum number of people needed to pull this off who wouldn’t say anything.
Watched other videos and read the comments section. The smug, woke-fuckery in there is rage inducing. You mutha fuckers.......... Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Whats pol?
> He think this is fucking Gundamu
Because the fucking thing is traveling at thousands of Km/hr so when the fairing gets BLAST OFF and while the DIGITAL CAMERA SENSOR compensates for the buttload of lumens getting in, obviously, you will not see shit.
You can see it live FFS youtube.com
> Burgers are not worthy of what the nonretarded ones achieve, for real
you're gonna have to do better than that. I know there is a livestream. If the whole thing is fake the live recording would just be a live recording of a hoax.
If you can point out in the initial video any portion that shows the capsule it's in has the panels blasted off, I will reconsider
So is the car riding in a pressurized vessel and the air blows it apart when the locks release or is it blown apart by something else?
Sure, if they make available a stream at around 9000 FPS I'd probably pick the frame you want, alas, this is wireless stream from +100 Km away, max you get is around 30FPS if that.
But if you wanna trash the only Burger company doing something worthwile in 2018 I'm all for China and India taking your cake and eating it too.
All this thread starting to look like a ruskie psyop, GO RUSKIES !
i bet all these consipracy theorists also think bcash is the real bitcoin and tether has been faking all their deposits.
the absolute state
nigga u just unironically ree'd
...i like dis nigga
Here's a (you)
>video plays
>"wtf is this room right here"
Oh, I don't know, maybe the cargo hall of the rocket? Jesus how stupid can people even be
> Air
AIR In the fucking LEO. The homescholling is strong in this one.
They get blasted user, innertia and some athmospheric drag + gravity does the rest.
Well, I consider anyone that buys BTC/BCH to be no smarter that the nutjobs in this thread so yeah.
But in all reality, looks like the Russian troll farms are gearing up again, and the burgers are not getting wiser, shit is scary and entertaining at the same time.
t. sociopath
unbionically this
#2 fukkkk
i am a diagnosed paranoid schizo and i think it's fake
>doubt something
yeah i would think it would work the the other way and im not even in on op's theory
diagnosed by some cold motherfucker who's sick in his spirit. Just go take some ayahuasca user you'll be alright don't let anyone tell you what you are.
once again
>doubt something
>must be low intelligence
what do you even have going for your arguement?
no i have legitimate problems and i acknowledge them. i'll autismtext some of them:
>i routinely see people watching me from my peripheral vision. if there is a window, doorway, etc, in a room then when i'm not directly looking at it there will be a face (typically a bald man) in in staring at me intently
>i occasionally hear people talking as though they were in another room when there's nobody there. sometimes they are talking about me, and sometimes i hear the voices through a window or door just like the man watching me. sometimes the voices are triggered by my actions, like i will only hear them while i'm walking, etc. this is especially bad when i'm trying to sleep
>as a consequence, i always have a feeling that someone is in the room with me, someone is looking over my shoulder at the work i'm doing and judging me. this made doing homework, tests, etc, in college very difficult
>whenever i see people talking at a distance i can hear them talking about me. also, the newscasters, sportscasters, etc are all talking about me in "code" to everyone else. anything that is said on the TV that could be remotely tied to me triggers me (i HATE using the word "trigger" because of the lefty/sjw connotation)
>this one is the worst: at times i can see the spirits of everyone who has died in the general area throughout history wherever i am and they are absolutely terrifying. i know they're not really there but the pure fear that i feel when i see them is paralyzing. i have almost been killed while driving a car from being frozen in fear and i got in an accident. this is what made me seek help. the picture i included is a rough example of what the spirits typically "look" like, although it's more my mind seeing them than my eyes. i know it's the stupid cooper family ghost but it's an example
the worst part is that i know i'm mentally ill but can't do anything about these things. meds help some but the hallucinations persist
Legit schizo. Try to interact with them if they get back to you "irrationally" they are out of your head.
Also the Ayahuasca user might be onto something, look it up.
I got episodes not as hardcore or as frequent as you but still is ugly and soulcrushing. Take care user.
Who's at the source user? Government agency, your "sick" mind, or do you see and understand more than the average person?
>or do you see and understand more than the average person?
i don't believe in ghosts or any of the other weird stuff that happens to me.
>the newscasters, sportscasters, etc are all talking about me in "code" to everyone else
Damn I knew they were trying to tell me something.
I get scared and back out when faced with the next level of reality.
the next level of reality cost me my job, my car, and my sanity. i would gladly give you this gift if i could
nice larp
I think your real mental disorder is pathological lying
This flat earth and "every terror attack is staged" shit made me leave pol.
Please keep it there.
Mods delete this trash, please.
Afraid of the truth, just admit it.
desu many terror attacks are staged to justify an army invading a country without being the one to officially declare war.
But I agree, the amount of tinfoiling around this subject is beyond retarded.
I also heard that the Earth is flat
burgers have the wildest imagination
Actually I'm real butthurt
You guys are probably trolling but there's a whole army of brainlets out there claiming flat hollow earth theories and it just breaks my balls when I hear it
I made a hardfork of the flat earth theory
its called the flat hollow earth, it basically combines the features of flat earth and hollow earth theory into a combination of truth bombs that will blow your mind and will have you question everything
It will be running on the zetetic method network so it won't be vulnerable to science attacks.
All theorists can run their own node if they spam enough science videos with truth bots.
I'm currently running and ITO to raise funds for hollow cube earth theory to be funded so we can run an expedition to the center of the earth
Investors (I call them truth revelears) can join eventually be the first to move into the center of the earth and colonize it
I will be running everything on the blockchain because if Elon Musk or any of the Nasa ancient aliens find out they might try to stop the entire project.
Just like they did with the guy who tried building his own rocket
Flat hollow earth theory is the real theory
This is Samuel Rowbotham's true vision
here is a picture that sort of fits the theory