90 minutes, then begin Phase 2
90 minutes, then begin Phase 2
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Dammit Bog, you can’t keep playing these people like they’re pawns in your sick chess game.
Bog dump it on these fuckers, none of them deserves the good life.
>give them hope
>Its time
>Bear Market It
Are you happy with your telephone providers??
I've warned you Dahnald, I've warned you about the economy. You are playing against forces beyond our comprehension of the First Amendment.
Join us Dahnald, or die.
>pump bcash for 6 hours until he fomo's
>dump it
top kek
>He is FOMOing into the recovery
>Dump it
>He panic sold the dump
>Pump it again
>He isn't going to FOMO
>Continue pump
>He FOMOd in
>Dump it again
>He is holding this time
>Keep dumping
fuckin kek
>he hasn't seen the full pasta
>phase 2?
>but brother we're on phase 4
>fucking idiot I swear I'm telling dad
Does it not seriously feel like this sometimes? Like the whole goddamned exchange is just a show for your sole benefit, to rope you in to fucking up. That's why this meme persists, because it has truth to it.
If it's your trades they're watching you have to just hold when they dump it, they get bored tell you to fuck off and move on to the next faggot
Whoever made this is a God.
>see QTUM moving, grab some
>it instantly drops a few % after I get it
but then I held it for half an hour and sold it at 10% profit
control your emotions
100% It is like a personal battle with one's mind/bog
I-is it phase 2 yet?
OK what's Phase 2?
>He says we are go for phase two
>Dispatch the bogdabots in sector LXVI, make the necessary preparations for operation Black Bear, then dump the first payload