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Thanks just bought 100k
Thanks jib, just jibbed 100jibs
Team just left the telegram! Website is offline too! FUCK!
Nigger tier fud. I get you're trying to accumulate but this shit is too obvious. JNT will be huge in a few months.
JNT is an exit scam orchestrated by Don Tapscott and George Soros to bring about the new world order.
Or maybe it's a combined effort by soros and rich Saudis to gain control of the entire world's financial assets.
Yeah, your ironical fud won't work here
This shit is literally garbage
>muh Binance on release
No kek get fucked
I dumped my bags at 3x ico price and ain't looking back
>he sold for 3x
>lets pump it to 30x
fuck i just need 20K of this please don't let it leave before EOM anons i'm begging you
They are going to Dubai in a few days and will reveal the full details of the partnership then. They also stated that the market cap will reflect the assets tokenized soon.
So best of luck. You should pray they aren't tokenizing 2 Billion or something for the pilot. Because it's entirely possible they aren't just tokenizing one fund but many funds.
This coin by design was never meant to be more than a dollar. A literal tether clone. Except it’s tied to rupees instead of dollars. And that Dubai meeting has been proven to be a fake.
i just need literally 2 weeks and i'll have a chance to be a multimillionaire by 2019 god dammit, this better not take off or else it better dump like crazy when it hits kucoin
Didn’t you just say that? God you discord pajeets are getting stinkier and stinkier.
yes it's true stay away from this shitcoin fag
>buying a coin with a nigger kid name
do u even have to ask if it's a scam
That's jcash faggot
Yeah sure. They will tokenize 50% of their assets. How deluded can you be?
It will be more like 0,1% which is 4m and will basically have no impact. But good luck.
Good for you, man, I dumped it as soon as I heared about their fake conference.
fake conference? not sure what you're following buddy, stay poor
Can’t believe fuckwits bought this piece of shit
Honestly, how much of a brainlet do you need to be to buy this
It keeps dropping. Pls buy 100k sirs.
the fud for this is so bad it's making me wonder if there's some kind of reverse psychology shilling going on
jnt is absolute shitcoin. exit scam confirmed in whitepaper. please don't buy.
>please don't buy
But seriously though, OP you stupid fucking nigger, if you don't want people to buy this coin then don't make threads about it. Your pajeet-tier FUD is only making people suspicious and forcing them to investigate more closely.
its a pretty bad coin, there are a lot of coins that are out there that do the same thing with better partnerships, asset trading can only go to like 500 mil market cap at most. other coins do more than tokenizing assets and that is literally all jibrel does so best case this coin goes like 2x current price.
its pretty much just a fame-grab for the creators.
The moment a coin is over shilled and there's always 1-4 person appear on every thread that ask for coin recommendation, i know that i should stay away.
This reminds me of bazinga and UFR shill
This is bazinga tier bullshit, stay away
probably, there is already an oversaturated market for this shit and this coin is pretty not great. it is meant for like people with assets not other people, it cant even go above 500 mil mc
This is confido or BCC level.
Soon they will exit scam, and anyway it keeps bleeding and bleeding
Omg thanks for the laugh all fudders, its so fun to watch you all fight over who is getting a spot on the rich train first. To all newbies, this is your golden ticket to make it, now watch all the desperate people talk shit about my post so they can transform their baby JNT holdings to atleast a k before the train leaves.
Yeah sure. The god tier sandnigger coin which is traded sightly above 2x
Devery traded above Ico too and look now.
ricardo fuck offfff
You are delusional
Jibrel is the name of the demon who spoke to Muhammad and invented Islam together. Stay clear.
It's Jibreel or Gabriel, not Jibrel.
Yeah I'm sure something named "Gabrieel" wouldnt remind a christian the angel Gabriel.
JNT is partnered with Hammas and ISIS. Stay clear if you hate terrorists.
jnt also has connections to binance and NEO, binance exit scam?
Wtf i hate jibrel now
For anyone new, this coin has so much moon potential, their own telegram is SCARED SHITLESS this thing will moon before they have accumulated enough, and are fudding it in the hope new users believe them.Screenshots where they are planning the fud
lmao at the none jibby retards
My friends dad works for crypto, he said this is going to be HUGE.
I like the cut of your jib.
How dumb are you?
It's technically impossible for JNT to rise above $1. It would defeat the whole purpose of the coin.
i know this is jokey fud.But for anyone new, this isnt tether, if 2 billion of assets get added tomorrow, or the price goes to 2 billion tomorrow, then the price goes to circa 12 dollars, 4 billion, circa 24 dollars.See the below screenshot
i like how none of the pajeets even read the whitepaper, exitscam x10
Dlt ds
who is trolling who in this thread? Jibrel or anti-Jibrel?
Pajeets trying to get ppl to buy their bags
Arabic spellings in Latin are not standardised. Jibrel is the same Arabic name of the demon.
jibrel had 3 of the 4 most influential people in crypto speaking at their conference before the damn ico was completed!No vitalik to complete the set :( video proof below.The size of the conference, can you smell the money anons?Can you see why the pajeets in the jibrel telegram are so scared their 200 dollar life savings wont buy enough?
don tapscott, the don of finance and crypto
binance ceo, cz, also on the front cover of this months forbes
Da Hongfei ceo of neo
The conference was proven to be a scam.
holy fuck this coin is hot garbage straight up negative slope since it came out. if you put money in this YOU, WILL, FAIL
yep. actors were hired and paid very well. insider info, cant say more
>Implying ISIS isn't literally a Jew psyop
I'm all for Hamas as long as they keep trying to valiantly destroy Israel.
you dumb idiot why is the admin asking the question and a non-admin replying to him? ahahahahahaha
Who would honestly believe Da Hongfei and Don tapscott would vouch for this pajeet-tier scam?
can you smell the richest connections on earth user??
proof of talals credentials
yes because I saw Don Tapscott speak at my graduation about crypto. Total BUFFOOOOOON
wow what a surprise
He wasn't managing a $4 billion fund for the Saudi Royal family. That was proven false.
He was managing a couple 100k for some dopey prince who's 500th in line for the throne.
>Talal Tabbaa
pick one
false. stay poor faggot, screenshot from their conference.On a scale of 7-10, how scared are you right now you dont have enough money to put in this thing before it blasts off to mars :(
You must have some kind of brain deficiency.
Don't you know this Conference was a total scam? They paid every attendee and speaker millions of dollars just so they'd show up and vouch for their scam
The "hodl" meme is babby's first mistake, tour absolute shitcoin won't do a x10, get out for a 10% while you can and jump on the next shitcoin instead of holding bags forever
the maktoum family rules dubai
Where do I buy this shitcoin?
bibox and for now.Jucoin around the 20th this month, with binance and bitfinex following after, or possibly binance and bittrex, they said its coming to "2 of the 3 big B's"
jibrel partnered with loopring
You're funny.
how can jcash work like tether and be a ticket to lamboland at the same time?? and no , I do't read whitepipers.
guys, guys,
which one is better, bibox or gate?
JNT ≠ jCash
Nobody's going to spoonfeed you, because nobody gives a fuck if you buy or not So get the fuck out.
I called this during ico
Got told to fuck off so many times
And to think i was gonna drop 10k on this bitch hahahahahaha
jib fags are now job fags
This guy reverse shilling JNT everyday is great. Can’t wait for it to hit some good prices during the next bull run.
But, dear user, I dropped about 10k to it...
How is this thread still up?
Would have been more enjoyment to flush it down the loo
ID checked rant over
To let people know this is a scam. And it's working, price keeps dropping! :)
It's already under ICO!
how much should i be hodling to become a multimillionaire when this doesn't moon at all because it's a shitcoin?
10 million JNT will be enough to have 2 million dollars in a couple months. :) The coin is hardcoded to be around 20-25 cents.
>10 million JNT
that's only like 5 million dollars to invest right now, thanks for the tip bro
No worries, I'm an expert in reducing portfolios. Just thought I'd drop some free advice here.
every day the new jibrel thread reaches 100+ posts.Same thing happened with neo, walton, icx, req etc when they were at low prices.Dont ignore the pattern anons.