Thank this turbo faggot for destroying markets tomorrow
Oy vey but keep that money flowing to israel
Thanks Rand, at least someone wants to keep spending caps
Its not his doing, its Trump's fault.
>You're going to win so much you're going to get sick of winning
>Everyone in the stock market is worried because things are going too well so they pull out
That's what is causing all this.
fiscal conservatives are an endangered species
Thanks based Rand.
Ancap spring soon.
Insha allah randu pall!!!!!
Rand Paul is the fucking man. Only one left that actually cares about US 20 trillion debt.
they'll be back. after the collapse.
Thanks Rand. Say hi to dad for me.
Hope Rand Paul runs 2020
>votes for deficit exploding tax cuts
>fiscal conservative
never change, you pieces of shit, never change.
Nice illuminati triangle
the only republican left, yeah
based christcucks funding our destruction
Trump put a goy in charge of the Fed last week after Yellen stepped down.
thats called an easel, user
He voted for tax cuts and is now also literally stopping government to fight for spending cuts. At least he's not hypocritical.
Also, Democrats should have no say in the economy until they stop their whole party from insolvency. But also, fuck the RINOs trying to increase the deficit even more
you tard...tax cuts are good...he wants bigger spending cuts.
100% correct
Well, fuck. I might like the man. But funding the Pentagon and Military too, that's .... sorry wrong board.
i find it hilarious that in 2005 with 24/7 bombings in Iraq and Afghanistan the Defense Budget was $506 billion.
now it's just under 700 billion.
I know his heart is in the right place but he is a ramon noodle haired fag that no one respects and no one is going to back him up on this.
We pay 1 trillion a year in various welfsre programs. Imagine if we had 1.7 trillion to kill arabs with
>He wouldn't be a crackhead if you'd just give him a hit every time he asked.
Telling the government they can't have other people's money isn't exploding the deficit you utter mong.
Kill medicare first so boomers will all die.
well we have been spending no less than $450 billion for the past 15 years.
so just under $10 trillion dollars on Defense for the past 15 years.
not including the 700 billion for 2018
720 billion for 2019
Defense and muh roads are the only thing worth paying the government for though. Police and firefighters should be an insurwnce policy, would be way cooler
Then cut spending you retarded leftist piece of shit
Holy fuck you people are retarded
The modern right wing is a fucking joke. Either a bunch of dumb as rocks alt righters or sellouts. Obviously, it isn't healthy for the nation to keep going more and more into debt but every party just focuses on the short term to keep the people pacified. We need a jfk style alpha back. Funny how when it comes to putting us more into debt every year, somehow both parties get along so well, the cockroaches.
While it sucks short term, Paul is one of the few og and high iq politicians left
But do we really need to spend as fucking much as we do for defense?
>Police and firefighters should be an insurwnce policy, would be way cooler
God that's the stupidest fucking idea libertarians always put out
and how would killing Arabs help us you stupid shithead? The war has been going on for over a decade now, it's just a modern vietnam. We aren't going to win this one. As much as I hate welfare not everyone can find work, I'd rather money go to Americans living than Americans going and dying in some desert shithole
Traitor leftist scum
I still don't get why he's barraged with shit like "U R HYPOCRIT. U VOTED 4 THE 50 TRILION DEFICIT #TAXSCAM" on Twitter. Do those people not know what a libertarian is?
>burgers have super-shitty political system
>as powerless poorfags: "it's a left vs. right problem, let's fight about it on the internet'
you fags deserve all the shit these whales dump on you
taxation is theft, lower taxes are good
>Sen Paul can name 50+ agencies he wants to entirely disband or at least reduce funding to
What do you think adds more to the deficit, money pit agencies wrapped with red tape bows, or letting the average wage earner keep an extra 5-10% of their income?
what does more good in the world?
>But funding the Pentagon and Military too, that's .... sorry wrong board.
This shit only affects the pentagon and military in the most superficial way.
>alt right
Get a load of this guy. I bet you invested in Bitconnect.
> First-past-the-post
> Real democracy
Choose one.
Go eat a dick. He's the only honorable man in that room.
the alt right has become very dumb and very faggy
>fiscal conservative is good
go back to your retirement home, grandpa.
The funny thing about your image is that it actually was mexicans and blacks in this situation for the most recent housing crash. They imposed huge fines on lenders if they didn't enforce diversity quotas in the lending process, making sure that blacks and mexicans specifically were approved for loans they weren't qualified for.
As a result, Wall Street, lending jews, etc, cooked up a way to push the losses of subprime loans on the government, effectively giving blacks and mexicans free homes with taxpayer money while lining the pockets of lenders in the process. Clueless 'progressives' manufactured this mess and now they want to import more subhumans to supposedly fix it, lol.
This is why unregulated currencies and blockchain lending is important. Fuck bleeding heart regressives, fuck jews, and fuck central planners that think they know my wallet better than I do.
Keep in mind it was Bush who removed the limits on who could get a lone in an attempt to prove he wasn't racist.
> statistically a low iq, poor, uneducated group
> Not realizing you are part of that retarded demographic
You're right, I should clarify: 'progressive ideology' in terms of equality of outcome, of which Bush shared on that specific topic.
it actually happened
amen to that bro
I don't know man, they go through this same song and dance every few years. It's like they're trying to give the appearance of responsibility, of not being criminals bilking the nation for everything they can grab and at a loss for any real solutions to our problems.
Bush #2 was an embarrassment
I just hate you communist scumbags far more than I hate arabs.
>wanting the republican govt to spend nearly a 1 trillion dollars after the republicans whined so long about spending
christ you bernouts need to fuck off this board already
That was Clinton to my knowledge but Bush was equally shitty
> I clearly say I'm against welfare
> Call me a commie
Nice you natsoc retard. I'm gonna go watch a video of Americans and Russians executing/raping/looting the shitmacht now, just remember that your views and the people that hold them are dumb as shit and will never be taken seriously.
>"Taxation is theft," cried the doughy faggot on the internet which was developed with taxpayer money.
There;s nothing wrong with government regulation.. just keep it to a bare minimum, enough to make sure obvious scammers are controlled. I really don't get you people, capitalism ho! and all thet but we need government to step in and control the deficit and the markets sometimes.. it's out of control!!
just use nukes and you'll win this
Rand Paul will be a respected american in the future
Shutdowns do fuck all to the stock market. Never have.
good faggot goyim shill for more Isreali wars
Then Russia starts using nukes too.
Remember they're permanently stationed in Syria. Fuck you.
People able to create jobs
That's the price you pay for proof of might.
It's the price of freedom.
Spend more on it if you can desu.
This shit needs to close
doesn't stop it from being theft
Necessary theft, but theft nonetheless
>average dem is in lowest tax bracket
>average rep makes more
>insult your own voting base