anyone else have boomer parents freaking out about the stock market? my dad was telling he he's panicing about being down $700 and not knowing if he should pull out now or ride it out and now he's calling stocks a scam. I didn't have the nerve to tell him I'm down 5k in crypto.
Anyone else have boomer parents freaking out about the stock market...
Just be glad you have parents to speak to faggot.
t. No parent Veeky Forumsraeli
>came to this thread to post something snarky about his boomer parent
>see your post
>think about mum
>wish I was nicer to her
got too deep into my feels
>talking to boomers even if they’re your parents
You’re doing it wrong.
Fucking sick of all these faggot NEETS who live at home with mommy and daddy who have it so easy, bragging about paying next to no rent or no costs of living with them. Then complaining about them being judged for living said NEET life style and investing into crypto. Crypto isnt bad if you are at least half way knowledgeable but fuck I wish I had it that easy.
>be 24
>live a lone since 19
>extremely small family
>dont talk to sister because shes lost cause bitch with stripper mentality (used to be a stripper but boyfriend funds her life now)
>no one to ever talk to about real shit (you cannot talk about real shit with friends, 99% of your friends will never be people who care about you, thats life)
>no one to share real memories with or do fun and exciting shit
>no one to share success with
>no cushion if you fuck up hard
I hope half the NEETS here get their shit together, crypto gains wont be here forever. One day itll be as slow as the stock market, assuming its around for another 10 years in the same capacity as it is today. Hint: It wont be. Itll be overly regulated and gains will come at a snail's pace.
If anyone has any remotely decent amount invested in a crypto that will be around in 10 years, they are basically guaranteed to be rich as shit anyway . I'm mostly betting on ETH.
Had the same conversation with my dad. Told him I was currently down 150k in crypto and he didnt believe me till I showed him the charts.
He almost weant nuclear, but since Im a grown fucking 35 yo man I was able to calm him down. He cannot comprehend "losing" that amount of money. His reaction clued me in to his expectations for me also. Clearly he is hoping his son will help him have a cozy retirement....
Fucking boomers.
Are you me?
>my dad was telling he he's panicing about being down $700 and not knowing if he should pull out now or ride it out and now he's calling stocks a scam
Are ya winning, dad?
I'm successful and have good parents, but I fucking can't stand them. They fail to live up to my somehwat arbitrary autistic standards. I only talk to them like once a month.
>being so poor you panic about a 700 dollar flux in a retirement fund
He is too far gone
>having retarded boomer parents
>not having progressive immigrant parents with strong work ethic and passion for learning in late life who expect nothing from you except to be happy and healthy
Jesus the stories I hear from some of you are disheartening. I'm down 30k and my dad just asked if I learned anything from it
This is assuming any of the crypto you hold will still be relevant in the future. I've no doubt that technological innovations will make the current coins(BTC,ETH,..etc) obsolete.
Just look at the GPU shortage thanks to proof of work crypto systems. Its a joke. Is this really what people think can compete with centralized currencies like the dollar?
So sure, you can make money off this crap now, but I doubt these coins are in any way future proof.
Just move out faggot. Jesus christ you neets are pathetic.
PoW is obsolete, which is why ETH is going PoS. I don't see why you're so sure that tech innovations will render ETH obsolete when they could just copy any innovations.
I got my fingers crossed Proof of Space and Time from Chia could become a legitimate contender for the go-to method of mining and securing a network. A lot more fair than PoS and definitely a hell of a lot more decentralized in theory from PoW
you realize that most neets live alone too?
R u me
... make real friends. If you give a shit about other people chances are they'll give a shit about you. Not everyone, and the people who don't give a shit about you, ignore them, there worthless. But seriously make a few good friends.
Under fucking rated
"down $700" lol thats like a monday in crypto.
My friends father lost 40k in XIV. I lost 300 myself. He just entered his position last week too so it wasn't a buy and hold like mine, just horrific timing. I was going to hold xiv for years but I knew it's extremely risky which is why I put such little money in
sending love user :( life aint fair :((
>dad used to work for GE long time ago went through various companies since back to IBM now
>comes back from work monday
>dad the dow dropped big, the stock market dropped bad
>dad doesnt give a shit anyways
>"its just a correction, going down more would be a good thing"
Really goes to show you how much GE stock sucks balls
Nobody can read their consolidated financial statements because the purposefully obfuscated them to hit analyst forecasts for 30 years straight. They'll be back though.
Your dad only has $14000 in stocks? Holy shit you are poor as fuck.