devastating interview for cashcucks and shills
Devastating interview for cashcucks and shills
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is this why bcash pumped?
Ver and Wu pumped bcash for this interview to make it look good.
alex jones seems not convinced
after the 2 callers coherently called out Ver and his BS, Alex started looking for the out. LOL
>implying it wasnt randoms buying, like me
the interview was known to happen you know
Also he BTFO the phone shills and Alex bought pic related
true, that little faggot even pointed out that btrash was up that day. lol
he's a con artist. wouldn't expect anything less from a scumbag like Roger Vermin
Keep shilling corecucks. It wont save your slow expensive settlement layer coin.
Exactly like in december
you're not going to make it
Your days of manipulation are coming to an end bcore shills
Alex stayed mostly neutral because he admitted he doesn't know this stuff well. He was more than a little riled up over Blockstream, so I'm expecting him to look into this much more after this interview.
btc merchant adoption is shrinking bch adoption is growing
there is not a single reason to cap blocks at 1mb (non mining nodes do nothing)
segwit destroys the mining nash equilibrium incentivising the collusion of miners to change the UTXO without owners signatures.
You can only trust jihan and roger to not be doing this right now.
why introduce segwit before a blocksize increase when lightning network requires 133mb as specified in the lightning network whitepaper
why introduce segwit at all when it is not necessary for second layer solutions
lightning network will not be decentralized because to solve the routing problem is NP hard
why would anyone want lightning network when it is not a decentralised ledger? the whole point of bitcoin is to scale on chain as that is what makes decentralised uncensorable money which can free all the people in the world from the financial repression of central banks
this. and I actually think there is something to the wordplay thing he mentioned about blockstreams name.
If Alex decides to go deeper on this, we could be in for a wild ride. His reach is crazy
and you think scaling with large block size is a solution? you're just kicking the can down the hill
the truth of the matter is that bcashies are scared shitless because they know how LN is going to drive merchant adoption.
just be sure to sell your stack of shitcoins before BTC skyrockets
link to vid?
What does it do better than LiteCoin though? Is there any reason to use BCH over LTC?
what does LTC do better than BCH?
I think transaction speeds are similar, but after the next update LTC should have really, really low fees.
It was 70% volume from OKex at one point, 1bn out of 1.3bn total volume. And you say it was random buyers?
LTC is a copy/paste of bitcoin thats going the LN route.
BCH is going for actual on chain innovation.
Tokenization/coloured coins and smart contracts are coming to BCH this year.
There may be other coins with better "tech", but they don't have the hashpower, history, or name recognition to get them off the ground. Bitcoin Cash is about continuing Bitcoin, using the many SHA256 mining machines that already exist in a more efficient way. It benefits the users via cheaper and faster txs, sticks to the whitepaper, even Satoshi's coins are still there on their private key so it is fair historically.
Sorry should have included the tweet:
what is RSK
saying it was Jihan is retarded conspiracy shit. I personally bought a big batch because I thought infowars would pump it.
If volume was good on OKex it could have been any whale
Besides how would it be bad if they pumped it lmao. Its great having billionaires to support your coin.
Literal fucking retard alerts
Big blocks scale:
2nd layer shit is ok ////as a minor part of the network//// aka a channel between bittrex/binance/coinbase etc but not for every day use. Aka you use it for super high volume, persistant transactions but when the fucking blocks are full then EVERYONE is forced to use it. Its fucking RETARDED because its literally just the internet style connectinos as a second layer. You plan on running a lightning node? Cute, now whats it gonna connect to? You ahve to have a super fucking well connected node to actually reach the place you want to go. So what does that mean? You're gonna pay a fucking monthly fee the BlockstreamTM supernode service or ComcastTM supernode service or AT&T supernode service so they can reroute your payments with high channel liquidity and highly connect nodes. You really think this is the future? Wake the fuck up core cucks. You've been fucking hijacked and you're letting politics blind you like rabid dogs. Its honestly reminiscent of liberals in the 2016 election screaming muh racism muh bigotry muh nazis like headless sheep
Make no mistake, the true OG ancap and libertarians that were the early crypto adopters are all anti BTC core cuckoldry
>why Bitcoin is not Bitcoin
If you do not mind small groups of people manipulating the market to take advantage of everyone not in their cabal, well, i rest my case. You do you.
Where do you think you are. Go trade some SEC regulated securities cucklet.
crypto is libertarian
you're not going to make it.
I don't think you were watching the same interview as I was friend.
The two core shills sounded like they were paid operatives. "LOL BCASH IS A CHINESE SCAM"
i died when those two callers kept referring to trash as bcash
so good
sooooo gooooooooood HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
eat shit Roger. fucking soyboy
bcash please
So you went from "you have no proof it is Jihan" to "I do not care what they do"
and to have blasted that truth on a supplement shilling talk show geared towards incestious midwestern americans. parfait
right. that's why bcash is completely manipulated by a chink miner and a scumbag con artist
>hurr durr bcash is a scam because roger ver sold firecrackers and jihan wu is chinese
Yea Im sure Alex and his audience who deal with retarded leftist shills almost full time will fall for that.
Fucking whew those callers made Roger more legitimate
Nobody knows who pumped. I personally bought big time because I knew Infowars is big.
And if It was Jihan I would approve of it. Yes.
Your marxist jelly-ideology doesn't phase true bitcoiners and libertarians.
Wanna know why Jihans company is #1? because hes the best at it.
Why is Roger in most successful BTC startups? because hes a fucking good entrepeneur and I'm glad hes pushing for satoshis vision.
They are real assets.
Did you take too much super male vitality?
super male 30% gains are enough
So stoping people from scamming others is "marxist jelly-ideology" now? What about the police? Should they come to defend you when Jamal hears you have some crypto and comes to bash your skull. At which point do you think government should protect the normal people against the predators?
>Digital currency
holy shit what is this meme, how the fuck did roger ver get this lucky lmao
what a retard
Still Climbing in Price and Bullish
The samefagging is strong in this thread, it's like a swarm of pajeets descended on Veeky Forums to FUD Bitcoin Cash like they were paid to do it
let them have their moment,,
it comes once in a blue moon
till the next few months Vercucks! hang tight.
>BCH is a scam
again claims with no arguments. If anybody is being scammed its the BTC bagholders who get duped into thinking LN will work or uphold decentralization.
What are you even saying. Bitcoin being electronic cash is literally in the whitepapers title.
Bcore does not qualify as currency anymore, just like the core devs and blockstream admittedly intended.
>worth less than half the amount of sats than it was a few months ago
god you faggots are the fucking worst, every fake bcash pump is the same, with the same shills showing up afterwards. fuck off back to plebbit with this shit
6 month leader? bcash is only 6 months old you fucking retard. Once again, it is worth less than HALF sats than it used to be. Do you not understand this concept? holy shit
I see i am talking to a brainlet here. I never said "bcash is a scam" i said these market manipulations are scamming people out of their money because they are not "real" price movements.
Bitcoin (BCH) started in 2009 friendo
the only reason transactions are cheap is because nobody is using it
You are biggest brainlet in the fucking Milky Way. Do you not understand difference between insider trading and market price manipulation? I am talking to a retard here. I just do not want to burn any more calories arguing with a peanut brain cashie.
It will always be cheap because blocks will always be "empty".
32 MB blocks coming this may with the same hardfork that will activate the OPcodes and pave the way for tokenization and smart contracts
BTC was at 20K and it is at 8K now
BCH was at 4,3K and is 1,5K now
everything faceplanted
Again, where do you think you are? Go trade some SEC regulated securities cucklet.
crypto is libertarian. You can buy/sell pump/dump with your money whatever you want.
bch was .34 sats
it is now .16, and will drop after the pump fails again
I can't stand bcash supporters. Literally can never shill the coin on its own merits. It's always bcash vs btc. In addition to every thing thats wrong with it, it has the most retarded fucking "community" and probably the worst spokesperson possible. You wonder why everyone hates it so much, this is why. It doesnt help that you only come out during the fake pumps either. I have every original coin from the fork and i hope this shit goes to 0.
> scared shitless because they know how LN is going to drive merchant adoption.
No one will use lightning on btc. Onchain network to obsolete for LN to resuscitate blockstream's rotting carcass of a coin
and ffs just call it bcash, it sounds better
This. Blockstream didn't patent LN because they realize it won't work.
>he counts in sats of a useless slow banker-controlled shitcoin
count in fiat then you dumbfuck
sold your bch months ago, and bought it back? 2x more fiat
or count it in shitcoins
sold your bcash 2 months ago? buy it back and get 2x bcash
literally the dumbest fucking shills
>Literally can never shill the coin on its own merits
no shilling here, but i'm good in making money
measuring BCH in sats is obviously not Bitmain's endgame
>the most retarded fucking "community" and probably the worst spokesperson possible
indeed - it might have amounted to something but for the loathsome people backing it
Does Roger Ver have asperger's syndrome?
I sold all my coins when the bubble obviously popped.
Still DCAing in and will have at least 5xed my portfolio when im done.
it will continue rallying
Attacking Alex audience will definitely sway people to Blockstream.
if bcash had any shot, it would have been being a legitimate "we're a fork of bitcoin, because we think bitcoin should be x". Maybe people would have taken interest and it could have developed into something. Not massive shilling, misleading people through and twitter campaigns "BCH is the real bitcoin". Not having roger ver as your fucking frontman. They shit the bed by doing this, and constantly trying to start fake pumps to FOMO people into thinking it would flip BTC just makes them look more asinine.
>32 MB blocks coming this may with the same hardfork that will activate the OPcodes
My body is ready.
All of what you said is nonsensical reddit FUD.
BCH literally is the real bitcoin.
t. actual early adopter (2012)
Bcore Segshit shouldn't be deluding people into thinking it's Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a currency, which bcore is not, Bitcoin is driven by the free market, whie bcore is controlled by a totalitarian central planning body, Bitcoin is free from government control, which bcore won't be thanks to lightning. Bitcoin Cash is everything Bitcoin was supposed to be, and by the laws of economics, only it has a future.
>Not having roger ver as your fucking frontman.
indeed. they made a bad move in an otherwise meticulously planned takeover attempt
Ver is just not much of a likable person, neither is the dollar vigilante, etc., etc.
This is the least attack resilient network ever. All those hops inviting Sybil attacks. Centralized hub points of failure that NEED to be online at all times otherwise everybody's money goes byebye.
They even list the fucking IP addresses of the goddamn hubs. Just click a hub check the URI@IP in the bottom left corner and DDOS the shit out of it.
It also doesn't even fucking work anyway:
Roger shilled BTC heavily in the early days. Crypto as a whole wouldn't be where it is today without him starting the shilling in 2010.
>Ver is just not much of a likable person, neither is the dollar vigilante, etc., etc.
I find them to be extremely likable people, unless you're a fucking commie statist, in which case nobody cares about your feelings.
>At which point do you think government should protect the normal people against the predators?
A government *is* the biggest predtator in a given geographic area, hency why the need for bitcoin - to protect one's savings from its extortion and the fiat ponzi scheme.
he did play a part, but the war for hearts and minds is on a different scale now, while he is still pushing the same rehashed narrative from five years ago. 'regular' people are scared of zealots with hints of neuroticism
i might as well be a commie if i'm talking to you for free haha
i like roger but my only problem with him is he just says "you can send bitcoin cash to anyone in the world at any time instantly and for pennies" like 20x every interview, i'd like for him to actually discuss the future scaling of bch, like is just having no limit on blocks enough for bch to scale to hundreds or even thousands of txps? and why exactly is segwit and LN not enough to allow bitcoin to scale?
> Implying that BTC and BCH are not shilled by the same team of people.
This goodcop badcop is getting old, nobody is falling for it anymore fucking shills. Buying either is kill in 2018, so obvious even norman got it.
>he is still pushing the same rehashed narrative from five years ago. 'regular' people are scared of zealots with hints of neuroticism
What is it about what he's doing you disagree with exactly? It's not about whether you're liked, it's about whether you're right, and that's what wins the race in the long run. The thing with you commies is everything you say 1)either makes no logical sense 2)has no content, such as the meaningless empty statements as these
He uses his soundbites in interviews like that where he doesn't have much time to get the point accross to newbies. There are plenty of podcasts where he talks in depth
>They even list the fucking IP addresses of the goddamn hubs.
They have to, every LN node must be known publicly to make routing possible.
Go to the piratesbay and see what they accept for crypto donations
>implying they figured out routing
I shit you not, right now the routing is so shitty, the only way they have to verify it right now is sending small test-transactions to see if it gets through
go on 30k bitpay-using shops and see which coin they all start accepting in Q1 2018.
link plz, especially any where he talks about btc vs bch scaling
Corecucks claim Cash supporters or I guess Ver "spammed" BTC, spiking the meempool. If Cash people really wanted to shit on them, they'd just DDOS their retarded LN nodes.
they get technical in his debate with richard heart for instance
who you kidding fag?
bch will win
Yes, but Jamal is a super predator. Do you want anyone to step in and help you, or should you just defend for yourself, and if you are not able to, meh, who cares?
On mainnet or testnet? That's interesting, did you test it yourself?
I don't think they care about routing, few banks (like strike, literally a LN _bank_ that you have to trust, made by LN developers) and few hubs are the only model that's economically viable anyway. Current network topology is economically absurd.
The fun thing is, once people unilaterally withdraw from not responding hubs their funds are going to be locked for 24 hours (time limit for penalty transactions). A simple ddos of major hubs could be really effective.
>On mainnet or testnet?
There are multiple implementations but basically they send sortof "ping transactions" to see if the route they want to use actually works.
That alone should tell any software developer what a shitty solution it is at this point in time.
Keep in mind every Channel along the way needs a balance that is higher than your tx so even if you have a working route, it can only transfer as much BTC as the thinnest channel on your route
The problem with btc isn't that it doesn't follow thet original idea but far worse than that it made a critical mistake when it went 100% all into the LN which isn't likely to ever be used. Just compare btc with Ethereum and Monero, they will have their own LN but it'll be in addition to many other scaling solutions, they didn't put all their eggs in one solution which doesn't exist yet.
yup. Ethereum has multiple highly skilled teams working on several solutions while the BTC devs chill waiting for third party vaporware to appear and solve EVERYTHING
Etherium is also an ICO which got huge funding. also they they own the token, while companies involved in btc do not "own" anything.